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Kevin - 6th Juror


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Kevin is adorable. I hope if there is another All Stars, kevin gets picked.

On another note.. Before the final HOH comp, the cameras panned to the audience before commercials and we saw Jordan's family and Gnat's family.

I never saw anybody there for Kevin? Was anybody there?

I didn't expect his parents to be there because of the religion thing. (I'm a former Jehovah's Witness so I definitely understand what Kevin has gone through and why he feels the way he does about religion).

we wondered the same thing...I hope he had people to hug when he finally got back to the real world!

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we wondered the same thing...I hope he had people to hug when he finally got back to the real world!

It breaks my heart for him. I would love to email Kevin just to let him know he's not alone with the whole religion/family thing.

I would adopt him. He's adorable.

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At one point when they were going to a break, they showed a woman and a guy and the caption under them said "Kevin's Family". I was surprised by it because I knew he hadn't talked to his mom in a long time. Who knows? Maybe it wasn't his mom or brother. No way to know.

I give Kevin kudos for the way he handled himself last night. I think he was in shock when Jordan beat him in the last comp and from that point forward he was in a fog. It all happened very quickly for him. Comp, eviction, ask a question, vote, learn about the lies, etc.....

That would mess with anyone's head after living in that house for so long, lol

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I went back and watched it On Demand (fast forwarded until I saw it). I saw a male and female. Male was his bf.. the female couldn't have been his mother. She looked too young.

He probably won't even get a phone call from his parents. I would be surprised if he did. Poor baby. :(

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I liked Kevin but wasn't thrilled that he ended up aligning with the gnat. He didn't have much choice but I wish he had hooked up more with Michelle.

Felt sad that he didn't make F2 over the evil one but knowing the jury may have picked him over Jordan makes me shiver so all's well that end's well. I do hope he gets his HOH hoodie back from the little hood rat. He is partly at fault for buying her bully behavior and not standing up to her more.

Glad he kept his true feelings to himself and went out in such a gracious manner. That will be noted by many. He was such a cutie and I wish him continued happiness in his long term love. That will still be there long after the gnat has gambled her winnings away.

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Same thought process jeff had about winning the POV!!!

Had Kevin lost the final comp to Michelle ,it wouldn't have mattered,he still would have gone to F2!!!

Yes winning that final comp would have put him in F2, but if he had strategically taken Michelle he didn't need to win to get to F2...

He fully intended to dump gnat at F2 ,he was banking on winning the final comp and taking what he thought was an easy win, jordan to F2.. He put the cart before the horse...

That is called playing the game stratgecially, rather than just thinking the game is ALL about winning comps, or being nice, or lieing good, but that is JMHO!!! ;)

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I think Kevin played a great game. And, I love the he truly appreciated playing the game and being in the house.

Kevin represented gay males well...not sure I can say that for many of the previous gay houseguests.

He also may have made a small dent for gay rights by "humanizng" for some that gay's can be in committed relationships but do not get the same rights AND reminded folk that people as nice as Kevin are shunned by their own families just because they are gay.

At any rate...I hope Kevin is somehow able to leverage his "fame", acheive more dreams and have a good life.

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I think Kevin played a great game. And, I love the he truly appreciated playing the game and being in the house.

Kevin represented gay males well...not sure I can say that for many of the previous gay houseguests.

He also may have made a small dent for gay rights by "humanizng" for some that gay's can be in committed relationships but do not get the same rights AND reminded folk that people as nice as Kevin are shunned by their own families just because they are gay.

At any rate...I hope Kevin is somehow able to leverage his "fame", acheive more dreams and have a good life.

I did like Kev's game a lot, I really hoped for a him/Michele final 2 (with Michele winning tho). Strategically, he has been one or the better, if not the best gay man to play the game. While his antics when he was under the influence of Nat were not always the best, he definitely did for the most part wasn't overly cocky or obnoxious as some of the other players this season. He has had a lot to go through in his life (being gay, being ex-communicated from his church, Poland's Syndrome). I truly wish him not but the best outside of this game.

With that said, I really wish that Nat would stop saying that she wants a BB wedding. It's not gonna happen, because no one want to see that bull-s. If there is any BB wedding I want to see, It's Kevin and his man right after California allows gay marriage (again for good).

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Of the f3 I thought he should have won. I liked him in the beginning but he sort of got lost among the other stronger personalities. Chima's expulsion was a godsend for him because he was forced to step up his game and he did a great job of doing that. He's smart, funny and cute as heck so I'm sure he'll continue to do well.

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