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I know I'm a little late to the party bu....


WAY TO GO JORDAN!!!!! I was so happy. That saved this season for me... that and when Julie verbally Bitched Slapped Nat... It was actually mental and physical. HA HA HA :animated_rotfl:

I loved how Nat tried to say she was so mentally tough and smart, but it was a mental mistake (not skipping the ball in wrong place) that made her lose! Plus Jordan beat her physicaly also she was so much better at getting the balls into the holes.



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what makes you think she will be playin for 2nd, did you hear how the jury feels about Natalie?? Not so good, so if Jordan takes Natalie whenand if she wins the 3rd part She will win the big bucks.

Just my own personal opinion. You just never know if people will hold that age lie against GNat. Sure they show them upset but will they all hold that grudge? Sure Jordan has a chance to win but for me I think she's playing for 2nd place depending on how the jury feels about who she is up against. I think Kevin stands a strong chance of winning no matter who he is up against. I hope I am wrong if she wins and takes GNat.

I have no idea how they will vote. What they say beforehand, is not always how they react when it comes time to vote. I am usually always surprised at some jury member votes. I still believe that this might be the most personal jury I've seen in all the BB seasons and I've watched them all except for one.

My exact point. Usually the jury members move on past personal feelings but this year so many can not let go. Look at how they reacted when Jeff came into the house. Lydia was the most annoying about it. Lyida will be the most personal voter but it is hard to say how Jessie, Russell and Jeff will vote. Those guys seem to understand it was a game and as they say they got got but you just never know with the way BB has edited things for us to see. When you look at it no matter how goes to the F2 the jury is voting for people they probably never saw in the end and probably feel is less deserving of it. BB is about getting to the end by any means. No rule saying you can not ride coat tails and fly under the radar. It should be about who out of the F2 played the best game against all odds.

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I would love for Jordo and Kevin to tell Gnat to STFU and have a weekend with no game talk.. But there is no way to get Gnat to STFU!!!

Well there are ways :blow: but none they can do in the house.

I loved it when Jordan told GNat she was an instigator.

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I think it was yesterday that I posted that Jordan would get Jeff's vote. Now, I just don't know. I think russell would vote for Jordan and possibly more of them given enough time and tape to mull over what really went down in the house. Michele would, I think, vote for Jordan. Just not sure. For some reason, I am thinking now that Jordan might take it if she makes F2. Lydia would be a surprise vote for Jordan but russell, I think yes now.

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I think Russell will vote for Jordan also - and I truly hope she wins the big prize! I hope Michele wins America's favorite because of all the stuff she had to put up with.

Go Jordan! :D

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He would have to vote for Kevin if it is Jordan and Kevin F2 and he didn't vote for Jordan. :) I don't know what Jessie will do. He is so strange I am thinking they might all vote for Jordan except for Lydia who isn't going to vote for any female prettier than her which is pretty much any female. Natalie doesn't count in that.

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OK I wanna just clear some things up... No the house guests didn't hear the cheers for Jordan... Not even Jordan heard them... If you will stop to think Julie has to push that button thingy she holds for the house guests to hear her, so they have no idea about the cheering for Jordan thing, that also should tell you that they don't have a clue about America's vote... They may know we're voting, but they don't know how that vote is happening, or even when...

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Last night's show redeemed BB for me for this season.

Everything looked so bleak since Michelle got booted but Jordo really came through.

I loved that cute smile on her face when she found out she won. ^_^


I really hope she beats Kevin in the final HoH or if Kev wins he takes her instead of that useless excuse for a cockroach.

WIN IT ALL, JORDO!!!!!! :hurray:

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DeanMachine Jordan did have a really cute smile. I also loved how she did jump up and act a fool like GNat would have probably done.

YES! I loved that , but then Jodan is a gracious winner , gnat is a sore loser and an even worse winner..."i won i won and i kept my word" :smilielol:

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No the house guests didn't hear the cheers for Jordan... Not even Jordan heard them.

Are you sure Yana? I thought I had heard someone say that they heard the cheers when one of the houseguests was evicted once. They had commented on how much applause they had gotten. Maybe Casey? And didn't Jordan say that she heard someone (maybe Michelle) yell "GO JORDAN" last Tuesday night?

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OK I wanna just clear some things up... No the house guests didn't hear the cheers for Jordan... Not even Jordan heard them... If you will stop to think Julie has to push that button thingy she holds for the house guests to hear her, so they have no idea about the cheering for Jordan thing, that also should tell you that they don't have a clue about America's vote... They may know we're voting, but they don't know how that vote is happening, or even when...

I think though that while Julie was talking to Jordan (and pressing the button) there was cheering going on in the background. I don't know how sensitive those mics are but if Julie was pressing the button and talking to Jordan while the audience was still cheering then I don't know how she wouldn't have heard it...

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OK think what you want, but remember I know past house guests that were there last night ;)...They can sometimes here the cheering when the two doors to the stuido is open, but both have to be open to hear it...

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Question for those of you who have been to the show. Can you find the studio on Google earth, can you see the backyard? What else is around there?


Zoom in a couple times and look for where it says big brother 8...

More info...


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WAY TO GO JORDAN!!!!! I was so happy. That saved this season for me... that and when Julie verbally Bitched Slapped Nat... It was actually mental and physical. HA HA HA

Saved it for me too. When Natalie won HoH I was so pissed and had decided I wasn't going to watch her week. I can't stand that conniving, lying little weasle!

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No the house guests didn't hear the cheers for Jordan... Not even Jordan heard them.

Are you sure Yana? I thought I had heard someone say that they heard the cheers when one of the houseguests was evicted once. They had commented on how much applause they had gotten. Maybe Casey? And didn't Jordan say that she heard someone (maybe Michelle) yell "GO JORDAN" last Tuesday night?

I agree with Yana. Julie has to push that button to speak to the hgs. It's possible maybe she heard a cheer whenever Julie would come back on to give her the time, but it's probably more likely that the audience was cued to be quiet when Julie started speaking.

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