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Tuesday, 9/8 Live Show


Eviction #10  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be evicted tonight?

    • Jordan
    • Michele
  2. 2. Who will win tonight's endurance competition?

    • Jordan (if not evicted)
    • Kevin
    • Michele (if not evicted)
    • Natalie
  3. 3. Will you watch the Kevin/Natalie special episode next Sunday?

    • Yes
    • No

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I know this isn't sounding very PC right now, but trust me, it's not the fact that Kevin in gay, I have a nephew that is gay and I adore him, he's my favorite nephew out of the four, but I do believe that Big Brother is trying to set this season up as to have their first ever gay winner...

i heard a few folks mentioned this .

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Who freakin cares what race Kevin is or if he is Gay.


Face facts, of the players left in the house he is the best one. This season was screwed up from the fist HOH comp. I think the producers were aware of it based on the fan reaction and threw in the coup to patch things up. No one has been the beneficiary of BB favortism more than Jesse.

He lost and went home.

You got that right!

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OK Look, The girls were told they had to face forward, Kevin was allowed to turn to face the side, not just any side, but the side with the parts that stopped and started the log roll, and I am sure it also showed what way the log was going to roll, he brought, not just any food, but energy bar into the comp, he admited he had an advantage in the last PoV comp that he won, I don't see how I can see it any other way, so please don't tell me to GET OVER IT... I will post about this until next season if I want...

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His race or being gay doesn't make a bit of difference to me. But it does to TPTB. They are being politically correct IMO. The HGs were told to face forward. All he's done is stand sideways watching the aparatus trying to figure out when it will start up. As far as who should win out of these three. Who knows? Maybe I would like Kevin better if he had a backbone and a mind of his own. And what is the point of Kevin calling Jordan a bitch behind her back. Call her one to her face. Kevin is too passive IMO.

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I agree Len... I like Kevin just fine, and what he does in his private live has nothing to do with anything to me, I just think they are trying to set it up so they have their first gay winner... Which, if he had won the game on his own that way, I would be VERY happy with...

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OK Look, The girls were told they had to face forward, Kevin was allowed to turn to face the side, not just any side, but the side with the parts that stopped and started the log roll, and I am sure it also showed what way the log was going to roll, he brought, not just any food, but energy bar into the comp, he admited he had an advantage in the last PoV comp that he won, I don't see who I can see it any other way, so please don't tell me to GET OVER IT... I will post about this until next season if I want...

Or maybe that it's just that the odds are in favor that the gay minority guy winning.

We are in the eleventh season of this show. Every year they have a guy HG on this show. In any given year there are 12-14 HGs.

This season the ratio of the gay guy winning would be 1-11 seasons. Seems about right. If they are going to fix a season why wait until now to do it? The ratings have been through the roof all summer.

The comps are not perfect. We all know this. We've watched many a season where there have been questionable comp winners (I recall one where the HGs had to hold onto a key with two hands and someone held on with one for a few secs and was not DQed). There's always been an element of error to this game in the comps.

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Right I agree that comps aren't perfect, but when you know someone has an advantage, then redo the comp, when you tell someone face toward the pool, in my opinion it's because they are letting him face to the side... That's my opinion and I'll stick to it, but from here on I am going to say I am going to agree to disagree with you and I am going to drop it, I am taking a line from Lala, and not being stubbron about this and ending it before it goes too far... :)...

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Right I agree that comps aren't perfect, but when you know someone has an advantage, then redo the comp, when you tell someone face toward the pool, in my opinion it's because they are letting him face to the side... That's my opinion and I'll stick to it, but from here on I am going to say I am going to agree to disagree with you and I am going to drop it, I am taking a line from Lala, and not being stubbron about this and ending it before it goes too far... :)...

Hey, I'm not getting upset or anything (I hope you're not either).

Funny thing is, I'm actually trying to fall asleep.


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I would love for Jordan to win tomorrow and then on final comp so she would make the decision between kevin and nat. I'd love to see those two have to turn on each other. But this is really all thanks to Jeff and Jordan evicting the wrong people....I don't necessarily want Jordan to win big money . Just enough for a car and to pay off the $1000 she owes on her credit card for boob job. Maybe if Kevin/Nat had not been so closely associated with Jesse it would make a difference. Michele would have lasted long I think on that comp and make those other two work for it harder.

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CD I'm not upset, that's why I said I am going to just say I am going to agree to disagree now, and end it, I'm a little on edge right now due to some serious medical issues, and little things set me off, and I am trying hard not to get upset over nothing, ya know what I mean???

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CD I'm not upset, that's why I said I am going to just say I am going to agree to disagree now, and end it, I'm a little on edge right now due to some serious medical issues, and little things set me off, and I am trying hard not to get upset over nothing, ya know what I mean???

I'm in the same boat and have my "medical issues" going on right now as well. 'Cept mine are probably a little different than yours. I've got my NCLEX exam on Monday and I have about 100 meds flying around my brain like little birdies. It's like Beta Blocker, Calcium Blocker, Cradiac Glycoside, Benzodiazipine and on and on and on. Everytime I close my eyes that's all that I think about.


Best of luck. Get well.

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Hi, Chickendirt. Good luck with your NCLEX!!! I have medical challenges too...hope we can all overcome them. My real beef right now with Kevin and Natalie is they can't even be gracious in victory. Why does he have to call her a bitch behind her back? I just hate rude, cruel people. That's not part of the game IMO. Let me know how you come out with that stuff!!! I have good days and bad days but have learned to cherish the present moment. That's all any of us have.

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It is different... I have several medical conditions that won't allow me to exercise and lose weight like others, so I am facing having to have weight loss surgery... Yes I am admitting I am morbidly obise... I am 130 pounds over weight, but gained over 125 of that in the last 6 years since having these medical issues araise... I will be going to a seminar about it on Saturday the 19th... After that I have to decide if I want to have an consult with the Doctor or not, then which surgery I want to have, if it's gastric bypass or lapband... All of it sucks, but I think the first part in any kind of healing is admitting you have a problem in the first place, and I know there are others that are going to take this information to another site and use it to make fun at me and ridicule me, but I don't care what they think of me anymore... I don't know them, I will never know them, and I am happy with who I am, just need a little paint job is all LOL... So if all they have to do in life is make fun of people they don't know, to make themselves feel better, then have at it... I won't ever see it anyways, cause I have that site blocked on my computer LOL...

As far as the game, I guess I really don't care who wins if it's not Nat...

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Yana, you should look into the lap band thing...the surgery is not as intrusive. I'm having to take prednisone for life and would love to lose 40 but just can't. But we both know it would make us feel better to lose some weight. The low carb can work somewhat for me but the prednisone as well as other meds I take are bloat city. Yana, I would talk to lots of people who have been there and done that.

Me too, I just don't care for Nat winning. Kevin/Jordan F2 would be fine.

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Len my best friend had gastric bypass, I have 7 distant cousins that have had gastric bypass, and two other friends that have all had the gastric bypass and the only one that has had any problems is my best friend... She almost died, but I think it had a lot to do with the fact that the doctor that did her bypass was 72 years old... he fused her stomach, to her liver and small intestine... She lost 3 feet of small intestine and part of her liver, and now has gained back over 100 of the 275 pounds she lost... Everyone else I know that's had it done is doing great... My daughter in laws step mother had the band and isn't losing much weight at all, she had it over 1 1/2 year ago and has only lost 50 pounds... Both have their risks, and now they do the bypass by arthroscopic and it's not nearly as intrusive... My husband and I are going to the seminar together, and to all the doctors appointments together also... I'm not having anything done unless we both agree and the children are OK with it...

Nat winning would ruin my summer LOL...

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No it won't, either...it's be blood money. She'll gamble it away.

Yana, honey, it sounds like you've done your research and I say go for it! A coworker of mine had it done back in the late 80s and got great results. I know she felt (deservedly so) ostracized. She was a single mom with two over the top teenaged sons. Now this new version sounds much better. Where will you go to have it? Try to find the best Dr. possible and one who respects and listens to you. But you are a smart lady. I had been so good on my diet but found this small bag of "low fat" cookies...Oy!!!!!

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Yana plz don't be hard on yourself, and take it one step at a time. I agree with Len, the lapband does seem less intrusive, and if it could help you you should go for it. I know it is alot to have on your shoulders, but sometimes expressing things helps. I hope noone would do such a cruel thing and use any info they see here, you have a lot of friends here, so hang in.

I was locked out for awhile earlier and was just able to get back on, so I am disgusted with the outcome of things, could not bear to watch AD, will catch it later. i agree that from the pics it looks like Kevin had an advantage being able to stand sidways, and noone made him turn around. I also agree with your analogy of the 1st gay guy thing, could be, they certainly have manipulated this season both ways,lol that is for sure

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Yana, I am sorry for what you are going through and just want to wish you all the best. I understand about weight problems, with thyroid disease and a bad back I too am obese. The decisions you are facing are tough but I am sure you will make the right one for you ! Best wishes too you and I know we will all be sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009 spacer.gifFinal 3.. The worst final 3 ever? Big CBS Announcement!

Current mood: annoyed.gif annoyed

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities Big Announcement....

The final three is so fucking horrible this year that they are going to have a triple eviction and tell them all to kill themselves, that they suck, America hates them (except Jordan, but she won't understand anyhow) and that they are replacing them with myself, JP, MB & DR. That way at least someone might watch the final episodes and give a fuck what happens.

But CBS will have something to say today....Listen for it and watch thurs

well I am not sure if I did this right did not know how to post the link but if you don't susbscribe to Evil Dicks blog I don't think you could go there thru a link and I also think youu have to be his friend, although I don't think his acct at my space is set to private, thought this was funny, plus he says something about an announcment thurs, well.........very interesting, prolly some more bs. So this is just from his blog on My Space.

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