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1:39pm--I dont think any comp took place as Nat is still speculating on a ball rolling comp. Nat showed J clothes she is wearing. N said they were comfortable, but still looked nice. Like CA said, not much happening.

1:42 - Jordan going to pack, just in case. Kevin in shower.

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2:15 BBT All 3 in the KT, Kev wondering if there is even going to be an eviction tonight. Nat doesn't think there is so she didn't finish packing. Now wondering if the comp will take place one at a time or if they will go together. It seems that they had a practice and questions are included in the comp.

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3:30 PM BBT: I just turned the feeds on and it's trivia.

3:35 PM BBT: Feeds back. Jordan in the SS room saying "I think we're all just like paranoid". She's sitting on her bed in the SS room. No sheets or blankets on the bed. Kevin packing in the RR. Natalie popped in the RR for a minute. Kevin saying "this is the first time I've had to pack. It sucks I tell you." Jordan went to another room off the cameras.

Kevin just said "my stuff is going to get all wrinkly".

3:50 PM BBT: There's been very little conversation over the last 15 minutes while Kevin and Natalie pack. Jordan came back for a minute, she looks nervous and uncomfortable.

4:00 PM BBT: Jordan is talking to Natalie in the kitchen about what shirts she could wear for tonight. Natalie tells her she is a tripper. Natalie saying a prayer at the table, just before she eats. As Jordan heads to the bathroom, she asks if Natalie thinks it's bad that she changes, just in case, but Natalie is still praying.

Kevin comes in the kitchen and says all this stress is like "pinacling" (if I caught that right) and he wishes he knew what the they were going to do so he would know what he was going to do. "True/false, greater than/less than, before/after, A/B. We just did a true/false." Natalie eating calmly at the table while Kevin paces. Jordan comes back out from the bathroom and has decided not to wear the dressier shirt.

Natalie just finished eating and just put her dish in the sink (did she ever wash any dishes?) and says she needs to go pack now. Kevin making a cup of coffee.

FOTH on one feed, RR and Jordan freshening up her make up on the other feeds. Can hear FOTH music and Jordan going through her bag of make up.

4:25 PM BBT: Natalie is in the RR packing and sneezing. Kevin is studying the memory wall. Natalie saying she brought way too many clothes and didn't wear half of it.

Lots of silence in the last hour.

Brief FoTH

Jordan waiting quietly on the LR couch. Kevin repositioning his battery pack, Natalie just went to the bathroom (probably to pack some things).

Kevin gin the LR asking Jordan if his outfit looks OK, she shakes her head yes. Natalie comes back and asks Kevin to sit on her suitcase for her. He's repositioning his tie for the ladies until they like it and when they do, he says "this one's nerdier". He sits on Natalie's suitcase and they get it to zip, then FoTH.

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4:30 PM BBT: Natalie says "well I'm packed with time to spare. Our kitchen is a mess, there are ants in the cabinet and inside here (a cup)." She says "that's why I wish everything was done today, all of it" (meaning she wishes today was the last day of BB). Kevin still pacing in front of the memory wall while Jordan sits patiently on the LR couch.

Natalie joins Jordan in the LR; looks like Natalie is saying a prayer.

Jordan gets up to put on her sneakers. Kevin standing at the exit door trying to hear what's on the outside, then he goes to the RR and asks Natalie if she got everything. (The bedding in the RR is a mess). Kevin and Natalie whispering in the RR too low to hear while Jordan is on the LR couch. Natalie just pointed at Kevin and said "Kevin, you better not screw me" with a smile on her face. Natalie goes back into the LR and Kevin wanders into the green room for some more studying.

Jordan is worried about what people in the BB audience will think about the way she's dressed tonight if she's the one leaving, Natalie reassuring her that she looks fine. Kevin is rocking himself in front of the memory wall.

Kevin plays with the camera by jumping side to side and says "let me stop pacing". (cute!)

Jordan says what time is it, Kevin says 4:34, Jordan says she hates waiting.

Jordan says "I want to get this started", Natalie says "me too". Natalie says "it should be quick questions, then they go out because there's no HOH interview. I'm sure there's going to be a taped package." Jordan says "cause they don't have anything to show", Natalie says just "phase 1 of HOH, endurance, they gotta show that". Wondering how long it will take outside. Jordan saying "if I goof like I did in that veto, I'm gonna cry, I will like, start crying" (she is clearly nervous). Talking about the next part is to compete for questions. She makes a nervous sound.

The ladies are sitting in silence on the LR couches while Kevin rocking again in front of the memory wall, then paces again.

4:45 PM BBT: Trivia until after the show now.

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6:25 PM BBT All 4 feeds on Natalie and Kevin in the RR. Jordan is M.I.A. probably in DR for post comp interview. Natalie is telling Kevin that if Jordan is in the finale she will win. She says that Jordan will have America's vote guaranteed and it isn't possible that she couldn't pull 3 votes from the jurors. She reassures Kevin that if Jordan evicts Natalie then Kevin has her vote but if Kevin is the one to evict her than she will vote for Jordan. They discuss why they think Jordan will get American's vote, her being a small town girl from North Carolina, etc.

6:30 PM BBT All feeds still on Kevin and Natalie. Kevin says that Jordan is likely to be looked at as a competitor now since she did so well in the part 2 comp and kicked Natalie's butt. Natalie agrees saying "Dude, it wasn't even close. Not only did she get 9 to my 5 but she had 18 seconds left on the clock and I only had 2." They go quiet for a few minutes and Kevin is called to the DR as Jordan has come out.

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6:34 PM BBT Jordan joins Natalie in the RR while Kevin is in the DR. Jordan says she told them in DR that she was taking Natalie if she won the final part of HoH. Natalie says she doesn't even have a reason to argue to the jury why she should win. She says she sucks. Natalie admits that her only win was an HoH and she won it on a tie breaker. Jordan tells her that she can always say she was loyal to her alliance and how she kept her word. Natalie is explaining the part 3 of the competition and that in the past it was true false questions based on questions asked of the jury members. Jordan thinks she hasn't done well with true/false questions but Natalie disagrees saying Jordan actually has done well with those kinds of competitions. Natalie says that BB has 5 days to try to convince Jordan to change her mind on taking Natalie to final 2. WBRB

6:44 PM BBT Natalie is telling Jordan about a conversation she had with Kevin. She says that Kevin told her that if Jordan wins the final HoH that she will take Natalie and that it would be the smart thing to do. (I don't know if this conversation ever took place, it could be Natalie trying to put it in her head that even Kevin knows Natalie is the safest choice to win-Goldylucks)

6:48 PM BBT Natalie is called into the DR and Kevin joins Jordan in the RR. Jordan tells Kevin that he makes her nervous with his promise to take her to the final 2. Jordan tells Kevin that she fears taking Natalie because she has so many friends. "They may not look at what I've done, they may pick her because they are friends." She says the last person to leave will leave bitter, especially since they are being evicted on finale night with no time to cool down. They try to discuss how the votes will go. Jordan thinks Natalie will get America's vote because of the engagement and Kevin reminds her that Natalie wants to use the money for college and a wedding. Kevin says he doesn't know about Jordan but he tells her that his mind about final 2 has been made up since Pandora's box. Natalie choosing to give up veto let Kevin know that Natalie was not loyal. Kevin explains Natalie swearing on her family that the final 2 switch was the truth and didn't change the story until Kevin told her that her story made everyone else not want to keep her. TRIVIA

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