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I am soooooo sick of Natalie. I couldn't stand her when Jessie was in the house. Then with the LML, I almost started to think she was a good player. But now, the constant lying and manipulation is really mean and not good gameplay. I hope Kevin would figure this out and put her up instead of Jordan. Then Jordan would be forced to vote her out over Jeff. Michele can't stand her, it would Kevin's best move at this point. But unfortunately, Kevin probably doesn't have the balls to do that.

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Natalie working Jordan

She told Jordan that Michele went to Kevin and wanted to keep Jeff. She told her that Michele is in love with Jeff and just wants to be alone with him.

Does this little chihuahua ever top with her trying to stir up shit. I just hate hate hate that she never gets called out and she gets away with it.

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Reading the update page:

Natalie says she wants Michele gone next week, "She's a liar and you can't believe a word she says. Anyone would be a fool to make a deal with her, dude, that would be a deal with the devil."

I think my jaw dropped to the desk. She makes me want to scream.

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Jordan told Jeff that she is going to play along with Natalie and Kevin but she can't trust them and decided to ride with Michele.

I hope that is what happens.

Natalie is such a schemer

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I would too... unfortunately we've seen, over the last few days, Jordo agree with Jeff about Michele (stick with her to the end)... only to see Jordo go straight to Nat and spill everything. Guess time will tell...

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I actually feel Natalie likes Jordan. Of course it's because she could win her in the final 2 plus a little more.

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So funny Natalie is telling a web of lies to Kevin about what she and Jordan talked about and he believes her. He has been such a big part of her lying spree and seems to believe here still.

What is it with this girl?

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gnat strategy is keep talking fast, confuse the hell out of all of them, lie, lie, lie, then lie some more ..and while they are all trying to figure out WTF she is up to, or finally unravel her WEB of deciet, she will SNEAK into F2!!!

Why did they spend so much time on the LML??? This THING can produce them off the CUFF with surprising magnitude!

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Actually what is up with Kevin? He better wise up that Nat is setting him up, he wonders where everybody got the idea that if Kevin is in F2 he would win because no one in the jury house dislikes him.

I wanted to scream IT'S NATALIE!!!

She accuses Michele of playing the no one will vote for me strategy but she is doing the exact same thing.

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Natalie working Jordan

She told Jordan that Michele went to Kevin and wanted to keep Jeff. She told her that Michele is in love with Jeff and just wants to be alone with him.

Does this little chihuahua ever top with her trying to stir up shit. I just hate hate hate that she never gets called out and she gets away with it.

This is the main reason I honestly HATE Natalie.

You don't just come into a house and become a pathological liar and shit stirrer. That's not how life works. You need to be good at it in life in order to be as good at it as Natalie is. She obviously is a pathological liar and shit stirrer OUT of the game and that's why it comes so incredibly easy to her.

Someone like Natalie that I knew in the real world I would label as shifty.

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Natalie has the thickest skin of anybody in the house. She came to try and win 500 thousand dollars, U.S. That could change a life, that amount of money. She is relentless in her determination to achieve her goal. Natalie simply does not care about the peripheral niceties that bog so many contestants down. She is there to win.. Natalie views Jeff and Jordan and Michele as combatants and none of them as privileged combatants. Kevin is Natalie's means to an end and she chose wisely.

Many BB hg's laze their days away in sullied self-involvement. Natalie went to work and so she has.

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The thing is a lot of what Natalie says and does is NOT gameplay. It is simply mean-spirited. THAT is what I disagree with.

Everything about her is nasty. I HATE that she is on my TV screen. I don't know what the casting people were thinking.

The only saving grace is that the hatred people have for her online seems to be more than any other house guest in history.

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I'm just sad that we won't actually get to see it. Almost worth a trip to AZ, dontcha think?

gnat lives in Gilbert, AZ which is a city on the outskirts of Phoenix. This is important why? Because I live in Phoenix and you should all come when BB is over and we will go to the sewer rats house to tell her just how much she was hated!!!! :devilish:

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