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LOL @ Marty's posts!!

If I worked on the BB staff, I would listen to everything Natalie predicts, and do the exact opposite!

ITA BB tends to not do what the house guest talk about anyways.

i see the regular "i hate gnat" crew has stop by...lol

ladies, please lay off the hater-aid. get on board and ride the gnat train to victory.

there's only 3 ways to stop gnat from collecting the check.

1. BB helping jeff stay in the house. this has the greater possibility of happenin over the other 2.

2. jordan win pov and takes jeff off the block. they revert back to voting out the weakest player

3. jeff is evicted. jordan wins hoh and evicts kev. michell wins hoh at final 3 evicts gnat and carries jordan to the final 2 because she know she will beat her.

i would consider 2 and 3 to be long shots. other than one of those scenarios happening, i don't see gnat being stopped from final 2. i think everybody has come to the conclusion that if she makes final 2, she wins. face it. if you are inside the house, there are bigger threats to go after. as hard as is for most of you to accept, natalie is not a threat right now, she is in the position you need to be in to make it to the final 3.


Why does everyone think Jeff got a free ride and that BB helped him out? Not saying you are saying that but it seems that way. It's funny because people complain about the power that was voted for but America has always had some part in the game. Some call it unfair when a person they dislike wins but would you do the same if the person you like won? Would Jessie have complained? Nope!

For the record I can't stand GNat but I do think it is amazing she is still there by not winning a thing. Coasting in the background and spreading lies to make each week go her way has worked out well for her. The only thing that put a bump in her plan really was Jessie and Chima leaving. The goal of this game is get to the end by any means. So far she is headed to the end and there seems to be not stopping her. I only see her leaving this week if Jordan wins and takes Jeff off. J/J finally realizes GNat has been an issue for them and votes her out. Of course that means more of their back and forth crap and I don't know if I can take it again.

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Have you all noticed that when the winner of HoH first shows their room that people don't even get in the room before gnat is pawing through what is in their basket? She has gotten more blatant as weeks have gone on.

Kevin is just a figurehead this week. Obviously gnat is the one running the show. No wonder she was such great buddies with shitma, they are both ugly from the core out!!!!!!

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I have quit watching the Live Feeds today. Natalie is throwing out all this stuff about the other seasons and talking game, but it's just annoying! Her voice is getting to me too. How is she slipping by not winning a thing?? If I were in this house I would be going out of my mind listening to her and her know-it-all attitude! And last night, when Kevin showed everyone his HOH room, he said he got some Mikes Hard Lemonade, and all Natalie could talk about was how she's been asking for them all season, and she's going to drink one later. The other HG's are crazy if they can't see through her lie of being 18, BB would be legally liable if they had an 18 year old who was consuming alcohol that they provided, at some level right? POV can't come soon enough! :) Kevin, it's in your best interest to put Natalie up and make a deal with Michelle.

The dumb...they haz it. They must! All she talks about is gambling and drinking. Why have they not pulled out the rule book yet? Or for that matter realize it is illegal to drink under the age of 21 & that would make BB liable. I just want to clunk their heads together.

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Natalie does things to make people not like her more and more. What was the reasoning behind saying Michelle's clothes smell because she doesn't wash them. (Kevin jumped in and said he has never noticed it)

I think she gets a kick out of being mean to people.

Natalie shouldn't talk about people when she's the one who sits in bed picking her nose without tissues. Then sits there and you see her fingers moving like she's balling up what she pulled out of her nose and I don't want to know what she does with it now that's gross.

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Nat shouldn't discuss washing ANYTHING until she showers more often. Bet the BB vacuum sounds like it's sucking up gravel with her boogers dried up and dropped all over. I just grossed myself out LOL

Flip side I commend her on learning to play chess at her age.

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OMG Edieann! You are so cracking me up with your love notes to Gnatalie!!! I'm reading between the lines, but something tells me you can't stand her more than me!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Keep em coming, I need to laugh today!

Thank you Pamay! I have never despised a houseguest as much as that little sewer rat! :furious3: Can't wait to see how she reacts to how many people hate her with a passion..can you? :animated_rotfl:

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I think she gets a kick out of being mean to people.

That's it in a nutshell. Anyone that lies so easily is not a good person. My mother always told me "a liar can get you into more trouble than you can ever get out of". She's sneaky and a liar, two of the things I hate most about a person.

Jeff saw some of that sneakiness yesterday when she wouldn't stop grabbing the money, but he still doesn't get it.

Please god, let ANYBODY win except Natalie!!!

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Thank you Pamay! I have never despised a houseguest as much as that little sewer rat! :furious3: Can't wait to see how she reacts to how many people hate her with a passion..can you? :animated_rotfl:

I'm just sad that we won't actually get to see it. Almost worth a trip to AZ, dontcha think?

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I find it illuminating that some people here hate natalie to the nth degree but had no problem with the jeff /natalie alliance. I suppose the process making it acceptable to them is something along the lines of.....it's okay to assocate with the devil as long as my favorite wins or........I adhere to the Machiavellian principle when it comes to MY favorites and Im damm proud of it but just don't let anybody else try it!!


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In the end, she's still a survivor. After Jessie left I'm sure she thought she was the next one to go. But so far Russ and Jeff have left before her. She's playing it well for someone who hasn't won a single thing.

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Is there a forum or site that for Natalie for people who like her and want to post something positive? I'm all for people expessing opinions, but I don't care for the rudeness and hatred. I don't like being attacked for posting something positive. I have enjoyed all the players and like to read observations other posters have made.

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You can post your love for Nat here... If you get "attacked" for expressing your opinion then please report because that's not allowed here. (Posters CAN say whatever they want about a house guest though... within guidelines of not cussing, etc.)

However, finding a site that all about Nat love... going to be difficult considering she's least fav BB house guest. (Not just observation at this site and a few others but, by the polls at CBS.) BUT, I think you're best bet would be some kind of facebook or fanclub site, if there is one.

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In the end, she's still a survivor. After Jessie left I'm sure she thought she was the next one to go. But so far Russ and Jeff have left before her. She's playing it well for someone who hasn't won a single thing.

Jeff hasn't left yet!

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Is there a forum or site that for Natalie for people who like her and want to post something positive? I'm all for people expessing opinions, but I don't care for the rudeness and hatred. I don't like being attacked for posting something positive. I have enjoyed all the players and like to read observations other posters have made.

Joy...you have just as much right to post your views as everyone else. Don't take things posted here personally...they are just words on message board...that's all.

There are a few people that have been supportive of Nat...so you are not alone. For me, I've never been a real supporter of hers...but I have recognized that she's played a smart game and give her credit for being in the F4 without winning any comps...except for the first Hoh when she got Jessie in the game. I've been rooting for her and Kevin this past week though just for someone to get even with J/J for backstabbing Russell. Believe me...I've taken some shots for supporting him...just taken all in stride. No big thing when all is said and done... :)

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Ditto to the above post.

Natalie is not a favorite but I recognize her incredibly manipulative ability to stay in the game. I don't wish to see her win but the possibility exists and I would not be all that surprised.

Her personal habits are pretty shocking but I try not to watch her as sometimes she just makes me gag and she CAN be way overbearing but again, I try to be busy when she is on. I don't understand why people have to dwell on her so much. Post after post after post about how they hate her. Not good. For anybody. IMO.

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^^ I get my work done when Nat is on the feeds.LOL I'm sure my advocate group was impressed with all I did yesterday and so far today.

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Ditto to Imin - above post.

Natalie is not a favorite but I recognize her incredibly manipulative ability to stay in the game. I don't wish to see her win but the possibility exists and I would not be all that surprised. I think that is why they hate her. They fear her winning maybe. Dunno why anybody would hate a person on tv and hang around to watch.

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Ditto to Imin - above post.

Natalie is not a favorite but I recognize her incredibly manipulative ability to stay in the game. I don't wish to see her win but the possibility exists and I would not be all that surprised. I think that is why they hate her. They fear her winning maybe. Dunno why anybody would hate a person on tv and hang around to watch.

cuz it's fun? it's just stupid, dumb fun for me to hate and diss her. i'm not disputing the fact that she's the most frightening, manipulative, enjoys others pain,sh*t stirring liar i've ever seen-and it just may win her 500k.

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Natalie is not a favorite but I recognize her incredibly manipulative ability to stay in the game. I don't wish to see her win but the possibility exists and I would not be all that surprised. I think that is why they hate her. They fear her winning maybe. Dunno why anybody would hate a person on tv and hang around to watch.

I think that is one thing that bugs her haters the most (aside from her hygiene and table manners.) It baffles so many that their favorites don't see through her deceptions and manipulations...and rather than call their favorites the idiots that they are...they bash Nat instead.

I really don't want to see her win either...but if it came down to her or Jordan in the end...I'd vote for Nat.

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