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I did know someone like nasty at one of my Jobs, only he was male, and disgusting, had the same entitled attitude. It took him ripping the co off to the tune of 24 thousand dollars before he was outta there, and this was a guy who our mgr thought the sun rose and set with. None of the rest of the servers could stand this guy and I was hell bent on busting him, along with one of my other mgrs, cause he would do stuff like odrer drinks and put them on his partys check and then drink them while he was waiting on them, he told so many lies and actually tried to pin a lie on one of my best girlfriends when she had first started at our restaurant, and my mgr went for it, he was a dangerous mess, but now since that time, he has turned into a miserable drunk down and out, cause he got blackballed in the restaurant community where I live and can't get a job, so yes I have known someone like Natalie, who I think in real life is a miserable liar, with no class whasoever. That Picture that Marty posted says a 10000 words,lol

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I am not a fan BUT I have to give her props for playing a mean game!

I don't think she's playing "Game" at all, she's the ultimate floater. She may have come up with some lies, but it was Kevin that delivered them. She's doing her best to keep the blood off her hands so she can float to the F2. She is one of the most BORING players I have ever seen!!!

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I think I have a nose pick pic for you somewhere CeCi. Want me to post it?

:lol: Lemme' finish my breakfast first. ;)

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She is in the BB11 house, vying to win 500K. She is playing the game. Lots of people just don't like natalie, obviously; and for obvious reasons but I don't think she went there to make friends. She went to win. She will diss Michele in front of them all and then go to the DR and explain the reasoning behind it. Will did much the same. So have others. Some we liked, some we didn't. Some won comps, some didn't. She IS playing the game, though, and possibly is better at it than anyone in that house. kevin is aiding and abetting her. If not for kevin, she would have found someone else. Natalie knows how to work people.

My thing with Natalie is that I don't want to see her win 500K and then be cocky about it. That would be terrible. Whether she would be; or another humble Natalie would emerge, is anybody's guess. Comments she has made - about her stepmother, for instance, make me wonder more. If Natalie makes it to F2, I have to tell you that I can't wait to see what she has to say. Natalie fascinates me. Cocky little thing, her.

Definitely Natalie-Michele for F2 for me.

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I think one of the main reasons people don't go at Natalie is because they think she's 18. They have even said it a few times that she gets away with certain things because she's 18.

You may say "see, that's a brilliant move on her part saying she's 18" but no, not really. Most rational, normal, semi-intelligent human beings already would have realized she was not 18 whens he talked about going to casinos and drank in front of the BB cameras with no reprimand.

Lets face facts, some of these people (most) in the BB house are clueless.

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Have to give credit where it's due though... Natalie was lucky that Kevin was still in the house when she thought of the "big" lie. Had it been anyone else to approach Jeff with the original R/M lie... I don't think it would have worked. But, K was smart enough to stay calm and approachable to Jeff when the whole Chima thing went down and therefore, Jeff took the bait... hook, line, sinker. That was Kevin's game play that facilitated the last couple weeks evictions, imo.

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True. And with that in mind, I find it interesting that kevin isn't being bashed nearly as much for lying as natalie. In his case, it is game-playing. Or, people will claim that she "made" him do it. :)

Naw, she didn't make him do it, but, she did make up all/most of the lies and put them in his head. I'm not defending Kevin, he's just as responsible. She is just more disgusting.

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He can, yes. Kevin doesn't come across as obnoxious as does natalie so people let him slide, I guess. I think kevin and natalie are peas in a pod and I don't like it that they sit and continue to scheme using lies as their only game play. At this point, I think they are pretty much assured of F4 so why go out of their way to hurt people? To me it denotes meanness. I thought will was kinda mean, too.

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Ditto. I don't understand being mean and cruel as game play.

When cruel game play becomes the standard for BB then I will quit watching. I also could do without the blowups all the time.

I miss the old days of BB when it was just comps and alliances. Leave the other bull crap out. IMHO

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from the feeds last night. I just hate the gameplay from Nat and Kevin. They make me sick.

1:30 am BBT - K/N refine their newest lie about Michele. [Nat going to tell Jordo she heard that Jordo wanted her up as a replacement nominee... inferring that Michele betrayed Jordo by giving Nat this information.) Nat says if she has to, she'll go balls to the wall attacking Michele, if she denies.

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That was Kevin's game play that facilitated the last couple weeks evictions, imo.

I agree. true.

Ditto. I don't understand being mean and cruel as game play.

You can't expect to only get sweetsy lovey people to apply. Really. And what's production going to do? Throw down the rule that people can't be mean? Big Brother is based on what forces people to decide who they can stand to have around. That's why they're forced to be bored and interact 24/7 without TV or other distractions. It'll bring the worst out in people. Even beloved Jeff has his nasty side and people said the house caused it. It all goes hand in hand. BB cannot micro-manage emotions because some watchers can't handle it. Maybe they'll create a show called Who can be the nicest. Might last one episode.

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Natalie and Jordan agreed there is NO REASON for bugs to exist on our earth! Great observation, girls.

Of course we would have to do without most flowering plants, chocolate, honey and many other wonderful,

beautiful things we take for granted.

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Good point, Oldguy. I guess we have to consider the source.

I am done with Natalie. Good game player or not. She and kevin are worthless human beings. Both of them are just mean. Nothing more, nothing less.

I wish Michele and Jordan to F2. Nobody else deserves it. For any reason.

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He can, yes. Kevin doesn't come across as obnoxious as does natalie so people let him slide, I guess. I think kevin and natalie are peas in a pod and I don't like it that they sit and continue to scheme using lies as their only game play. At this point, I think they are pretty much assured of F4 so why go out of their way to hurt people? To me it denotes meanness. I thought will was kinda mean, too.

from the feeds last night. I just hate the gameplay from Nat and Kevin. They make me sick.

1:30 am BBT - K/N refine their newest lie about Michele. [Nat going to tell Jordo she heard that Jordo wanted her up as a replacement nominee... inferring that Michele betrayed Jordo by giving Nat this information.) Nat says if she has to, she'll go balls to the wall attacking Michele, if she denies.

Lying and scheme I think can be part of the game but to out right try to hurt someone and set up lies just so you can attack them is disgusting. For me GNat is horrible human. I don't see how she could play the game this way and not be like that in real life. If she is different she must hide her dark side in real life.

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If what people say is true and the DR eases actions/reactions around they have to know that BB11 is going to be a bomb if kevin or Natalie win anything so yeah, it would be terrific to see those two have to give Michele or Jordan the bucks. I love it.

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I hope Natalie gets to the final 3 and when she could almost taste the money she is evicted. She can feel the pain of Keesha and Sheila of sticking with someone to the end then just before get the boot. I will LMAO if that happens and I hope it does. There is no reason for her to set up Michelle with the new lie and then attack her to me it's only bullying Michelle who I feel has gone through enough. Natalie knows she can out yell Michelle but I bet Natalie wouldn't have done something like that to Chima. I really hope Natalie gets it up her @ss and looks like an idiot in the end.

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