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Hey Shipp and Stray, this one is just for you!!!

Hey girl, I got somethin' real important to give you

So just sit down and listen

Girl you know we've been together such a long, long time (such a long time)

And now I'm ready to lay it on the line

(Wooow) You know it's Christmas and my heart is open wide (open wide)

Gonna give you something so you know what's on my mind (what is on my mind)

A gift real special, so take off the top

Take a look inside -- it's my dick in a box (it's in a box)

Not gonna get you a diamond ring

That sort of gift don't mean anything

Not gonna get you a fancy car

Girl ya gotta know you're my shining star

Not gonna get you a house in the hills

A girl like you needs somethin' real

Wanna get you somethin' from the heart

Somethin' special girl

It's my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl

It's my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl

See I'm wise enough to know when a gift needs givin' (girl)

And I got just the one, somethin' to show ya that you are second to none

To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress

It's easy to do just follow these steps

1: Cut a hole in a box

2: Put your junk in that box

3: Make her open the box

And that's the way you do it

It's my dick in a box...my dick in a box girl

It's my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl

Christmas; dick in a box

Hanukkah; dick in a box

Kwanzaa; a dick in a box

Every single holiday a dick in a box

Over at your parent's house a dick in a box

Mid day at the grocery store a dick in a box

Backstage at the CMA's a dick in a box (yeah-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow)

A dick in a box, a dick in a box, a dick in a box...

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Yeah, MadMarty is one of our peeps. Because of him we have some BB radio going down. And MadMarty, when I looked at those two words together Dick and Liking, I saw a slightly different word for Liking. ;)

lolol that is exactly what I saw toooo, go figure B)

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I wish someone would tell Nat to stop f*cking chewing like a COW, but really a cow chews better then she does. It makes me want to vomit and shove something sharp in my ears. What's the matter with this girl? It's like she likes to be gross and nasty. Thank God she's not my daughter I feel bad for her Dad she must be embarrassing him.

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I just want Nat out of the F2 and I'll be fine with anyone else there.

Me too! To see her out of there would be fantastic!

Joyami, I've known people like Natalie. Day 1 of BB11 I knew the type of player/person she'd be.

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Does anyone know a person like Natalie in real life? I've never met one, thank goodness.

Yes, on two occasions.

A kid grew up near me like her. Hopelesslly bad news.

Also a co-worker...took me years to get her ass fired. But I finally did. :giljotiini:

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Ok I hate her. Jeff made me mad the past 2 weeks but omgawd seriously she is like, the worst person ever and she needs to leave the house next week so bad. We really need J/M to win HOH next week.... :(

If Kevin won HOH next week would he get rid of Natalie? He HAS to know she will win the freaking game if he brings her, right?

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At the risk of having stones thrown at me, am I crazy for starting to admire the dispickable actions of the little hoodie rat and hope that at least she has the gonads to do what it takes to get ahead in this house. Beaten down and allmost out she didn't give up. Swinging from one aliance to another she is still controlling things with no blood on her hands. Damn I hate to like her.

Steve you must have the wrong thread cause I am absolutely certain no one could say anything remotely positive about the hood rat!! ( :giggle: )

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Let's not go overboard here :lol: Natalie's 1 and only awesome idea (gameplay) was thinking of the "lie"... she was just on Jessie's coattails until he was evicted and now she's on Kevin's. (Just like Jordo on Jeff's.) Calling her a master puppeteer... huh???

Natalie's a hustler through n through.

I can respect someone hustling their way to the end of BB but, I will never root for or respect a player that is nasty to the core when it has nothing to do with the game.

The only thing Gnat has done well is lie! That has been her entire gameplay. I cannot give this girl any kind of kudos. She is mean spirited. While BB is all about lies I feel gnat is showing a deeper personality issue here. I can see her in normal life being just as ugly. This is who she is and she has had 18 years of practice.......or was that 24? Would have to have thought awhile to beat gnat to the first lie!!!

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I am not a fan BUT I have to give her props for playing a mean game! She just might walk away with $500K and I wouldn't have bet that even last week, let alone 4 weeks ago! She's working all the angles, being nice to the people going out the door, not getting blood on her hands nominating them and basically, playing all sides. Good for her.

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yuk yuk..didn't need that pic to start me day!

At least it wasn't a "pick". :lol:

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