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Jeff - Part 2


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So I think Jeff is the most hated person on the internet right now. I'm really enjoying it too. Tonight's episode made Jeff look like the douche asshole he truly is. I'm just waiting for the moment he leaves the house, all I have to look forward too.

well I wouldn't go this far on him,lol, I would say he has not played the best game in the last cpl weeks, he needs to get his head out of his ass, but I believe Jeff is a genuinely nice guy in real life, they all act ego driven and testy when they get up in that HOH.

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Well, just so you know, as I said in the Tues thread...to the average BB lover who only watches the show on TV...Jeff is still LOVED! They are happy that Russell, the big bully and his biggest competitor is going and they are praying that somehow Jeff finds out that Nat is lying to his face every chance she gets.....and they all think Kevin is funny, but because he is with Nat they don't like him to win.

And of course, they said if I withhold anymore information between now and Thursday...I"M TOAST!!

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Jeff is a nice guy, one of my favorites. That said, he's a dumbass, a gullible idiot. Because of his pitiful gameplay when he has all the power, he deserves to be booted out next week.

Natalie is positioning herself to take home all the marbles, as much as I'd hate to see it.

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I want Jeff to win this season but he wont, keeping Natalie over Lydia was the dumbest move EVER! vote out the weakest of two weak players? not smart.. even though she hasn't won anything as of yet, I'm telling you Natalie is due a win and watch her win HOH thursday, I hope it doesnt happen but its about that time for the tides to shift in the house.. banking on Jordan to do well this thursday is out because she will just be *deer caught in headlights" as usual..oh well if they do America's Choice this season, he'll will the 25 grand.

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I dont. I remember Jef saying you see people's true colors when they are down and out. I think it is the opposite for him

To each his own Neb, evryone has a flip side.

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I think he is a very nice guy, but naive as hell and sometimes not very intelligent... to me he comes of as the type to bend over backwards for anyone but when he is taken advantage of then his other side comes out. if Jeff was an asshole to the bone he would've showed those colors weeks ago..

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Same here, I bet if you made him mad he'd cut your throat with a knife or break your jaw and cut off your toes. These people are lucky they got cameras or Jeff might have already killed everyone here except Jordan.

Oh please. Usually when he talks all that talk he is alone with Jordan and knows she won't repeat it all over the house. He is just venting. And being around that bunch for two months I can't blame him.

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I think that Jeff is funny! Is he the sharpest tool in the shed? Uh NO! But who cares? It's a reality tv show! He's trying to win $500K. I don't think it would matter who Jeff put up or nominated this week...other than Jordan, everyone sees him as a threat! His only hope is Jordan winning HoH or him winning PoV. If he gets evicted, it will be a sad day for me and I won't enjoy watching the feeds as much...

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Somebody needs to send this guy home. He is just not too bright, and shouldn't get any of prize money. Last night BBAD he just whinnied non stop and I finally had to put him on mute. If I have to mute somebody, it is time for them to leave the BB house.

He is no where near the same league the greatest of all time, Evel Dick and Dr. Will.

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I agree Jeff is an idiot and not as smart as he thinks. But I disagree that Evel Dick was the 'greatest of all time'. The ONLY reason he won was America's Player.

I still don't consider BB8 a 'real' season of BB because AP rigged it. The outcome would have been so different without it.

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:bedtime::bedtime: I am so off this machine, later all, see you in the am with my coffee
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What I didn't get during Jeff's POV speech was that he had to split up Russ/Michele because they apparently had a final 2 deal.

Jeff, do you not think Kev/Nat have a F2 deal as well? Do you think one of them would actually take you?

The editing tonight was brilliant. Jeff falling for their promise of safety next week, and then showing K/N's DR saying they'd backstab him in a heartbeat. :animated_rotfl:

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I think Jeff realizes that K/N have a F2 deal. But I also think Jeff likes his odds against the weak pairing of K/N versus the strong pairing of R/M. Michelle is very intelligent AND pretty good in the comps. Pairing up w/ R makes it a lot harder for J/J to make it to the F2. I cannot stand Natalie, but getting R out this week is Jeffs' best move.

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or the logic of getting annoyed with Michele and Russell because they have paired .... hello, it was a final four deal and you're already paired off with Jordo ... hardly rocket science! I don't take issue with his decision so much as the reasoning he gives and the attitude he has.

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Okay. I've been thinking about it for a while and here is where I TRULY think:

1) Remember the HGA (Hot guy alliance) that Jeff made with Russell? Jeff was NOT (I repeat NOT) going to take Jordan in the F2 with him. He was going to take Russell, the most hated houseguest of all. This (in Jeff's mind) would ensure him the win of 1st place. Then, he hears that not only did Kevin and Natalie hear that Russell was planning on BDing him... Michelle covered her own ass by telling Jordan that she had agreed to a "fake" (though we know it was real) F2 alliance with Russell. Given time and Jordan's fear that Jeff would take Russell to the F2 over her given past BB outcomes, she continues to help build the paranoia in Jeff to the point that Jeff agrees to BD Russell.

2) Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Jeff was a nice guy when he had no power to corrupt him. Once he got it, he was absolutely corrupted and he became that which he hated previously. Jeff is no better or worse than those HOH's who have come before him or those who will come after him.

3) Jeff did not become the biggest target in the house when he won HOH and won POV and decided to backdoor Russell. He became the biggest target when he used the power of the CDT to eliminate his biggest target in the house, drawing a very large amount of attention to himself when the others were in the process of self-destructing by turning on each other anyway. The only reason he has been safe is because of the back to back win of HOH by Jordan (given to her by Jeff) and his own wins. The target merely increased in size with the latter wins. The only thing that will save Jeff is Jeff winning POV. Its doubtful that Jordan will win another POV or HOH. My husband and I both clearly saw that she heard Michelle going up and down those stairs in the other POV competition. If they don't get Jeff out, they will vote out Jordan to eliminate the partner. He is a dead man walking if he fails to win a single POV before the F3 competitions. I think even Michelle would vote Jeff out in order to keep Jordan who is weaker.

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Jeff has said repeatedly that the reason he went after Russ was the Jesse vote. He said it was stuck in his throat and he could NOT let it go, he has brought it up almost every time he talks about Russ since it happened.

It wasn't because he bought the stupid "last minute lie" which was actually true (who couldn't have guessed M/R were planning F2---what else would they be discussing, the weather?).

It wasn't all the crap Mich fed J/J about Russ (although that didn't help).

And it certainly wasn't because he has some amazing new trust for N/K..........if that were true, he wouldn't be pushing so hard for Jordan to study to win HOH...........it's obvious he doesn't feel "safe" with N/K, he knows the only way to stay in the game is to WIN COMPS these last weeks.

Right now, it would be Jordan going up against R/M/& K or N instead of Jordan & Mich going against K/N. I think he improved their odds.........IMO Michele will not turn on Jeff after Russ is gone...........but no one knows for sure, so I guess we'll see.

***As far as Jordan & the comp, did she also see through the wall & know what number Mich wrote down? Or did BB have it already written on her chalkboard to make sure she won?

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Somebody needs to send this guy home. He is just not too bright, and shouldn't get any of prize money. Last night BBAD he just whinnied non stop and I finally had to put him on mute. If I have to mute somebody, it is time for them to leave the BB house.

He is no where near the same league the greatest of all time, Dr. Will.


Hey Echo!!

Oh Jeff will go and in some slight chance he doesn't, he nor Jordan will ever win this game... Just look at the Jury... Specially if he boots roid dude... I barely have been watching and can see this a mile away...

Watch for a new show coming out this weekend, called J & J On The Block!! Unless Grodner has another coup up her butt, or wherever she keeps them...

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