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I am still rooting for Jeff & Jordan!!

I think Jeff needs to get rid of Russell, simply because Russell is his biggest competition in this game. Jeff cannot compete for HoH next week & Russell's odds vs. K/N/M/Jordan are pretty dayum good. I believe Russell would put Jeff up if he won, even if there had been no breakdown in their alliance. Russell has been brutally honest that he is in this to win it & EVERYONE knows Jeff is his biggest threat. Russell voting for Jessie when Jeff used the coup was a bad move. I think Russell thought his vote might keep Jessie in the game, allowing him another alliance, or, possibly a jury vote if he made it to Final 2...reminding Jessie that he voted for him to stay. But R didn't consider how it would be a betrayal to Jeff, whom he still needed to further his game. I believe Michelle will stick w/ J/J. She can't stand Russell & has to love her odds against Jordan,.Natalie & Kevin in competing for the finals. (I think she wants F2 w/ Jeff)

I have yet to see Jeff act like an egotistical prick in this game. Jessie had that perfected.

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Nat & Kevin will definately put Jeff up, I think Jeff has to really know that. He has to know he is gonna go up if Jordan( & probably Michelle) don't win HoH. So, his best course of action is to get rid of the strongest player who could block him from winning the PoV, which is Russell.

Potential worst case scenario still has a silver lining for the J/J/M alliance...Russell gets evicted. K or N win HoH. They nominate J/J or Jeff/Michelle. If J/J/M win PoV, either K or N is forced to be put on the block(whomever of K/N didn't win HoH). J/J/M have the #'s to evict K or N. Yes, one of the 3 would have to win PoV, but their odds are better with Russell OUT of the house, than in it at this point.

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Michelle won't be with J&J if Russell goes. First chance she gets to vote one of them out, she will. That's why getting rid of Russ before final four is a foolish move. It lets Michelle know all bets are off. If Kevin or Natalie win and screw over J&J, they can't possibly expect the remaining "J" to stay loyal. Michelle would go with K&N and toss the other "J" out the door. J&J will undoubtedly be broken up before final two. Nobody is going to let them stay paired, and I don't see Jordan holding down the fort when Jeff can't compete for HOH every week. She can't beat Natalie or Michelle in endurance. They're doomed.

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Jordan & Michelle had many a conversation of getting Russell out before F4 last week. Michelle ONLY agreed it was a good idea to keep R last week, b/c of the #'s. Michelle has never been close with K or N, so the odds of her turning on J/J are pretty slim.

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Well how much does Russ owe you Reaper?? LOL.. I kid, I kid. :laugh4:

I still do think that putting Russ up will be his demise and that he should start thinking a little bit more selfishly as far as the game goes. Hopefully they have America's favorite again this year, because even though he might not be making the smartest move, I sure America (me probably included) will vote for him and all his hotness.

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After reading all the posters who keep calling Jeff dumb/stupid/ backstabber for thinking about getting Russ out this week, imagine my surprise when RUSS says in the DR on tonight's show that Jeff's BEST strategic move would be to get out him or Michele this week............gee, think the HGs have more of a handle on the game than the posters?

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Last week would have been stupid for Jeff/Jordan to put Russell up, this week not so much!!

The way I figure it, short of Jordan winning HOH Jeff is going up, no matter what, even if Russ was to win HOH....... sooooo getting rid of your strongest competition for winning veto isn't a bad way to go....

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Jeff doesn't have any concept how the jury works in BB. Basically because he's keeping people around with a jury full of friends...namely Kevin and Natalie..

Jeff should realize that no matter what those bitter tools will never reward him or Michele the money based on their game playing...It will be all personal with them..Jeff killing Jesse and Michele driving Chima to the mental ward..

If he had a clue..it would be a no brainer to drag Michele to the final two to win....and get rid of the jury friendly people asap..but its Jeff..duhhhh

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It would surprise me to see some of the people - Jessie and Lydia - vote for Jeff to win but you just never know. I think russell would probably vote for Jeff and I kind of think that Jessie will sway the other votes while in the SH so who knows? I have been surprised before. Michele might not depending on the mood when she leaves the house but if it is Jeff and Jordan F2 then I don't think that she would vote for Jordan. Infatuations can affect decisions. I always think that people vote before they see tapes and should they have a second chance to vote after watching, they likely would change their minds. Of course, Jeff has to get there first; I think he likely will.

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Being in power has made him worse than Jessie ever was and I displiked jessie.


How? In what way? Because in all I have viewed & read, I have not seen or heard of anything that puts Jeff's ego in the same solar system as Jessies'. Have I missed something major somewhere?

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After reading all the posters who keep calling Jeff dumb/stupid/ backstabber for thinking about getting Russ out this week, imagine my surprise when RUSS says in the DR on tonight's show that Jeff's BEST strategic move would be to get out him or Michele this week............gee, think the HGs have more of a handle on the game than the posters?

If Jeff keeps Russel he only has TWO people to DEFINITELY 100% worry about next week (Kevin and Nat). Russel and Michelle may stay with him (and I believe probably would).

However, if Jeffs ditches Russel, he now has THREE people gunning for him with Michelle, Kevin and Nat.

So in one instance three people can win HoH out of four and he may be safe.

In the other instance he has ONE person out of four and he may be safe.

It's simple, elementary school percentages.

If Russel goes this week, either Jordan wins HoH (lightning doesn't strike the same place twice) or he gets nominated. If Russel stayed he may still go up but he wouldn't be the target. Russel goes he's DEFINITELY the target with everyone but Jordan.

Here's how I see it going now. Russel goes, Jeff goes next week, Jordan goes after that (people are going to start realizing NO ONE will win against Jordan in final 2). Then it's Nat, Kevin and Michelle final 3.

Mark it down. I'll bet money on this (unless Jeff or Jordan wins PoV).

They had a chance keeping Russel. Getting rid of him they have almost none.

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Jeff doesn't have any concept how the jury works in BB. Basically because he's keeping people around with a jury full of friends...namely Kevin and Natalie..

Jeff should realize that no matter what those bitter tools will never reward him or Michele the money based on their game playing...It will be all personal with them..Jeff killing Jesse and Michele driving Chima to the mental ward..

If he had a clue..it would be a no brainer to drag Michele to the final two to win....and get rid of the jury friendly people asap..but its Jeff..duhhhh

We always think this with most jury's but that's not always the case. You never know what the jury is thinking until the votes are cast.

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