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I swear, I am going to pull for Jeff and Jordan to keep from having to watch some people from having to undergo intense therapy :doctor: should they be evicted. Dang! When people start talking about Jeff's horniness and Jordan's PMS'ing :ph34r::blush: causing them to make bad moves that is just going too far. Perspective, people, puhleeeeeeeeze..... :giggle:

:smilielol: Now that's funny.

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She calls sex booger. Idiot. He needs someone who doesn't think like a little kid.

I agree... I like my woman to know what they want and to know their way around in the bedroom... And, I have heard Jordan asking some fairly basic questions regarding sex... Those days of training or showing girls what to do are over for me , that's why my girl is 10 yrs older than me :naughty:

Jordan would be a cool little sister, but, nothing more... Don't get me wrong, I do find her attractive, but her denseness, and naivety are a turn off for me... IMO

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BTW, I made a Jordan PMS'ing comment..........I was referencing to when I was her age,certain BC pills made me highly emotional & hormonal and I had to switch...........she seems to be quite grounded, again this morning. just sayin

been there, done that. I was just like Jordan, literally suffering thru pms, when I was in my early 20's and on bc pills. I can sympathize with her. After all, it's illegal to stab someone in the eye so that in itself put me in a bad mood during pms, not to mention EVERYONE ELSE was stupid beyond belief during that time.

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exactly, KY, at one point, I thought I was losing my mind "paranoid/schizophrenic"..........and that's all it took to get it back was a change in presc...........boy, was my family happy (lol)

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I still like Jeff, but I can't stomach the friendship with Natalie.I also can't stomach how he and Jordan are acting when Russ and Michelle talk as if they have the right to tell everyone who they can and can't associate with. I don't like that at all.

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Jordan's butt is SO lucky!!

LMAO @ this, but yeah, her butt was so lucky!

Jeff is driving me nuts this week! Please don't use the veto! Natalie or Kevin needs to go this week. Preferably Kevin. He does well in comps even though he doesn't always win, and with Jeff not being able to play for HoH next week, I just don't trust Michele or Jordan being able to pull it off.

Oh, and speaking of sex between Jeff and Jordan....she could at least give him a handjob in the toilet. Use it like Ryan and his girl did couple seasons back. ;)

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I agree... I like my woman to know what they want and to know their way around in the bedroom... And, I have heard Jordan asking some fairly basic questions regarding sex... Those days of training or showing girls what to do are over for me , that's why my girl is 10 yrs older than me :naughty:

Jordan would be a cool little sister, but, nothing more... Don't get me wrong, I do find her attractive, but her denseness, and naivety are a turn off for me... IMO

Booger,I think was what Jordan said her Granddaddy called sex.

Jordan ain't as naive as you think she is about sex .I bet she likes cowgirl :animated_bouncy:;)

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I know a lot of people disagree with me but I stand by my statement that I don't think Russel would have taken out Jeff until Final Four and then it would have been an even battle (J/J versus R/M). At some point you need to think of jury votes too and Russel WILL hold a grudge. He has said numerous times if someone shakes his hand and looks him in the eye, then backstabs him, he's done with them.

You know where Russel is coming from and you know what you're getting with him. You DON'T know what you're getting with Kevin or especially Natalie.

It's better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

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I still like Jeff, but I can't stomach the friendship with Natalie.I also can't stomach how he and Jordan are acting when Russ and Michelle talk as if they have the right to tell everyone who they can and can't associate with. I don't like that at all.

Amen. The way Jeff and Jordan were acting up in the HoH today was actually despicable. They did what they sat and scolded Jesse and company for doing when they were on the bottom, acting like they run the place and dictating how things will go.

I'm very disappointed in these two. They acted much nicer when they were on the bottom.

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ITA with you Xal. J/J totally changed when the power shifted to them. I too liked them better when they were at the bottom of the totem poll. Their heads blew up fast as soon as they gained the power.

If they bd Russell on Thursday, they'll be cutting their own throats because Gnat and Kevin will NOT keep them safe should they win HOH.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Jeff gets it right and stops letting Jordan run his HOH.

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If you guys want to see something funny and can take some nasty talk, check out Survivor Sucks boards. Jeff and Jordan lovers are jumping off the Jordeff bandwagon faster than the Titanic.

I don't think I've ever seen such a loved couple become so hated on Survivor Sucks so fast.

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LMAO @ this, but yeah, her butt was so lucky!

Oh, and speaking of sex between Jeff and Jordan....she could at least give him a handjob in the toilet. Use it like Ryan and his girl did couple seasons back. ;)


EW she's no lydiot who desperately tries to keep a man by sex favors! She should do what she wants with no pressure. There is nothing wrong with kisses now and then, especially with your whole family watching every move.

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I know a lot of people disagree with me but I stand by my statement that I don't think Russel would have taken out Jeff until Final Four and then it would have been an even battle (J/J versus R/M). At some point you need to think of jury votes too and Russel WILL hold a grudge. He has said numerous times if someone shakes his hand and looks him in the eye, then backstabs him, he's done with them.

You know where Russel is coming from and you know what you're getting with him. You DON'T know what you're getting with Kevin or especially Natalie.

It's better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

I completely agree with this. I understand the notion of getting out someone who could beat you out of hoh or pov, but the social game is still important. If he backstabs Russ now...he loses his vote. there is no guarantee who is going to win the next hoh.

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Yeah.......poor Russel..........he's been such a "stand up guy".........guess he really did only vote to keep Jess because he's so great at keeping his word.........guess when he told Michele he wanted to get Jeff out this week, he was only playin..........guess when he explained to Michele how he used his workout with Jeff to "break him" b4 this past week's HOH in case it was endurance, that was just a joke, too.........yeah, poor, loyal Russ.

Jeff is just a mean backstabber for thinking Russ is planning to screw him..........where in the world did he get that idea?

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