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Sunday, August 16th


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I think Kevin's idea had some merit actually......

Jordan puts Nat and Lydia up, Kevin wins POV takes Lydia off, then Jordan has to put up Russ or Michelle

Jordan puts up Nat and Kevin, Kevin wins POV, takes himself off.. Jordan still has Lydia to put up

The chances of Kevin actually winning another POV are slim, so really I don't think he is that much of a threat, but it might be something for Jordan to think about

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Are nominations today or on Monday? Mortys says today but I thought I heard last night that they're on Monday.

Jordan said last night how she was happy noms were now on Monday..that BB was giving her an extra day to just sit on things and relax tomorrow (sunday, which is today).

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i was thinking with all the breakdown what tonights show would be ?

i think ,or hope really,they will show the chima breakdown and new hoh comp. this will make for a great show tonight. i also hope they are honest about it and tell us all how they are going to address the needing another juror.still hoping america will be the 7th vote

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Lydia doesn't care about going to the jury house because she wants to be with Jesse...........but then when Lydia finds out that K/N may be plotting to STAY in the BB house, she's not so sure............why doesn't Nat want to leave & go be with Jesse? should I be trying to stay here? where are we???

I would hate to be inside Lydia's head.

LMAO!! :animated_rotfl:

Uh duh uh well...."which way did they go GEORGE, uh which way did they go.... yulp... yulp?"

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fatcat i found mortys i think season 3 of bb and been here ever since. i was amazed at how nice and devoted everyone was. i havent looked for another site nor ever felt the need to. i used to get the feeds till i got suckered in by hughes satalite then found out their high speed was a total lie and i couldnt watch videos(which is a huge part of the internet) so im dependent on the lfu's here to keep me informed and they do a wonderful job. i have bbad but as we know bb tells them not to do anything special for bbad which i dont understand . it looks like they would want to encourage some ecxitement for the viewers.

now to the rat pack. it looks like it will be shooting fish in a barrel the next few weeks. kevin is the only threat at all. i mean natilie may trip and fall on the right button but lydia is trying to figure out the quickest way to loose so she can get to jesse first. so kevin seems to be the only possible threat in any way at this point.

I have Hughes Net too! It pisses me off about there limit of usage!! Its unlimited from like 2am to 6am or something stupid like that!!

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Well so far the big lie is not going to work because michelle hasn't been in the splash or green room alone with russell. I hope and pray and can't wait until Kevin is caught in the lie and I hope it is his ass that gets put up this week.

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Help. I had company most of the weekend and missed a lot of good stuff. If I want to do a flashback and see some of the fighting that went on where would be a good time to start?

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These total fabrications that Natalie keeps making up to cause alliance problems is just wrong. I am so sick listening to her tell Kevin we have to do it NOW. He is hemming and hawing but she is really pushing him.

Why doesn't she try to win this game by winning comps and making good relationships. Her whole game is her little lies.

It makes me so sick that she keeps getting away with it. Natalie makes me sick.

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She is making Kevin do it by saying that he overheard Michele and Russell talking about their final 2 status and getting rid of Jeff and Jordan.

Stupid strategy.

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OK I am on a roll because these lying schemers piss me off. Natalie, Lydia and Kevin are trash.

I am watching Jeff on the elliptical and I see Michele and Jordan keep up their exercising.

Not once have I seen Natalie, Lydia or Kevin exercise or try to win this game by any other means but making up lies.

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Is it just me or ........... I don't remember all these lies being floated around in previous seasons. Oh yeah, some, but these purposely awful hateful get in your face lies? Hmmm, maybe I'm getting old-sheimers.

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