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Remember Jeff refused to become Jesse's new BFF when they all suspected Jeff had the Coup D'Etat. Maybe Jeff and Jordan just need to put two baby cribs up in the HOH room and let Russ/Michele stay in there!!!!

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I can't imagine springing for cosmetic surgery when I couldn't afford to live on my own, and if my mother were struggling, helping out there would also come first .... The timing just seems weird to me, and maybe a little sad.

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I can't imagine springing for cosmetic surgery when I couldn't afford to live on my own, and if my mother were struggling, helping out there would also come first .... The timing just seems weird to me, and maybe a little sad.

They ain't sad looking to me and I bet they bring tears of joy to guys at Hooters and get her big tips :animated_rotfl:

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First she thinks Mich is her best friend and now she's buying every word Nat's telling her.............HELLO!..........she's on the block, of course she's going to tell you what you want to hear. If J/J let her stay, I predict a Russ/Nat F2...............and I won't be watching.

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Jordan will be the downfall of J/J alliance. She just cannot keep her mouth shut. She blabs everything to Gnat, of all people Gnat. And she is pushing Jeff on the "Gnat's never lied" crap. How do you know she's never lied Jordan? I really hope Russ wins POV.

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Yes, Jordan really doesn't know how to zip it. I would not even be chit chatting with Natalie at this point, as paranoid as Jordan is she needs to stay away from those 3. Jeff has told her as nicely as possible that she needs to shut up and he keeps having to talk her down from her ramblings on Natalie and the others, how they are bein nice etc, it gets really old for me with her.

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Glad I'm not the only one Fatcat. ;) Don't get me wrong, I like Jordan, I think she needs the money so I hope she comes away with something, but I think she is royally screwing up Jeff's game. She gives away way to much info, to everyone, and she is way to trusting. Plus I think it is icky everytime I have to hear her talk about her (.) or taking a dump.

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Yes, Jordan really doesn't know how to zip it. I would not even be chit chatting with Natalie at this point, as paranoid as Jordan is she needs to stay away from those 3. Jeff has told her as nicely as possible that she needs to shut up and he keeps having to talk her down from her ramblings on Natalie and the others, how they are bein nice etc, it gets really old for me with her.

I agree. As much as I would hate to see it Jordan needs to go before she brings Jeff down in the game.

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well, I agree , She is seriously messin with Jeffs game, he snapped at her last night over the natalie thing and "she's bein so Nice", then she said she was sorry and that she had cramps, then they were talkin numbers and I thought Jeff had her back in line with getting rid of Nasty, but then as soon as Michelle saw her chance to f with her and went up to the HOH, Jordan was taking in everything Michelle said and seemed as tho she was buyin it hook line and sinker, so unless Jeff keeps by her 24/7 Jordan goes off the deep end every time and I for one am really tiring of it. I do like Jordan, but her persona is wearing me thin

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And here I was thinking just how smart she is :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I do not think Jordan is stupid and I think she has more sense than ppl give her credit for, but she just does not know when to shut it, she talks too much and is very naieve when it comes to what ppl are about, like natalie, kevin and lydia. I think she wants to believe that they are comin to her and Jeffs side, but that just aint gonna happen, and I really do tire of her being so gulliable. Jeff cannot be constantly be on damage control and then all it does is make him paranoid and then he goes off the deep end these 2 do not hold each other up well at all, just sayin

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I dont think the DR will allow her to keep her allaince.. they seemly drop hints to make them think otherways..

I have talked about DR involment and everyone has said, hey it is part of the game,is this the first season you have ever watched BB??

No this is NOT the first season I have watched BB,but it seems to me that this season it has been BLATANT how much the DR has been involved...

They seem to be hitting the HOH's especially hard this year,but maybe it is just my imagination?

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This is a nightmare.

What friggin universe are they living in where they start believing the other side especially after seeing their reactions to Jesse's and Chima's evictions?


On a more pleasant note...

Jeff told Jordan he loves her!!! :inlove:

She said it was LUV not LOVE but he said LOVE!

Awwwww..... ^_^

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Glad I'm not the only one Fatcat. ;) Don't get me wrong, I like Jordan, I think she needs the money so I hope she comes away with something, but I think she is royally screwing up Jeff's game. She gives away way to much info, to everyone, and she is way to trusting. Plus I think it is icky everytime I have to hear her talk about her (.) or taking a dump.

Reading the last few posts about jordan. Did any of you not see jeff talking way too much with kevin the other night after kevin told him the big lie?

jordan has been asking jeff repeatedly over the last few days to talk with russell and jeff has made excuse after excuse not to. So i blame jeff more than jordan. But utimately i blame michelle the most. the female version of ronnie the rat. She even said to jordan last night, "I'm not Ronnie!" Bitch.

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