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looked clear as day to me she was trying to throw hoh comp to jeff

but since he didnt know the answer being pressed since she knew it would be obvious if she waited she just went for it

looks like russell, kevin , nat , lydia are all possibility of going up

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i think michele will try to protect j/j. with jeff using the coup he is not very well liked right now and knowing she can outsmart him i think she has visions of final 2 with jeff. with this in mind i hope she really confides in them and puts up chima/nat and try to get kevin and lydia on their side. jesse's reactions towards kevin may hurt his side when it sinks in kevin is on the bottom of that alliance

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You go girl! She's as confusing as hell but if she finally STAYS with J/J, it will be a good thing. I think she went to every HOH, so I don't see that as a problem...........it appears to me she feels safer with J/J but, we'll see.

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I predict Michele will nominate Nat/Lydia or Kevin will be back up. (Nat being the target.) Wouldn't be surprised if Lydia tries to fall on the sword though... she'd love to have a week alone with Jessie. Last laugh on her though... 2 leaving next week. :lol:

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I can't figure out her loyalties. I don't think she has any. I know she will most likely put up Russell because of their public tado. Chima abandoned her and the rest of the "Brains" as soon as she got a chance because she felt she should be with the POPULAR group. Chima ended up clinging to the power couple, Natalie and Jess. Michelle should see beyond the "girl" thing and put her up.

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I see her being loyal to J/J utmost. But, I think J/J will solidify an alliance (again) between the 3 of them and Russell (final 4 deal.) But, I think Michele will have some loyalty to Chima too. Therefore, she won't put her up... but, I really wish she would. Nat/Chima nomination would be awesome.

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I see her being loyal to J/J utmost. But, I think J/J will solidify an alliance (again) between the 3 of them and Russell (final 4 deal.) But, I think Michele will have some loyalty to Chima too. Therefore, she won't put her up... but, I really wish she would. Nat/Chima nomination would be awesome.

I see Michelle trying to make everyone happy with her noms. She really is playing for herself.

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I predict Michele will nominate Nat/Lydia or Kevin will be back up. (Nat being the target.) Wouldn't be surprised if Lydia tries to fall on the sword though... she'd love to have a week alone with Jessie. Last laugh on her though... 2 leaving next week. :lol:

Russell has worked harder than anyone else in the house to damage her game. He's going home.

Russell has not one ally left in there. The deal he has with J/J is very superficial. Even they know better than to fully trust this guy.

Michelle will work tthe block to gain an ally and send Russell packing. My be is that Lydia will be her final two deal in this house as she is in the weakest position.

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She should look back at the times she was up in HoH with Jessie, Chima and Natalie. Did she really ever feel like one of them? And she should never forget the lie about the green room that caused her so much grief.

Ditto, I was just going to post that. Especially the Green room lie. That was hidious. Put up Gnat for sure.

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Putting up Russel is a bad...VERY bad...game decision.

As long as Russel is in the house he is a target for almost everyone so why take him out when you can use him as an ally?

On top of that Michelle should know if Russel won HoH next week his target would 100% be Chima.

So getting him out now is a boneheaded move unless her only goal is not to piss anyone off....which is crazy at this point of the game. Floaters get far but they usually don't win. She needs to make a power move now and put up Natalie and either Kevin or Lydia with the target being Natalie. If Natalie wins HoH then she'd need to put up Russel (smart move for her not to go after Chima since she could potentially be an ally).

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I think her best move would be to join up with Jeff and Jordan and pull in Russell, that puts the house split at 4/4 with Chima, Nat, Lydia, and Kevin on the other side... Put up any two of the other side, that still leaves one if one of them wins PoV and takes one of them off and she still could insure that one of the other team leaves this week, keeping in mind that they don't know about the double eviction, and that brings the numbers to 4/3 with her side ahead in numbers...

OK What I said is confusing, so I will give you an example of what I mean...

OK So say Michele puts up Lydia and Nat, then both Chima, and Kevin are picked to play in the PoV and say Kevin win's PoV again and takes Lydia down this time, Michele would still have Chima to put up against Nat...

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I really don't know who Michele will nom...except I know she won't nom Jeff. (she luvs him....:love:)

I'm gonna guess she puts up Russell and Lydia...it's a safe move. She'll ruffle the least amount of feathers this way...and maintain good relationships with J/J and with C/N....and continue to sit smack dab in the middle of them all.

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I see Michelle trying to make everyone happy with her noms. She really is playing for herself.

I see her putting up kevin and lydia,no one gives a rats ass about either,she makes no one mad at her,except kevin lydia. That will enable her to go one more week without actually having to decide which side she is actually on,she can still float until she sees where the power is next week. I would like to see her solidify with jeff/jordan/and take out gnat and chima,and destroy that alliance,but I don't see it happening.

Having said the above I will state once again I have no idea what Michelle is going to do from one minute to the next,she is a total wildcard as far as I'm concerned!

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she seem to be siding with jordan and crew based on the feeds i am watching now

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Here's the deal. As things stand right now Chima, Nat, Lydia and Kevin seem very firm together. If Michelle sides with them she's potentially fifth on the totem poll.

If Michelle sides with Jordan, Jeff and Russel however, she's third and then has a chance to make final 2 if she wins HoH.

She has little chance with Chima, Nat, Lydia and Kevin because L and K are strong together and Chima/Nat are. She has TWO solid duos to deal with them and only one if she goes with Jeff and Jordan.

It really would be stupid for her to put up Russel this week. He goes up it's now four against three. She's a smart girl, no way does she do that. It's far enough in the game now to start thinking about the end.

Get rid of Nat or Chima and it becomes 4 versus 3 and you have a VERY strong team because L and K suck at challenges.

The only thing putting up Russel does right now is make it much more likely that the other side wins and Jeff goes home, your BEST and strongest ally.

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Russell is a safe pick to put on the block. He's out for Michelle and doesn't have many strong allies in this house.

Jeff seems more interested in going back under the radar right now. An alliance with Russell puts him back in the headlights. Jeff ain't gonna go out of his way to campaign for Russell on the block. He has enough heat on him for the Coup D'etat.

Anyways, I think Michelle is goning to win this season. Thus far she has won comps when she absolutely has had to win them and she badly needed to win HOH this week. It's the perfect time while the house is shook up to take control of your destiny.

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Thing is, Michelle could put up Nat & Lydia as a "favor", saying "I know how miserable you both are without Jess, so I'm going to give you both an equal chance to go & be with him"............she'd have to practice, though & pull it off with a straight face.


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lol lvgal!

Michele really got herself into a pickle here...she really should have thrown the comp to Jeff. She'd have been safe and have clean hands.

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lol lvgal!

Michele really got herself into a pickle here...she really should have thrown the comp to Jeff. She'd have been safe and have clean hands.

That was too risky cause Kevin was still in the comp and he would've gone after Russell/Jeff.

I think Michele's best move is Natalie & Chima. I think Jeff & Jordan may talk her into doing this as they've been with her the entire game.

She better make this strategic and not personal.

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