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She just said she is gonna spit on Russell to make him hit her and with her past story the producers have nothing but to kick him off the show

If she is allowed to do that then I hope he hocks a large lugie in her face. When she was allowed to throw water in his face the other night then he should have thrown some in her face. Then she'd end up hitting him and she would be sent packing. :)

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I think she's starting to believe that Russ will be taken off the block, so she's trying to figure out how to get rid of him b4 Thurs. to ensure he goes............I can't see how if she spits at him & he hits her, they wouldn't BOTH go (?)

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I am almost positive Russ WOUDLN'T hit her, but she'd better look out, as far as anything else goes (i.e, hiding personal stuff, getting drenched with water in the middle of the night, etc...)

Although, personally, I believe that, outside of the house, spitting on someone would be considered assault, so I hope it backfires on her, and she goes!!! If that happens, BB would still want to play the Coup, so then Jessie follows her out... With 1 HG less, maybe they could bring back Braden, Laura, or Casey, although, they haven't been sequestered...

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Wonder why BB aired Chima's story this week. Because of her saying she wanted a woman to win or another reason that may have something to do with her threats for the upcoming eviction?

I know. I was like, didn't that happen a couple of weeks ago?

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There is something fishy about "The Chima Story". She stated tonite on CBS that it was 10 years ago that she was assulted. That the perp was put in jail and put to death.

FYI - It usually take 14 to 20 years to execute a death row inmate due to the court of appeals process (if they are executed at all). I checked with someone in the know about these facts. So, just sayin' hmmmmmmm..........

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This is what I just found on the net


Chima of Big Brother 11 survived a brutal rape at the hands of a serial killer.

In fact, she was his last victim.

This story came out 3 weeks ago, and somehow I missed it. So I am passing it on now, in case you missed it too.

On September 17, 1996 Dale Devon Scheanette raped and murdered Christine Vu. On December 24th of that same year, he did the same to Wendie Prescott. The women lived in the same apartment complex. (Later it was discovered that Scheanette lived there as well.)

Scheanette became known as the

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This is what I just found on the net


Chima of Big Brother 11 survived a brutal rape at the hands of a serial killer.

In fact, she was his last victim.

This story came out 3 weeks ago, and somehow I missed it. So I am passing it on now, in case you missed it too.

On September 17, 1996 Dale Devon Scheanette raped and murdered Christine Vu. On December 24th of that same year, he did the same to Wendie Prescott. The women lived in the same apartment complex. (Later it was discovered that Scheanette lived there as well.)

Scheanette became known as the

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I agree it is a little weird BB decided to air her rape story tonight since she actually shared it a while back. Are they trying to garner support for her?

It is sad because the only thing they could show about her this week is her terrorizing Russell. It looks like she really is trying to get him to hit her and push his buttons. I hope he keeps his cool and doesn't lose it because of that crazy woman. I am sorry for what happened to her, but she has a chip on her shoulder.

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Chima talking again about spitting on Russell and make him mad enough to hit her. She said he would go to jail and get raped up the ass. She said if he hits her then she would fall to the ground and fake a really bad injury.

(this is up in HOH bed with Jessie and Natalie in bed with her)

This woman is so sick.

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Chima talking again about spitting on Russell and make him mad enough to hit her. She said he would go to jail and get raped up the ass. She said if he hits her then she would fall to the ground and fake a really bad injury.

This woman is so sick.

I heard that as well Marty. OMG, she is so sick!! I can't believe a rape victim would talk the way she does.

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Aha!!! That's how that bitch can afford to have her own apartment in L.A. She's probably one of these people that sets people up so she can sue them.

Why the hell did they show her talking about her rape tonight and put a good side of her for the viewers to see???? Are they nuts????

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Where did BB get these people this year??? Ronnie is a flippin' sicko and Chima is just a horrible human being...

Let's not forget Lydia???? She is insane!!

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I am appalled that someone who was raped would say things like that, even if she was joking, which I doubt. I have to say though, I'm not totally surprised. She is not a nice person, any way you slice it. Get over yourself, She-Mah!

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