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Rarely if ever does someone like Chima act on threats like this. But it would be awesome to see her go crazy on live tv.

I think her speech when she was nom'd with Braden, pretty much tells us that Chima will do whatever she pleases

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I can't decide who I dislike the most. Chima? Natalie? Ronnie? Well I don't have to worry about gamer boy anymore. He's GONE YAY! Chima's laugh makes me want to stick something in my ears and bust my own ear drum. Her laugh, her voice, ugh! I can't stand her. Natalie? OMG!! What has she done in this game except ride coat tails? Yet, she walks around this house like she is queen Sh*t! GO JEFF! Can't wait to see the look on Chima's face you you jack her HOH up Thursday!! hahahah ooooooh I can't wait!!

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Rarely if ever does someone like Chima act on threats like this. But it would be awesome to see her go crazy on live tv.

I can't wait to see that!

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Thanks TVgal...my thoughts exactly! I feel like unleashing some of the more colorful words I know in English...then following it up with a couple of words in the other languages I speak...and yeah, I'm Southern lol! As we say in the South, bless her heart, bendice su coraz

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She just made a really derogatory remark about southern ppl, what a stupid bitch, and if Jeff even considers not using his power because of all the crap that they have thrown out there, I will shoot myself

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She is really a disgusting speciman of a human being. After she made her derofitory remark she then gave that laugh, not funny beotch, I want to jump in there and rip her a new one, she would not get away with her crap if I was in there.

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Chima is now saying that if they mess with her HoH decisions she is going to stand up while Julie is talking during the HoH comp and start talking or hitting everyone's buttons... While I think it would be funny to watch, I think they may make her stay inside, due to her threats... She claims she's already told the DR people and that they told her they understood... Somebody needs to tell her that it's in her contract that the game can change to their will, and that they will put her out the door and sue her for breech of contract... IMHO...

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If they don't find a way to calm her down before Thursday all they have to do is lock her in the HoH room until its all over. The outgoing HoH is only there for soundbites anyway.

She's been talking a lot, but we'll see what happens when Jeff pulls the CDE.

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OMG Chima, Nat, Jesse, Michele, Lydia, and Kevin are pulling a nerd herd and are all hiding out in the HoH room from Russell, but Russell is already asleep...

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I cant stand her! Calling us southerners stupid! I wanted Jessie to stay but I really hope Jeff uses the power, makes this bitch go insane, and then Jeff or Jordan win HOH and get her out ASAP! AFTER she makes a fool of herself on live tv so America can see what a dumb ignorant bitch she really is.

LenRay, what you said is SO true! That freakin cackle she does after she says hurtful things or racist remarks make me want to jab her in the face. With all of Russells anger issues I'm actually surprised he didn't drop kick her ass when they had that fight.

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What a waste of space most of the people in that house are. Kevin, Gnat, Jordan, Lydiot, and the list goes on...

If not for Jordan there would be no hot women to look at. If not for Jordan Jeff wouldn't have a friend in the house.

Jordan is funny and sweet. I'd hardly call her wasted space.

I cant stand her! Calling us southerners stupid! I wanted Jessie to stay but I really hope Jeff uses the power, makes this bitch go insane, and then Jeff or Jordan win HOH and get her out ASAP! AFTER she makes a fool of herself on live tv so America can see what a dumb ignorant bitch she really is.

LenRay, what you said is SO true! That freakin cackle she does after she says hurtful things or racist remarks make me want to jab her in the face. With all of Russells anger issues I'm actually surprised he didn't drop kick her ass when they had that fight.

Can you imagine the bitching she would do if Russell had thrown a glass of water in her face?

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The things that come out of her mouth are horrible. She's made fun of every ethnic group out there. Then she goes on to say, if they F with my HOH, I know people in the business and BB will be in a sh*t load of trouble. She is so full of herself, it's pathetic.

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The things that come out of her mouth are horrible. She's made fun of every ethnic group out there. Then she goes on to say, if they F with my HOH, I know people in the business and BB will be in a sh*t load of trouble. She is so full of herself, it's pathetic.

They should play that back to her when she is evicted. She has become one of my least fav HG's ever. Awful woman all 'round, that Chima.

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Before Chima became HOH she would go outside and sit on the couch to talk to other HG but I don't recall seeing her in the pool or hot tub.

I hope Chima follows through with her threat if Jeff uses the power. She'll be punished and not in a good way. It could very well be her ticket out the door. The producers will not tolerate that kind of behavior. She may have gotten away with a tame version but she'll be pressing her luck if she does it again. I'm sure they will let her know that in the DR too. She thinks if she makes her threats in the DR against the power it's going to keep them from using it? She has ceased living in reality.

I thought Jessie was bad with the "power" going to his head but Chima is right up there with him when it comes to her sense of entitlement. Bless her heart.

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