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jess and his sewer rat sure started a doo-doo storm tonight...

And it was all a LIE... a story they totally made up to cover their tracks about trying to keep ronnie, and backstabbing russell,and dumb ass russell bought it!! I guess jessie should be the NEW National Persuasive Speaking champion,on second thought maybe russell is just a paranoid dip sh*t!

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Can you believe the mess he started with the hoiuse then ran and hid like the punk ass he is "my stomach hurts"

While nat is going from one fight to the next stirring it up... meanwhile Lydia is serving him up. I think Jordan is putting it together better watch out

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soooo..... Jessie went to lay down while the sheeit hit the fan huh ?

I happened to look at the Pic Thread before I started reading the posts about early this a.m.

I was wondering why he wasn't in any of the pics during the blow up :animated_scratchchin:

Had a tummy ache ? awwwwww

probably from swallowing all those lies.....................

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His absence didn't go unnoticed last night, Chima and Russ commented on him not being there, of course Gnat tried to defend him, lets hope they don't have short memories. How Russell can think he is so smart and not figure out that Jessie and Gnat are the shit disturbers is beyond me. I hope Jeff is the wizard and puts them both up.

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Jesse is as big a pussy as Ronnie is.

Every single fight in this house he goes off and hides.

If he's not talking about working out or game he's not talking.

I can't even imagine him having a real normal conversation with anyone in the house or defending them in a fight.

Everyone has to figure this out soon that there's a reason why he hid each time the house was fighting.

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