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to damn funny,who did he say it too,just curious???

He said it to Jordan, they had a really good lengthy game conversation in the back yard.

I almost spit my diet sprite all over my monitor when he said that....it was so unexpected...LOL!

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Soooo guess it means good ole' boy Jesse will be laying around the Jury House...

and laying, and laying, and laying

Anyone want to bet money on him blaming everyone and everything else for him not making it to Final Three ???

:crybaby: Woe is me

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I can't even fathom the thought of Jessie being in the jury house. He doesn't deserve to be there.

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At least he won't have to OVERTAX his teeny tiny little pea brain with "STATEGERY", he can devote all his time to SLEEPING, EATING ,and TALKING about himself,you know the things that he is actually GOOD at!!!!

And as an added bonus "gnat the hoodrat" will be right there beside him making him one of her delicious SANDWICHES! :animated_rotfl:

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gsn quote: "At least he won't have to OVERTAX his teeny tiny little pea brain with "STATEGERY", he can devote all his time to SLEEPING, EATING ,and TALKING about himself,you know the things that he is actually GOOD at!!!! "

Well said :clap:

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I think Nats days as a priestess of the god Jessie will end when she walks out the BB front door. He is the muscle bully that allowed her to run her mouth to anyone and everyone and that was it. She is another one that blames everything on someone or something else, like she couldn't handle getting wet and it was BB's fault she lost because she couldn't wear her garbage bag suit. She will probably blame Jessie for her getting booted and he might have to make his own sandwiches in the jury house.

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Jessie is the worst...I cannot watch him on TV...His overpumped body and that little head....Its like he's some weird cartoon...or some dateline special..."look at this tragedy...this Body builder went into the rain forest and pissed off a witch doctor...now he is deformed for life..."

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Jessie is the worst...I cannot watch him on TV...His overpumped body and that little head....Its like he's some weird cartoon...or some dateline special..."look at this tragedy...this Body builder went into the rain forest and pissed off a witch doctor...now he is deformed for life..."


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Jessie is the worst...I cannot watch him on TV...His overpumped body and that little head....Its like he's some weird cartoon...or some dateline special..."look at this tragedy...this Body builder went into the rain forest and pissed off a witch doctor...now he is deformed for life..."

:smilielol: :smilielol:

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To put in perspective how BAD jessie is at this game,here are the facts...

I can understand jessie keeping ronnie when Jessie was HOH to a certain extent, he had HOH power and could mold opinion about how ronnie leaving doesn't help the other HG's,as ronnie would STILL be the bigger target,takes the heat off him.

But trying to save him this week was sheer STUPIDITY, he didn't have the HOH power hanging over their heads ,along with POV power, to mold their opinions. His only REASON was Ronnie would still be the bigger target in his MIND,as he didn't really trust ronnie either. After engineering ronnie staying, and lydia being evicted, strong arming Michelle, pissing off russell ,and every other house guest, except gnat and chima,you my teeny tiny headed friend would have made yourself a much BIGGER target than even ronnie, had it actually worked!

He could have easily cut Ronnie loose, he served his purpose for the week,and he wouldn't be caught in the bind he is in right now,probably would have been in a bind later on,but not right NOW!

And might I add, ALL of this was done without the coup d'etat even being used! Jessie will have the coup as his reason he lost this game....but his game was OVER, with his move to save ronnie for the second time!

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HE only knows how to handle himself when he is in power...now that he is on slop (which he has complained non stop about.....I really wish Jeff or Russ would keep asking him if hes lost weight...or Dude, your looking trim...just to eff with him a bit). He is a poor loser and a poor sport. Even ROnnie handle the slop thing better.

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It is funny at how paranoid he and Natalie have become. They camp outside the HOH and then are trying to pry from Russell about what his conversation with Michelle was. LOL it was just sharing stories about their lives outside the house but yet Jesse and Natalie are sure there was game plan talk. If they are this paranoid now just imagine later in the game. And can he and Natalie ever have a conversation with anyone that does not include HG bashing?

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He could have easily cut Ronnie loose, he served his purpose for the week,and he wouldn't be caught in the bind he is in right now,probably would have been in a bind later on,but not right NOW!

And might I add, ALL of this was done without the coup d'etat even being used! Jessie will have the coup as his reason he lost this game....but his game was OVER, with his move to save ronnie for the second time!

ITA hope to see him gone next week

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Jessie is back to acting exactly how he acted the last time he was in the house..........hiding out with his he/she partner and trying to sleep the days away.........and it's going to result in his leaving, again.............de ja vue!

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