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What amazes me is that while wanting & needing Michelle's vote, Jesse & crew did everything they could this week to make her hate them..........Jesse thought he was going to convince JEFF to keep Ronnie................REALLY?

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What amazes me is that while wanting & needing Michelle's vote, Jesse & crew did everything they could this week to make her hate them..........Jesse thought he was going to convince JEFF to keep Ronnie................REALLY?

Pinhead = Limited Thinking Ability

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It's really too bad that he got lost up Jessie's ass. I really would have liked to have seen what he could have done in the house without him. That being said, I think he still would have played just as hard, just as soon, and screwed up just as bad. I can't believe I'm saying this... but I think I'm feeling bad for him. What is wrong with me?!?!! It must be all the stress and not sleeping for 2 days. I'm going out of my mind.

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Maybe this has been said before and I apologize if it has...but if Ronnie was such a fan of the game and knew everything from past seasons, don't you think he would have known to try to evict Jesse as early as possible (especially if he wanted to be a favorite). He should have known that

1. The BB Fans did not like Jesse and

2. That BB fans don't like returning house guests.

When Ronnie was HOH he should have gotten rid of Jesse...then maybe the fans would have liked him.


I've been wondering along these same lines this week. Would our opinions of Lydia, Natalie, and Ronnie be any different if Jessie hadn't gone back into the house? If he wasn't there then they wouldn't have aligned with him and their game play might have been totally different! Right now, I kind of feel like they ruined their chances for being liked by America because of their drooling over Jessie. Just food for thought.

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It's really too bad that he got lost up Jessie's ass. I really would have liked to have seen what he could have done in the house without him. That being said, I think he still would have played just as hard, just as soon, and screwed up just as bad. I can't believe I'm saying this... but I think I'm feeling bad for him. What is wrong with me?!?!! It must be all the stress and not sleeping for 2 days. I'm going out of my mind.

Just go back to the Jeff thread, look at all the pictures and think about how badly Ronnie wanted to burn the sweetest guy ever. That should get your sanity back.

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What amazes me is that while wanting & needing Michelle's vote, Jesse & crew did everything they could this week to make her hate them..........Jesse thought he was going to convince JEFF to keep Ronnie................REALLY?

I wanted to scream when he was talking to Jeff! Lame excuses--they treated Jeff like shite!!!!!

It seems Ronnie forgot all of the things he said to Casey about going out with dignity...way to go Ronnie, you stay classy!

yeah Bonnie we ALL heard what you said about being nice on your way out and you wouldn't lower yourself by being rude!

We'll see!

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I don't have one bit of compassion for him.............he is a typical evil, manipulative nerd who antagonizes everyone for fun and then plays "victim" when they finally get sick of him and retaliate.

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Ronnie is a mean and vindictive person. Online he brags about being a Cyber Bully. Now he plans to trash Michele on live TV tonight. He is a tool, a piece of work. Last night he said he wants to go on Survivor. Just imagine that freaky geek on Survivor, of all shows.

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It's really too bad that he got lost up Jessie's ass. I really would have liked to have seen what he could have done in the house without him. That being said, I think he still would have played just as hard, just as soon, and screwed up just as bad. I can't believe I'm saying this... but I think I'm feeling bad for him. What is wrong with me?!?!! It must be all the stress and not sleeping for 2 days. I'm going out of my mind.

He repulses me by everything he says and does. I can't wait to see him walk out that door. And I can't wait until he gets home and finds out how much America detests him.

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Kevin called him out the other night during the fight. Ratboy only picks on who he thinks are the weaker people. Where was his heart when Russell was yelling at him? What's worse is if it was fake yelling, he was still to scared to say anything back. The rathole a$$hole.

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I can't believe I'm saying this... but I think I'm feeling bad for him. What is wrong with me?!?!!

What the hell Elle??? LMAO!

Ok, I can help you out here. Come closer...a little closer. bash.gif

There, feel better now?

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Yesterday, during the "House Meeting", Michelle said Ronnie wanted to go down as one of the biggest villians in BB history. So funny, he's not even the biggest villian of THIS season. Fail Ronnie, epic failure. If you were shooting for the biggest MORON in BB history, then I think you might be in the running, you might make it in the top 10.

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Yesterday, during the "House Meeting", Michelle said Ronnie wanted to go down as one of the biggest villians in BB history. So funny, he's not even the biggest villian of THIS season. Fail Ronnie, epic failure. If you were shooting for the biggest MORON in BB history, then I think you might be in the running, you might make it in the top 10.

Dorkapotamus. :animated_rotfl:

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I am so happy Bonnie is being evicted before Jury House. Nothing is worse than seeing someone you hate greet one of your fallen heroes with malice and glee at the Jury House door.

I can't wait until tonight! Saying goodbye to his belly-button-crud-smelling-smarmy-acting-self will be quite the pleasure! That, combined with hopefully seeing Jeff humbly accept his wizard powers will make my evening. Yay! :)

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