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Thursday 7/30 Show

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If it gets down to any combo of Jeff/Jordan/Russell

Russell would be dumb not to make a deal or just drop, he will be 100% safe and Jeff and Jordan will just do dirty work he was going to have to do later

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lol this comp made me turn on my feeds for first time since saturday

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get free trial if anyone wants to watch this comp

just remember to cancel in three days

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thats the part I hate...the trying to cancel on the phone, then the email not showing up, then on hold again, and so forth..but I really am tempted lol

oh and plus I cannot get the free music every year since it states that my zip is not in the US lol

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jordan out

lol i thought she was already out

i kept wondering who was in the red outfit

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was there a prize left for Jordan...i hope?!

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natalie had to throw that comp

i really want to see why she drop so early on sunday show

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It's up to Jeff I hope he can do it he has to so they will all be scared this week. I hope Chima and Michelle fall soon and Russell makes a deal with Jeff or falls to. I hate the suspense of these comps that last for hours.

Hang on Jeff you can do it!

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Lol, it's so obvious BB is getting hatemail and ratings drops over the Athlete domination. Hence ending cliques mysteriously early (when Jessie can't compete), offering coup d'etat while Jeff has probably a third of the overall popular vote.

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chima looks most relax

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