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* Natalie *


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Natalie makes me think of those puppet things on Fraggle Rock... she is just a freakin nasty ass beotch...She is so damn selfish and so Manchelle-esque.

Oh, I liked Fraggle Rock. Now the memory of them is forever besmirched. :crybaby:

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She "claims" to have a BF, just like she "claims" to be 18

I hope she is a lesbian and that we get to see the look on Jesse's face when he finds out.

at the end of the game jessie would be thrilled, he wouldn't have to explain that he is actually GAY,and he's not interested in her that way!!! :animated_rotfl:

just sayin

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I hope she is a lesbian and that we get to see the look on Jesse's face when he finds out.

It won't bother him, it's not like he wants her for her body. If she is a lesbian and I believe she is, its better for Jesse. He can keep his sexuality hidden by claiming to have tried to seduce her and this is why he didn't succeed.

Was this clear as mud? LOL!

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Looking from a player perspective only, I think I may be Natalie's only fan. Okay, fan might be too strong of a word to use, but ya, I like her game play. She's a snitch but at the same time, she's quite good at manipulating people. Just as much as people are up Jessie's arse, so are some of the others up hers. Jessie is more of a target than she is, yet she's calling the shots just as much as he is. It's like Jessie is her bullet proof vest, taking the blows. The only one that really hates her is Lydia, and that's just because she's jealous. I'd like to see how she's play without Jessie.

My only complaint about Natalie is that she's annoying in a hyper chatter sort of a way. Other than that, I don't mind her. If she wasn't alligned with Jessie, she'd be one of my favourites this season as far as game goes.

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I'm not sure she would even have a game if Jessie wasn't there. He seems like her security blanket. She knows he will never put her up, so she can get away with her cocky attitude while pretending to be 18. I think she would be totally lost without him.

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I agree that Natalie's play so far has been pretty intelligent. Her main problem is her inability to sit back and NOT be confrontational and dig dig dig. She does NOT accept that she is wrong. But she's doing pretty good because few are targeting her specifically.

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I've come to realize that Jessie's presence there is like a weird comfort to some of these fools, he needs to go.. but I need for Natalie to win HOH thursday so Lydia can go up or be backdoored, I would rather her be backdoored so she has no chance in hell of saving herself, but yeah Natalie handle that HOH win, thanks.

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I would love to see Gnat reaction and game play if jessie was evicted, my guess is with her protector gone she would be lost!

No she will still be good with Russell, Chima and Ronnie. Now what I cant wait to see when Natalie (because you know she is) going to go and tell Kevin everything that Lydia said last night. This is where I am glad she goes and runs tells that!!!

I like her in the face attitude of calling people out. Just no one has the guts to call her out. If she is that so far out of line, then why dont anyone step too her.. The only enemy she really has made is Lydia. And Lydia is going to try and get other people to do her dirty work..She is already targeting Kevin..Still cant figure that one..He would have never put her on the block??? O Well!

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