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* Laura *


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As I say this, I am NOT serious. It is said in jest. LOL

MAYBE she doesn't sleep with her mom. She just says she does so others pity her and want to take her to the end because she "needs" the money when in reality... she is a kept woman by a rich married man who bought her a car, a boob job, and has to keep her drunk so she enjoys having sex with him because he is so hideous that he makes Janet Reno look like a handsome man. Being on the show is her attempt to get away from the debauchery and hideousness of her current lifestyle.

I don't know. Just sayin'. It could be true. Hehehe.

Hey! Stranger things HAVE happened. And hell, that happens all the time. I'd buy it

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She does indeed! She was in another movie too, can't think of the name,,,,wait Olive Oyle? Popeye?

Hi, SwatCopsWife...yes, she was Olive Oyl...Shelley is tall and skinny...different body type from Laura! She was also in Nashville and Three women.

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I don't think she will be the one to stay on Thursday, unfortunately. I do like that she calls people out, but that has also pissed a lot of people off. I am with you that if she drifts to the other side, I will lose respect for her.

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She has to do what she has to do to win... I wouldnt blame her.. I know that it would all be game play.. I DONT WANTHER TO, but if she does, it wouldnt kill me.... she would still be my favorite out of all of the NBK.

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I don't think she will be the one to stay on Thursday, unfortunately. I do like that she calls people out, but that has also pissed a lot of people off. I am with you that if she drifts to the other side, I will lose respect for her.

You made this post before the big "Everybody versus Ronnie" blowout, right?

(And you were dead on, at the time!)

That's how quickly things can change in the Big Brother house!

What bugs me is that Laura tried to tell everyone this last Thursday night, after Ronnie won HoH, but Kevin, Lydia and especially Natalie refused to hear her with an open mind, instead attacking her and calling her strategy ridiculous and her herself stupid for getting played, when they should have been listening to her telling them that Ronnie played them ALL, not ganging up on her so relentlessly that they made her cry from frustration.

Luckily, it's not too little too late. It's just a shame that it didn't happen earlier so that days of animosity in the house (and boredom for live feed watchers) could have been avoided. Who knows, maybe Ronnie would have tried to make a deal and save face (or his ass!) by putting up a different replacement nominee on the house's recommendation (which would most likely have been Russell, I think).

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I think both Laura and Jordon have been playing the game. Jordon got the first group together to vote to keep Braden. She has been working people. I think she is just not as out there as some others.

I think if Laura stays she will have a big target on her back and leave soon. I think Jordon has a much greater chance of staying longer and maybe getting out some of the bad people.

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I think both Laura and Jordon have been playing the game. Jordon got the first group together to vote to keep Braden. She has been working people. I think she is just not as out there as some others.

I think if Laura stays she will have a big target on her back and leave soon. I think Jordon has a much greater chance of staying longer and maybe getting out some of the bad people.

Agree Sista! But...and its a little butt....while Jordan may last longer she will only be a pawn. She will be too easily persuaded by anyone, including Jeff, to do their bidding...and not for her gain, but their own. Laura on the other hand will not be persuaded if she feels it hurts her game....other than Ronnie I don't think she totally hates anyone for who they are, but rather how will they stop me.....(Laura that is)

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I like how Laura plays but I want to see if Jordan can pull a move on them. Hey it is possible...

I do think Laura can play better than Jordan but she does not stand much of a chance against stronger players who do have back up.

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I don't think Laura will last long. She's showing herself to be too smart about the game in figuring out who the liars and backstabbers are. Who wants that. I think Jessie/Gnat/LydiaChlamydia will still target her.

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The vote will be 7-2 Jordan

what a waste of BB talent

unless Ratboy DOR's

I can ask for a miracle can't I ? :pray2:

He might. It depends on how hard Russel rides him today and tomorrow.

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laura to me wasnt a good player

she talked too much about how smart she was and knew everything

so her leaving week 2 isnt a deal breaker since for me she wasnt a very good player honestly

the good players and the one that will eventually win hasnt shown all their cards just yet

laura her preshow gameplay was to lay low

all that went out the window in first two weeks

since the guys in the house werent falling head over heel for her breast her gameplay got thrown for a loop

one of her strategies was to flirt

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Unfortunately for Laura, there isn't much in the house she could flirt with during this season. This is the absolute worse season for attractive men. All but one, Jeff and Jordan's latched onto him. Russell would be next in line but he's such a firecracker waiting to explode or implode. Not even going there with Jesse. No one knows what his preferences are, not even him. There's always LydiaClamidia but...nevermind, you get my drift.

So actually, Laura was in a losing position before she even entered the house if flirting was her strategy.

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:animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:
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I definitely hope Laura stays, she is much more of a gamer than Jordan. I think if she can somehow get out of this then she could maybe settle into a medium of not playing too dumb like she did the first week, but a week of Ronnie hunting would hopefully allow her to drop on people's radar a little- I wasn't expecting her to be as savvy to the game as she is

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