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Hi, everyone! I am new to posting on the forum, but have been a Big Brother lurker for years here at Morty's TV. It's that time of year to start gearing up for Big Brother 16, so I thought I would join the forum and try to participate as much as I can this season.

I hope it's fun here. If not, I'm leavin'. :lol:

Here's to a successful and fun season for all! :cheers:

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Right back at ya' ________ :beer:

The last I heard ... Big Brother 16 will start on June 25, 2014

Can't wait to start seeing and hearing all the buzz before it actually starts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

is this where I check in and get my BB16 live feed posting instruction manual? :)

I just signed up for the feeds using Mortys link, so I'm ready to go!

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I'm happy to be back for Big Brother 16. I hope we have a good response getting new members like we did last year. I would like to encourage those who normally lurk in the background to take a chance and join us so you can posts your thoughts and reactions to this crazy thing known as Big Brother. :animated_bouncy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So happy to be watching the 16th season with Morty!!! The best big brother page ever <3 Watching for 16 seasons and counting. Hate how big brother put the sides of the house on the live feeds but it is what is. thank you Morty for doing all you do and having a great site and forums

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  • 1 year later...

Hello. I'm new here. I can not say that I'm a big fan of the TV show. But I have a few favorites that I watch regularly. I'm also interested in reading various opinions here. Maybe I'll find something that will be interesting for me

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