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Thursday 7/9 CBS show


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I was locked out of Morty's for an hour or so.

Chima's laugh and scrunchy ugly face is already getting on my nerves.

So far I like Jeff and Michelle and Kevin will be good entertainment. swish swish.

I watched the East Coast feed and getting ready to watch it on TV in 30 minutes...... then on come the feeds

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I was locked out for an hour also.

Can't wait for the live feeds to see more of the houseguests so I get a better feel of them. Not really sure who I like so far.

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Me too Marty..liked to have never got thru.

I am really excited to have BB back, even with Jesse. I think I can tolerate him better than Chima, so far she sticks out as most annoying to me..but time (and feeds) will tell.

Is everyone getting this NASA stuff on feeds? I know they won't start until midnight eastern time but want to make sure I am in the right place.


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Who thinks Chima's face looks too smooth....Cosmetic surgery??????

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40 watt????? maybe 15......LOL

Yea Rose, I almost went back and edited the wattage. LOL.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed tho...LOL.

Who thinks Chima's face looks too smooth....Cosmetic surgery??????

My comment to my daughter was " is she wearing a mask???" Ick !!!

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Oh my....I was locked out!!! :-) I laughed so hard when Natalie lied about her age and then Kevin actually said she was more like 25...that was hilarious! I am not very impressed that Jesse is back...he just annoys the crap out of me. Chima's laugh it really irritating and the girl with the boobs is most likely going to annoy the crap out of me as well. I do really like Lydia and the really cute guy...Jeff.

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LOL so far I think i'm the only one happy Jesse is back! :party_smilie:

If you are happy, I'll try and be happy too.LOL

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Watched the intros...but...I knew all about the HGs already...about that time I got busy...only ended up watching the start of the competition...loathed seeing Jesse there.

:disgust: :disgust:

I agree about Jessica...the quick glimpse I caught of her she did look really different.

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she looked way too tan. overall, yes, i thought she looked worse. as did jesse and cowboy...the two of them never looked good, but somehow they looked worse.

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Just got home. Saw the first half hour before I left. Am watching the last half hour now. Oh my..I see from here that it really is Jessie who is not only back in the house, but HOH. Looks like those spoilers were true. I can't handle Jessie...what a let down.

From the intros..I really loved Ronnie and Kevin. They're both so cute!!

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Well, call me crazy. I totally forgot that BB started tonight, although I was DVRing it,lol. But the last person I wanted to see get back into the house was Jessie, Geesh, yuk, and more yuk. Then I saw him and the other muscle boy admiring each other. I am not thrilled. I still have showtime so I am seeing what is goin on now. I read here there was a fight already, and that Lydia and the blonde girl are put up. I like Lydia, but have not gotten a feeling for the other one yet, I know one thing for sure, I know enough about Jessie, to think it sucks that he is the first HOH.

lol, Lydia is the blonde girl. It is the other girl Chima that I have not seen much of yet, interested to see showtime tonight.

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yep, he is sooo disgustingly huge his tiny pinhead is just sitting there,lolol. They need to get him out fast. Hey good to see you Len.

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