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The Julie Chen Baby Watch Office Pool


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I think we need to recruit her for the lotto.

Congrats Imin (Fuskie will be contacting you after he gets back from vacation)

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LOL...I just opened up the thread to see what the latest was on Julie...I didn't even know she had the baby yet...then I found out I was closest! LOL!

Thanks for all the congrats all! :)

...and no...absolutely no psychic abilities here or luck of any kind...well no luck that really ever amounts to anything anyways... ;)

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Didnt know there was a prise involved - what does Imin win ?

Let me make it official. Congratulations, lmln, you have won the Julie Chen Baby Watch Office Pool! You win a package of Pampers or Depends, your choice. Or you could donate your prize to a local (to Atlanta) charitable organization. Contact me via PM if you would like to have your prize shipped to you.


Who congratulates Julie and Les, wishes Charles a Happy Birthday! and thanks to everyone who participated in the Julie Chen Baby Watch Office Pool this summer...

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Let me make it official. Congratulations, lmln, you have won the Julie Chen Baby Watch Office Pool! You win a package of Pampers or Depends, your choice. Or you could donate your prize to a local (to Atlanta) charitable organization. Contact me via PM if you would like to have your prize shipped to you.


Who congratulates Julie and Les, wishes Charles a Happy Birthday! and thanks to everyone who participated in the Julie Chen Baby Watch Office Pool this summer...

I'm feeling very generous so therefore I will happily donate the prize to the charity of your choice. :)


Who gladly is not in need of either of those 2 products, and is also thankful to those that ran the pool...


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