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July 25th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Beau just came over and kissed Howie.

Beau is then rubbing Howie's chest and touching his hair...

Beau explains how he got burnt on his forehead with a hot light bulb when he was 1 because he saw howie's forehead got burnt as well.

Howie: just look at rachel's face

Beau: oh just kiss each other.. *beau pushes rache and howie together.*

*Rachel struggles a little away*

Rachel: not on camera..

Howie: oh they aren't watching.. BB clap Camera off!

*Rachel laughs*

(*due to technical reasons.. this post lagged at least 5 minutes*)

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While Morty's was down:

R to H: I think that they need to make a move before they get to final 6.

H: I think that's dangerous.

R: I think that Jan is more dangerous than K.

F1- H&R

H asking if he was being checked out when he had a red bandana on his head. J on the couch with H. They are talking about America's Choice. K now leaning over the back of the couch talking to them. H blowing kisses at R. Now, he has "more wood" S laughing. H is just walking around with "wood" sticking out. I just walked in. R just told him to go take a cold shower

H asks S&J if they plan on marrying.

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A&B in BY sitting at table

A- I thought I was giving it my all and playing, and I wasn't.

B- Me neither

A- I let myself be weak. I knew others aroudn me were strong, and that we had a plan. If I didn't win HoH I knew someone else in our group would so thought I had to win this. I knew that I was protected by E, M, I & you.

B- mmm-hmm

I came out sat next to B. April smoking.

I - I am not going to pretend to be a friend with someone I haven't been friends with so far in the house.

A-I will.

Talking about votes now and who is voting out E.

E on the treadmill and M lifting weights in excercise room.

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Sara and James laying down to take a nap in GR.

Sara: It is so crazy how the house just flip-flopped.

James: It is a good thing!

Sara: why are they still friendly with Rachel and not me? (talking about the sheep)

James: They need someone to be mad at.


James: Did you fart?

Sara: NO!

James: It smells like it!

Sara: Thanks!

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Maggie and Jenny in the GYM working out.

April, ivette,beau and kaysar sitting outside

BB: this is a lock down, please go in the house and stay there until further notice..

everyone heads on inside.

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Maggie and Jenny are in the GYM talking about the internet feed. They don't really remember which room's it shows and if the viewers have an option to pick..

(little do they know)

They also wondered if anyone they knew was currently watching the internet feed.

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Kaysar is complaining a bit about how bored the HG's are and they should have something to do.

Howie: you should be hanging out with your HG's and getting to know them

Kaysar: i know enough about everyone right now.

Howie is being his normal self and kaysar keeps telling him this is a family show.

kaysar,howie,rachael and april sitting at the kitchen table talking. bored!

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Rachael: i would love to have a pet.. or even a barn yard outside. i'll clean up after them all day long.

jan and Kaysar go upstairs to play chess.

Kaysar: hi janny

Jan: hi kaysarrr

Lost feed on that.. BB showing the empty living room..

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Jen and Maggie working out in gym...

Jen: I hope you get HOH next week.

Mag: Me too.

Jen: I want to see a pic of David. I have this vision of what he looks like,...tall, dark hair, handsome, well built...

Mag: uh huh (no)

Jen: Really?

Mag: But I love him anyway though.

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2:32 BBT

Howie, janelle and kaysar in the HOH room.

Janelle is massaging howie's back, kaysar makes a statement that janelle is the "complete" package.

Kaysar is telling janelle the best way to do a back massage

Jan: howie do i give good back massages?

Howie: yes

Kaysar: howie will say everything you do is good janney

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Janelle want's to wax howies neck however she doesn't have any wax left in the house.

Howie: why are you so great at this? (massage)

Jan: because i have great hands

Howie: yes you do

Howie: this is better then sex.


Kaysar is listening to his music..

Howie is hitting on janney telling her she is a dangerous package.

Howie: would you ever date eric?

Janelle: hell no, yeah right! i would never date someone like that

Kaysar: what if he was rich?

Janelle: hell no, i'd tell him to go fuck himself. he's a crazy person

Kaysar: girls like janelle, you make them feel like they are in control

Jan: but really we just want to know we are taken care of

kaysar: right.

Jan: right.

Janelle is singing the big brother song they made up. Kaysar looks very happy listening to his music.

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janelle: maggie has gotten worse and worse

Kaysar: her true colors are coming out

Jan: she took my blanket last night

*they are looking at the spy cam*

They are talking about maggie and eric and who is the most threat in the house, they both agree that eric is.

Kaysar: maggie thinks she is so smart. she's not that good at what she does, if she was, she would have figured out was going on to begin with.

Howie: she knew that we knew maggie and eric are together.

Jan: they got fucked over because they are not smart

Kaysar: it worked out, do you think april is going to be calm about things, no.. she is to emotional. she makes things worse on her on

Jan: can you imagine what would happen if she wins HOH

Howie: i'll go pack my bag

Kaysar: if i get HOH, anything can happen (talking about what maggie said)

They are making fun of april and how emotional she is.

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2:45 pm BBT Jan,howie and kasyar still in HOH room.

Kaysar: if we get rid of eric that group is only going to have girls left

Howie: yep

Kaysar: our group is balanced, 3 girls and 3 boys

Kaysar: we have so much power and we are so balanced with no problems.

Jan: yet

Kaysar: we agreed, final six and keep it clean

Howie: jan is going to come after me "joking"

Jan: do you think james will turn prior to the final 6?

Kaysar: if james fails he know's he will be out

Kaysar is talking about how he told sarah she need's to be there for james and be the back bone.

Conversation changes to janelle when she lived in russia!

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Howie is talking about how he wants to buy a russian bride. Janelle is telling him how sluty russian girls are and they are usually high class hookers.

Janelle is telling a story of a girl from russia who was a mail order bride and then filed for divorce a year later just to get us citizenship. The same guy went and bought another one.

Howie keeps repeating how he wants a russian mail order bride.

3 of them talking about citizenship and immigrants.

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