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July 23rd Live Feed Updates

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Guest brandee

General chatter in GR b/t Beau, James and Eric.. politics is hot topic right now which includes opinions on Bush, Hilary Clinton, White Water, etc (hearing Cappy and James throw out useless info and inacurrate info is making me cringe)

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Guest brandee

Kaysar being called to DR (probably to get information and instruction on POV competition which is due in approx 30 min)

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Guest somniac_mommy

Howie to Sarah: You sure those are real?

S: What?

H: Those real?

S: mine... yes!

H: awww! Nice Boobies! Gosh I love Boobies..

S: Grunting into a stretch as she gets up from couch...S: That's enough of me talking with you today.... She gets up and leaves Howie sitting in the livingroom (sitting in one of the blue eviction seats).

H: Okay..Thanks Sarah, Thanks for stopping by again... we'll talk later..


[He's too wicked... 8) ]

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Guest somniac_mommy

11:50am BBT (catching up on paused feed)

Howie sitting alone now yawning really loud... [strategizing all day and half the night yeasterday must have been quite exhausting! :D ]

Feed switches to Bathroom

Maggie, April and Jen are in there... Someone in shower.

Girls all primping to get ready for POV

"If it were a chain smoking contest I would pick you," Says Maggie to April.

Yvette just walked in to brush her hair and add her 2 cents to the conversation..

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Guest somniac_mommy

Feed back on Howie in LR..

Rachel whispering across room to Howie (She is sitting on orange couch)

She is dicussing who is going to play for who in POV.

She says that Kay gets to pick first being HoH.

They are now talking about what he ate this morning.

Says he will drink protien shake later, had toast this morning.

Rachel is asking him if he took his vitamins. H says no, but ""thats a good idea.. . yeah I'll take some vitamins. He said he has a headache and took some advil. Was up all night. R tells him he was snoring and cappy woke him up to get him to stop.. He says someone was snoring before he was.

Yvette is heard off camera agreeing with Rachel about Howie's snoring ....

She says something about her period and Howie comes to life!

He says,

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Guest somniac_mommy

camera in Bathroom again..

Maggie brushing her teeth

James asking if she feels okay.

She says only good enough to compete but not really feeling well.

Jen in bathroom posing in her capri jeans.

Rachel enters and is rummaging through her basket of toiletries.

Maggie is wearing gray sweat suit.

I think Janelle is still in shower stall.. yup

She is wearing short mini skirt and black tank with white writing on it.

Could hear HG's in background

Jenny come in and say Eric said she wouldn't fit in Aprils jeans because she's anorexic...

Jen changes into long jeans from her capris

I think the rest of feed is HG's getting ready for POV... idle chit chat--

Eric rehashing food comp spelling errors ....A-v-o-c-a-d-o

All feeds go to FoTH-- must be POV comp time!! Can't wait to see the outcome of that!! :D

[just a note: I am still dictating paused feed about 10 mins before POV comp]

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action in the tank...hand cleaning it out with net

make that two nets! (looked like three, but I realized it was a reflection of one of them.) People passing by the fish tank in the house

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Guest brandee

Eric screams at ivette "tell me you werent part of this, tell me!"

Ivette: I will pack my shit right now Cap, I will my shit right now and leave!

Eric: Alright, they are DIRTY

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I don't know who won, but it definitely came out in Kaysar, Janelle, James, etc. 's favor!

Howie, Janelle, and Kaysar are celebrating in the backyard.

There is SO Much going on right now... I can't keep up.

Eric and James are talking....

Ivette and Sarah are talking...

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Ivette & Sarah in gym. Ivette's mad at Sarah. Sarah tells I that she looks up to her. Ivette: It's just nasty. Nasty, nasty nasty. She's walking on the treadmill, pissed off.

S: Who did Eric want to put up? Can you be honest with me?

I: I have no idea, no f'ing idea.

Ivette thought she was going up.

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ivette and sarah in gym

I: it's just nasty nasty nasty

I: i can't trust a group that is against me can you sarah

S: if they turn on me yes

S: who did eric want to put up

I: i have no idea

S: it was james and I

I: i honestly thought that i was going to go up

S; you know why you are not up there

I: why

S: because you are an honest person

S: just think about yourself and have faith

S: its a game and it sucks

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