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Guest okimdoneagain

Eric still only one awake - was in BR washing his hands and jumped up when the BB voice scared him.

BB says tells him they're on a lockdown right now and to make sure some door was locked (not sure which one)

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Guest raceingal11

a few minutes ago, eric was washing his hands in the bathroon when a voice said "Eric?" he jumped about 10 feet in the air - it was a wall rat telling him they're going on lockdown and to make sure the sliding glass door is closed and locked. was talking quiet into only the bathroom as to not wake anyone else. eric said "you scared me dude!" the voice said "Are you ok?" LOL

(it was just funny cuz he jumped like i hadn't seen before...LOL)

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Guest okimdoneagain

Rachel now up - talking with Eric in the kitchen.

E: Tell you one thing, its going to get interesting.

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Rachel is up and she and Eric are discussing the pov competition

Eric would like not to be involved in the competition "just once"

discussing what the black knight means - think it is because black knight can jump

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Guest StillMissWILL

Rachel talking to herself. "there ants all over this fucking counter and they left bread out. They are fucking idiots"

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Guest Charoliney

Rachel complained about the ants in the kitchen.

Eric and Rachel in the kitchen; eric having his usual coffee and ice water.

Rachel is having breakfast.

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Guest StillMissWILL

big closeup of the cinnimon toast

eric has his head in his hands - looks as if he is stressed

rachel still tinkering in the kitchen

Eric - I had a dream that joseph was trying out for the majors and he got picked.

Rachel - ummmm - as she munches on her food


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not much chatter between eric and rachel. talking about their dreams last night

R: dreamed I was sitting next to a bag of double stuffed oreos

E: dreamed Joseph was trying ut for little league majors and made it

ca focusing on black knight

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eric talking about how he put his ass on the line last week

when James won pov he won it bacause of eric

eric said james has missed out because he won't do the power of veto and if he did and won he wouldn't take him off anyway

E:between you® and me I talked to howie - missing the rest because of fish!

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eric and rachael in kitchen talking about pov and howie said something I keep getting fish bubbles after everyother word! eric just said if things stay the way they are now maggie will be here next week. Its going to be a landslide. todays a huge day as big as last weeks pov. I have a feeling its not physical.

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Guest StillMissWILL

Eric - i think it is safe to say if things stay the way they are that maggie will be here next week.

Today is another huge day. It is as big as last's weeks POV

Rach - yeap

Eric - I have a feeling it isn't physical and it will be a thinker

Rach - I dont wanna fly i wanna spectate. thats all i wanna do

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eric doesnt appreciate the comments that James is making

E: i think it is safe to say that things will stay the way they are and Maggies will be in house next week

E: think it will be a landslide

E: today will be another big day

E: I have a feeling it is not physical - this is going to be a thinker

R: i don't want to think - I don't want to spell - I want to spectate

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Guest StillMissWILL

Eric - I think if maggie wins she will put on Ivette, i think i am safe. I dont think he will put up Janelle or Howie. huh???

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eric talking about how he is supposedly safe and trying to figure out who Kayser might put up

E: if he(K) wins it he will leave things as is

eric is telling rachel that he will take her as far as he can and for her not to blindside him

taking about his track record - proof is int he pudding

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