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Return of Evictees Speculation and Discussion


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Once again this week, Julie got a weird expression, and stumble when she reminded Mike taht this was "BB summer of secret and, heu... you never know what... gonna happen"

It's kinda clear that just as they did in survivor Pearl Island, some castaways will return sooner or latter.

Plus hat safe thing that was totaly avoided....


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Guest princessmean1

i noticed, as others have, that Ashlea and Michael did not have any family or friends to meet them after the were evicted. Whats up with that? Is it one of BB stupid secret twists? ewww I'm so excited ~ NOT! :evil:

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Guest DraftKing

On Thursday nights they're limited on time as far as what they can show from the past few days, etc. For some reason they feel obliged to run a special feature in there every week. The Nakomis/Cowboy part sure felt awkward (with her being sort of put on the spot about not being part of Cowboy's wedding). We also got to catch up on Holly and Jase, who are now broken up, and who both seemed to be off the "crazy train" compared with what I heard about their appearance on House Calls last year.

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Guest DraftKing

Remember what happened with BB3 where they gave the first four evictees a chance to return (with the southern belle drunk Amy returning). The only thing that would make me mad about that would be if they rid the house of the evil of Ivette, only for her to somehow weasel back in.

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A couple of observations....

When Michael was told he was evicted, he looked like he was waiting for something else to happen.

For the second week, Julie has said "You never know what is going to happen" after the evicted houseguest said something about wishing they were back in there after being told about the 1 million. And along those lines, why tell them after the fact and something about the way she said it arouses suspicion

And then there are the safes. Something has happened there. Could each safe contain a free pass back into the house? Or perhaps the remaining HG's get to vote on one of the 3?

Of course, it's all speculation at this point.

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Note to CBS: The viewing public is not as dumb as some of the people who are cast in the show. Telegraphing the fact that Ashlea and Michael "MAY BE BACK" at the end of each interview when they are kicked out is uhm, unnecessary.

Wouldn't it make a better "suprise" to actually keep the secret and shock everyone by revealing to the public at the same time that houseguests are coming back into the house.


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I have called this from the beginning ..

I so think this is gonna happen.

I can just see it. It plays right into the get to the end with your partner theme.

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I was thinking what if the item in the safe is pass to keep your partner safe. Like with Kaysar and Janelle they could bring there's back, or if you partner is still there you can take them off the block or void the eviction??

But I who really like for it to be America's Choice and we get to vote someone back.

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Guest ambscram

I think he was waiting for her to say you have one minute to say your goodbyes....... ive never heard her not say that before... it was odd

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She did say it... She said it like always... The evicted HG has one minute to gather their things and say their goodbyes...

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dint u guys notice how this year no famile members are coming to see the houseguest so maybe the whole house will be on the jury or if they r coming back that is why julie tonight never said janelle was inelgible to get the million which u think she would have ! :lol:

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Guest princessmean1

maybe BB is hiding Ashlea and Michael in a secret room somewhere in the BBH and they can only come back if a HG finds them!! Just an idea, I did read that they might have more secret rooms.

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dint u guys notice how this year no famile members are coming to see the houseguest so maybe the whole house will be on the jury or if they r coming back that is why julie tonight never said janelle was inelgible to get the million which u think she would have ! :lol:

they didn't have people greet them last year either

Julie did say something like "will Janelle be safe, Will Kaysar and Micheal still have a chance to win the big prize"

Maybe Julie is trying to throw the audience off :wink:

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I have called this from the beginning ..

I so think this is gonna happen.

I can just see it. It plays right into the get to the end with your partner theme.

dietkocgirl - I will vouch for you on this. I have read several posts from you regarding this topic. Btw, thank you for introducing the word "Inviction" to my vocabulary. LOL

I think your theory is right on. Some people dismissed it last week after Julie told Ashlea that everyone had a partner and that if a pair makes the final 2, then first place is $1 million. But tonight, Julie told us that she will share that info with all of the HGs on next Thursday's show. My point here is that it was okay for Julie to tell Ashlea last week because they knew the other HGs would find out before the "inviction" takes place.

Does anyone remember how they did Amy's inviction on BB3? Did they have eviction, inviction, and HOH all on the same night?

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