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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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KORT, yeah it did, but judging from the reaction of the jury it would have been a $500k victory for sure if one of them took Keesha.

Good point...

I just wish the jury would vote on gameplay and not emotion... It's kinda sad when one person wins only because they hate the other person...

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Actually Len, I wondered up to the last minute if Memphis would not have picked Jerry over Dan..............I knew Dan would pick Memphis..........but after the Keesha thing, Memphis saying it was "all business".........I just was not sure where he would have gone in the end.

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because Memphis is a reptile, slinking around, and I think had he had the chance he woulda not taken Dan, I do not buy all this nicey nice crap, no way no how, when this is over they will go their own ways, especially when Dan wins it, Memphis is gonna be pissed, even if he does not show it, he will think he was the most deserving,eithr way of who wins I will be having a laugh

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Hi, Fat Cat! I think Memphis is kissing up to Dan in case Dan wins big money. Did you see some of previous posts about Memphis's conversations with Dan re: the big business plans Mem and Ashley (Ashley WILKES??? JK) and how he Mem will put half of his $50,000 if that's what he wins. Dan: UmHmm. Also Mem wants Dan to help him set up his business online. Dan says,"cpucoaches.com will help you for only $4." Memphis is finagling big bucks from Dan for "Renegades"...Mem thinks this is a great idea selling your clothing line on the computer...(Wow, what a great idea!!) Memphis also says, "Hey, dude, we can get celebrities to model our clothing.." Memphis has no shame, IMO. He is as pathetic as Zach BB9 whispering to ED (as Z was evicted) "Remember my business...I need investors."

That might just be the beer talking. But I doubt it. That open greed on Mem face is too much.

Also they mentioned today they will talk to their loved ones online. Is that correct?

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jmho..........but I find the "cream of nothing" box offensive........just like the boxes of Obama waffle mix, picturing him in place of Aunt Jemima.............I thought we were past all that

In fairness, I would also find it offensive to put McCain on a bottle of jeritol or something else mocking his age

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