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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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If Keesha is smart she will use BB as a springboard and look back on the entire episode as unimportant. She is a pretty enough girl, good body, somewhat typical of the LA area but if she wants to be in the business, the exposure on BB could work to her advantage and perhaps open some doors. She is getting on - at 30. I wish her well. She seemed nice enough but not all that memorable a BB player.

Chelsia was hard as a piece of leather left to dry in the sun.

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First off, to KoRTV and Len

Thank you for the lovely words on my behalf. I don't perform in the military for kudos, medals, or money. I do this to protect grand things like our freedom and even little things like the right to say that Libra is a loser. I love it all so thank you for you words.

Yes I am consistent. I may not choose in the manner that some people like but that's just fine because cheering the cute lively blond girl suits me just fine. I've been criticised in the past for choosing in this manner but to those I say the following...

I am not choosing a president, a senator, and most importantly I am not choosing a mate for myself. I already have her. So what difference does it make who I choose as my favorite? It's all pointless in the end because nothing I could do kept her in the game. We didn't even have AC for voting through anyone for the season. So here's some advice for those who like to bash me for my shallow and easy selection process....

Back off...

It doesn't make a difference to you or anyone else. Natalie was a hooker...yeah she was...never doubted it...but she in her own right had a sweetness about her. She was lonely and had a bad self image, made worse by Matt.

Daniele was whiny and rode her dad's coat tails...won't argue there either...

Point is...don't bash the person for liking the player...bash the player and have a good time.

Oh and for those few who hate my selection process...I'd caution you now to not talk to me next year because as sure as snow falls in a North Dakota Winter...BB will place another cute and lively blonde or brunette in the show...and I will choose her :-p

Welcome to my world...PS...the door is right over there if it gets to be too much.

also...I would like to assure I point out that at no time did I mention the specific few individuals. Heck some of them aren't even on here. They know who they are.

Regardless...I love you all...I miss talking to all of you

And to Len...forgot to answer...my annual tour is over on the 17th of this month

Now then...back to working with the troops...being an NCO is the greatest


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Cathy said "I thought Keesha's exit was right on considering how betrayed she felt." I completely agree... she carried that lil boy through the game, she kept loyal to him, she was irate (and I do not blame her, neither does the majority of the media out there). I believe she left in a classy way and didn't shout out nasty remarks and even in her interview with Julie when asked about Memphis, Keesha said "Memphis is playing the game... and he is playing it well aparently"...

LenRay said "Would it be sexist of me to say having a baby could greatly enhance her maturity." Hun I don't think that is a sexist remark at all, and being a woman I would say that I have to completely agree with you. I firmly believe that the 'majority' of of women that are mothers would have acted in a more mature way, so I think your comment is spot on!

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ILoveDaniele... I adore you! I must say that I think you have perfect taste in HG's (LOL! since you and I agree almost all the time!)... I think that your humble nature towards the fact that you are an American Hero to myself, to my daughter, to my family to my neighbors... to all patriotic Americans adds to your charm, to your credibility... again I say THANK YOU... it is because of your faith and our soldiers faith in our great country that we are even ABLE to have boards like this and state our true feelings and opinions... so for that sir... I Thank You...

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Ilovedaniele - Thanks for your words of wisdom. I know, I felt the need to defend this girl. To me, she was the start of the bold moves in this house and if it really wasn't for her, these boys would have been outta there. People on this board don't think she did anything, but I think she did a hell of alot. Also, if she was on point and got either the HOH, or the POV, this wouldn't have been a catwalk for the Renegades and it was. It kinda is disappointing that these two fierce competitors would choose a 75 year old man and not the person that stuck by them and for them to at least give her a shot at the prize too. As you know, there is no place in trust and friendship in the game and that was her downfall. I liked Keesha. She turned out to be someone different than I thought she was in the beginning. I wish her well in her life and hope she achieves her goals.

I too would like to take this opportunity to thank you especially on this day, September 11th for your service to our country. To be so self-less and dedicated to protecting me, and everyone in his country. Its people like you and all of the past veterans that I can sleep safely knowing that someone is looking out for me and the great county we call - AMERICA.

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Ya know what...I am forgetting something myself...shame on me

I would personally like to salute all the veterans as well. All those who came before me and made it possible for me to do what I do.

Yeah I am just a Keesha fan. I found it interesting that by my own right, I admit that I pick my players in the manner I discussed and midway into week 2 or so I will actually find something I like. I don't want to sound hypocritical either...

Those Libra fans...more power to you. I loathe Libra's decisions but for those folks who stood by her completely...good for you


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ILoveDanielle, I admire, respect and appreciate what you, and the rest of our soldiers have (and continue to do) for us.

As far as this game goes, what a boring forum this would be if we all agreed on everything. I happen to be interested in what other people opinions are, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Now, I am no Keesha fan but I don't dislike posters that are ;)


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I didn't dislike Keesha. I felt and feel that she didn't live up to her potential - not sure why - and to me, she might have tried harder. A couple of things she said to Julie about how difficult being in the house is, rang true to me. I think it was a difficult time for her on several fronts. I am sorry that she got her feelings hurt. She didn't win but maybe she did, really.

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I really really disliked Keesha when she had her HOH and when she was one of the catty girls. I liked her so much better after the other girls left. She is a sweet girl but my opinion is she played the game with emotion and not her brain.

I am happy that she is doing OK and has a good life with gizmo and JJ.

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Off topic: Today is a day of Remembrance for those who were taken so aimlessly and the ones that were left behind with troubled hearts and souls. I, also, served my country in the 70's in the USAF - yes it is a REAL part of the military and my son was one of the first Army squadrons to go to Iraq. My house is very American and proud of it!!!! I salute you, ILD....

Now, back to BB::::

Not a Keesha fan, she bugged me to no end, but enjoy the posters for their loyalty of their favorite HG's. Of course, all my favs were picked off at the beginning, Angie and Steven. I never was a Brian fan, too much ego. But, I hope Keesha remembers she was a player just like the Memphis and Dan (Jerry got a free ride). I think Dan played the best game taking the most risks, but Memphis was smart too and that's why they are there. It's a game and they remembered that to the end. Liva :glasses2:

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If I had a wish for Keesha, it would be that she pursue the goal of Living to her Potential! The looks are not indicative of her potential as they will fade.

Reminds me of when my daughter was a little girl. Couldn't run very fast. Totally non-athletic! But gifted intellectually! While still in grade school, almost every "gym" day, she didn't feel good and wanted to stay home. As it turned out, she hated the fact that many of the boys teased her about being clutzy! Of course, being a little blond haired, blue eyed cutey made them notice her, but all she heard was the teasing!

I asked her if the boys that could run so fast, or, who could jump higher got grades as good as hers. She said no! So I told her to be patient as in a few years, nobody would be able to remember who could run the fastest or jump the highest, but when she won the noble prize for science, they'd all remember her.

Well, she graduated with a 4+ GPA, and she had her Master's degree in 4 years. Now she's a Mom and I'm not sure how hard she'll strive for that Noble Prize in science anymore, but she'll always be my "little girl"! :grin3:

So God Bless Keesha, and let's hope she thrives in her life!

And :beer: to Liva :grin3:

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I do this to protect grand things like our freedom and even little things like the right to say that Libra is a loser.

. I, also, served my country in the 70's in the USAF - yes it is a REAL part of the military and my son was one of the first Army squadrons to go to Iraq. My house is very American and proud of it!!!!

Thank you and I appreciate anything you do and have done in the military no matter how long you serve/served.

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I love you ILoveDaniele......My hubby served 22 years in the USAF and would have stayed longer if he didn't get hurt and had to get out. He's a 100% disabled vet. The military has a very soft place in my heart. I come from generations of military men. My nephew enlisted in the Navy three months ago.

Now to these girls you pick to root for more power to you!!!.....I think its fun to read your posts and see that you're having fun. After BB is over a lot of us stick around Mortys and do Survivor and Off-Topic, you gotta give it a try give it a try. ;)

I didn't get to watch last nights show (was out of town visiting the hubby in the hospital) but was hoping that Memphis would change his mind and give Jerry the boot!!!!! Keesha was loyal to Memphis from day one and had his back, fought to keep him and I think its poopy of him to not take her to the F3. I hope it bites him in the butt!

jmho :pixiedust:

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i say congrats.. i hope she sways everybody against Memphis.. and he wants to kick his own ass..

Well Memphis cant get too mad, if he makes it to F2 and didnt get pick to win BB, he still comes off pretty good. $50,000 car and if I am not mistaken, isnt 2nd place also $50,000. Well too me he comes off pretty good...Keesha on the other hand won???? somebody please help me out... what do you get for fourth place??? and what about that luxury comp that she won???? The only person Keesha could persuade is Renny...Renny would follow that girl through a volcano..Dan made a mistake by telling Michelle that Keesha and Renny knew about her eviction..as soon as Michelle walk back in the jury house...April and Ollie was probably all over her and change her mind again. Michelle was not the most brilliant choice...and especially when Renny finds out...YOu know she was probably pissed..but he probably knew if he persuaded Keesha, he has Renny.

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april look was priceless as keesha enter


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at least she kept it real with keesha

i hate the phoney lovey dovey

when you can see two hg hate each other

libra always has on that fake grin


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