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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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She suspected because the night that Renny left and she lost the HOH, she stayed away and then they called her up to the HOH and said something to the fact that she feels like a third wheel with them two and would leave them to talk because they were always together and she knew that putting Memphis up was a ruse for jerry's benefit. I just think she believed them when they said that Jerry was the enemy so if the POV was won by any of them Jerry would be the one to go. Foolish for trusting and be loyal to them, but she played a good game overall.

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My ears feel better already with Keesha gone...I was soo happy when she walked out that door....Now if Memphis leaves next all will be good....IMO

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This is so sad....

Yes I am in the United States Air Force Reserve. I served 6 years active duty as a 2W2 (google 2W251 and you'll see why I don't post this right out) but currently I am a cook. I am on my annual tour and already saw the news. How depressing...

Keesha I still love you and will always be loyal to my favorites

Way to go making it so far sweetheart


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I think that Keesha's feelings were on track until Dan told her about Michelle and then you could see her try and process that info mid walking out the door to face Julie. IMO Keesha knew right then (for a fact) that neither of them could be trusted and realized that she wouldn't know about Dan-Michelle had she not been going through the door. It will be interesting to see how she votes.

Keesha's tears were real and I think that she was heartbroken that Dan did that to her. IMO she truly trusted Dan and I think he hurt her. No matter the whys and wherefores (I think they are all guilty of subterfuge and worse), on a personal basis I am beginning to question why I watch BB and feel that the show is on its last legs.

Lying and cheating and being two-faced; for any reason, is questionable to me. I also wonder at the example Dan is portraying to his students.

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I don't think any lying or subterfuge Dan has displayed has been a bad example to his students as it is all to be expected in this game. It's not like he's a cursing machine or has a gutter mouth or spreads vicious rumours. Or at least not that I've noticed.

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I think that Keesha's feelings were on track until Dan told her about Michelle and then you could see her try and process that info mid walking out the door to face Julie. IMO Keesha knew right then (for a fact) that neither of them could be trusted and realized that she wouldn't know about Dan-Michelle had she not been going through the door. It will be interesting to see how she votes.

I agree.. I thought this same thing last night.

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I'm not going to be too quick to rush to judgement on the wisdom of telling Keesha about Michelle.

Dan might have been thinking that he had this fresh committment from Keesha to win him votes, and that by the time she got to Jury House she'd hear about it and start questioning Dan's honesty with her. With that in mind, perhaps he felt that it would be less injurious to have her hear it from him first! Is it a gamble? Most assuredly! BB is a game of gambling and taking chances. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Firstly, Dan needs to concentrate on surviving the HOH comps and getting into F2!

We'll be able to get a more accurate feel for Keesha's reaction after she's on House Calls this afternoon! Until then, I'll just try to remain cautiously optomistic :pray2:

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Dan told her about Michelle because he knew she would probably find out in the jury house. He was trying to cover his bases and Julie went for it, first thing and Keesha's response was "that was huge." She knows. She got blasted by Memphis and then trusted Dan and even made a little speech about it before she left the house - thanking Dan - and then....she knew he was a liar, too.

My guess is that if Jerry is in F2, Jerry will win. Memphis and Dan make Jerry appear positively angelic.

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I love Danielle that was so sweet... and THANK YOU for fighting for and protecting our great country!!!!

I do what I can where I can

As far as Keesha...it sucks...but hell she made it far in this game. I am fiercely loyal to those I pick. I have back out on one person this whole time and that was in survivor. The blonde gal that tried to backdoor the gravedigger then turned and told him about it...I just couldn't fathom it

Yeah so Natalie stripped and played (so do I and my wife...no big deal here)

Daniele whined (show me a season where nobody whines and I might try to agree...still love her!)

Keesha backstabbed, talks with food in her mouth, has a 'cackle' (I've seriously grown tired of this one...she backstabs...she lies...she decieves...I have yet to find one that hasn't done this...she smacks her food...wow...end of the ole world there huh?)

Janelle won every comp and manipulated pretty much half the house to do her bidding (yeah I can point out several examples of that one too)

Point is...I stay loyal. I love my hamsters to death and always will because in the end....do I have faults?

That depends how much time you have to sit with me and discuss my list.

It comes down to what is your morals and beliefs really.

Like it or not I don't like that Libra left her new kids behind when she didn't need the money. I also am not crazy about Jerry leaving his partially-disabled wife. That to me doesn't harm as much as a lip-smacking backstabber in a game where backstabbing is not only accepted and understood, it's encouraged.

Now if someone is more bothered by Keesha than Libra, that's just fine. I put on this uniform because I love this idea where you can think whatever the heck you want and I can't say a thing about it. Does it frustrate me? Not in the very least.

I'd like to take a few words from a wonderful Non-Comissioned Officer that I once knew. To this day after 6 years I STILL use this line but I won't take credit. I am superficial blonde-lover...not a liar :-p

"A real soldier is a man or woman who can watch a man burn his flag and recognize that's what he or she is fighting for"

Thanks for the mini rant time

I love you Keesha!!!


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Yeah so Natalie stripped and played (so do I and my wife...no big deal here)

Make the most of it while you can son! One of these day's, you'll be in my boots!

"Yep, The old soldier can still stand up and salute . . . . . he just doen't go to as many parades"


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Whining and moaning -- "Memphis turned on me."

Dan, Memphis & Keesha yucked it up when the others left but, of course, when it comes their turn, "Oh, it's so unfair."

Prob. Renny went out the best. Didn't rant and cry too much.

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Keesha was very gracious on House Calls. She's obviously a big supporter of Dan's! I found it interesting that when asked, she said she'd like to keep in contact with Renny and Dan after the show is over!

I think this answers the question over whether Dan screwed up or not about telling her about Michelle at the beach!

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i think she is more rebelling against memphis and jerry


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