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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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Women need to play a stronger end game...

While women may not have had a win many have played a good game. Two of my favority players will always be Jannelle and Danielle (BB3).

The biggest problem I have seen in the last two sesaons are women playing a really poor end game. Keesha's crying was driving me nuts. Michelle's baby talk was only slightly less annoying then Natalie's pathetic attempts are everyone taking her to the end. While I liked Shelia she just did not play it well at the end.

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To be honest, KW...sometimes I find myself doing stuff I thought was my idea, yet I'm never quite sure! So I guess Mrs. Rabbit could hold her own with my idol Br'er Rabbit!!!

Or Reverse Psychology is best played when the sword cuts both ways!

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UVP though I am just a woman and don't know how to properly grab a quote from an earlier post you Made,

Maggie's Season was BB6. Now some could debate the femininity of the F2, they were still female.



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To be honest, KW...sometimes I find myself doing stuff I thought was my idea, yet I'm never quite sure!

That's what you're supposed to think, Len. I'll bet Mrs. Rabbit makes you feel like these decisions are the greatest thing YOU've ever done too. She's probably one smart cookie. ;)

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UVP you are just too quick for me...

I reread your statement and realized you had said a woman has not won in four seasons, I had read that a woman has not won since Season 4.

You are right, I am wrong. I am a woman. I blew it in the end game, I am EVICTED!

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don't you know the first thing about the art of Reverse Psychology?

Well, obviously I don't!!!

Does it work??

Can you help a guy out??

Ahhh, I think I am catching on.... I see they use this Reverse Psychology too,

You are right, I am wrong. I am a woman. I blew it in the end game, I am EVICTED!
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oh that was funny, lolol NOT!!!!!

Oh and Lenny, I totally get the reverse psychology thing, like my grand dad said "A man hasn't got a chance if there is a smart woman around",lolol

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His gf says the same thing...


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uvp, isn't that the exact same thing you said on here yesterday?


thats what bugs me about keesha she has enough sense to say this in hindsight but she still went into bb and displayed catty behavior

if you knew thats why a woman loses why bring that negative behavior into bb


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Probably reading equal portions of Machiavelli and Br'er Rabbit might help, King.(I found "Idiot's Guide to Machiavelli" a quick read!)

Case in point:

You want to see war picture, she want's to see a woman's film. Then she says, "Oh, that's OK, I don't mind going to see what you want." I say, "Nonsense! I won't hear of it! I insist we see what you want to see." She says, "No way, we are going to see that war movie if that's the last thing we do!"

At this point, most men say, "Oh no we aren't we are seeing the women's pix!" Wrong!

But not me, at this point, I say, "Well, if that's what you really want to do, then...OK. You know I love you and only want you to be happy." If you keep on arguing, you could overplay your hand and think you want to see the woman's film. It's all about timing...Seize the moment!

Sometimes that backfires, however. If her mood goes down hill after the picture, she may give you one of those, "Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself." Here is how you apologize...."I am sorry if you didn't like your film....It's just that I had already pre ordered the women'sDVD for your birthday/Christmas/Columbus Day, etc. And I know your mom wanted to see that one too and she's just not able to sit up that long in those tiny little theatre seats."

Then you preorder it. When it comes make a "date" with your wife and her mother and just when you're going over there, your boss calls...tell her, "Honey it won't take long...Let me drop you off and you girls just start with out me. I'm sure mom will tell me all about it."

Make sense? Hell, it's worth a try!

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oh that was funny, lolol NOT!!!!!

Oh and Lenny, I totally get the reverse psychology thing, like my grand dad said "A man hasn't got a chance if there is a smart woman around",lolol

That's right, FC...remember I said, "Women are smarter than men. Darn it, I still seem to be doing stuff I though I didn't want to do." My wife and I are two peas in a pod I don't think many other people could put up with either one of us!

Yes, Shipp...And her name was Katie Scarlett! I had an Aunt just like her. Not always a day at the beach.

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I think I will watch Gone With The Wind tonight,lol

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Oh boy.. Allstars! Maybe that's why BB is doing 2 seasons a year, so thye can have an allstars again.. Or maybe that's what the next season is???

I always thought it was funny when HGs say that they're gonna be in allstars.. It's like, you didn't do anything in your season, why would you go to allstars?

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OK LenRay! This is your last warning! :mad1:

I've been married for almost 40 years now, and that's due in large part to learning, the hard way I might add, all these guy secrets you're blabbin' on about! If you keep up like this, the women will recognize that there's more than just "Yes Dear" in our repertoire! Keep it up and Head's will roll!! :giljotiini:


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