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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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that was a funny one Lenny,lol

UPV, I do not think Keesha is pissed at Jerry, she said "Jerry is gonna win this" then she said and "good for him", so I think she is gonna sooo tell the Jury house the real deal,lol

But she will be doubly hurt when she sees the real trip that was taken by Dan, and she will never believe that he was wanting to keep her, the boys have made some bad decisions, overthinking it every time

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LenRay you have to know that people come on here and believe your creative writing.....

I know Marty. I tried to get a signature included with my posts here that say, "All Comments Herein Are Jokes...not Serious..." But those only work on PMs. I must remember to include smiley faces, etc.

If I were Keesha, I would tell Jerry that "Memphis had his way with me and promised he would keep me over you. When I figured out he had double crossed me Memphis said and now Dan tell's me he'll take you to F2, only if you give him gold bars first, then when he gets gold bars, he's gonna evict you and he said he would laugh his ass off. Jerry, I promise if you get to F2 with Memphis, you will win, I'll see to it..."

The previous paragraph was HYPOTHETICAL!!!

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jerry game if he gets to the end 7-0 or 6-1


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jerry wins bb if he gets to the end

keesha even said jerry or dan is getting her vote

its not about whose like more about being more pissed at the rest


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if it is memphis and Jerry like it or not Jerry will win, not scum bag emmphis, they hate him worse.

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I agree, UVP.

Re: How Keesha Could make a "gracious" exit....

Hug Memphis goodbye, dig fingernails deep into Memphis's back

Or Keesha could decide she wants out, so upon her eviction, slap the crap out of him and call him Benedict Arnold.


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I am loving this. I am so happy she figured it out and confronted them. This girl is not stupid and I know if Dan gets to F2, Keesha will be singing his praises to they jury.

As far asa I an concerned there is no reason to get rid of her until she loses in the f3

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I agree vesper, but I am not soo sure about Dan and that Jury, he is smart asking Keesha who he should take tho, and I would even hate to see Memphis get that far, and I think if he took Jerry, he would win, Keesha would help him

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At least Dan got the ball rolling. Then later Dan "gets" Memphis permission to throw him under the bus with Keesha.

And Memphis is just laying there with no emotion. And this fatass wants to be an actor?

Any man that lives off a woman is a jerk, JMO.

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keesha has been smoking crack she cant convince april anything


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I wonder what it is that he wants to tell leesha tomorrow, he says he needs to talk to her for 30 seconds like before she leaves, do you think it is the trip he will tell her about , so it will seem he is being honest?? I hope to hell that Dan is not so stupid that he leave the HOH and tells memphis all that Keesha has said, he had better zip it this time, he needs to make up some shit to tell Memphis and not let on to anything that keesha said. I reallly will kill him if he open his big fat mouth again :lipsrsealed2::lipsrsealed2: I am gonna try and put some good karna on Dan cause I really really do not want Memphis to even get to F2,lol i think Dan is seein the light about Memphis and that he prolly will take Jeritol andf not him.

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He's going to tell Keesha about Michelle, but only after he knows Keesha is going. I doubt he spills the beans about what he and Keesha talk about. He'll give him a basic she's pissed, blah, blah, blah, your not getting her vote. Everything else, he'll keep to himself. ;)

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j vs d isnt looking so far fetch now


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Well Dan ran right down there and did exactly what he should not have done, he is an idiot, zip it Dan, SFB new name for Dan

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I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I feel bad for Keesha. Although I don't think anyone that plays for half a mil dollars should be there to make friends, I still believe she has earned a spot in final 3. She may have screwed over others, but never memphis. Oh well.

On the bright side of things, this may have given Dan the game based on the things keesha was telling him. I hope so.

Even though I am not happy with Memphis's decision or comments lately, I will never ever root for Jerry!

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I felt bad when I heard he was going to do this and she said the same thing I did about memphis and say what you want about her, she isn't stupid. She had alot figured out when the realization hit. I think its pretty shitty on BB part for not allowing Memphis to tell out straight. I thinks it very shitty that he doesn't evict Jerry instead. There is no other reasons for why he isn't except for the realization that he might take Jerry over Dan. She even said that she would be okay if she lost in the final 3, but you never trust someone fully in this game. I am pretty sure Dan is thinking about this as well.

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