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Jerry - Week 8


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Jerry you are an jerk if you do not put Renny up.

It is clear that people see her as the "Dahlin from New Orlins".

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Jerry broke his word plenty. And he's lied plenty. Regardless... Memphis made a F2 with Dan. Memphis made a F2 with Keesha. And Memphis made a F2 with Jerry. Hmmm... I wonder who Memphis is loyal to. LOL We shall see this week. I think Memphis' loyalty will depend on who wins POV. Memphis will throw POV competition because in his mind, he is safe.

1) If Dan wins POV and gets off the block... Dan votes to keep Memphis, Memphis has F2 with Jerry... Jerry votes out Keesha.

2) If Renny wins POV, Renny pulls Keesha off the block because Keesha has F2 with Renny. Keesha will vote Dan out because Keesha has F2 with Memphis.

3) If Keesha wins POV, Keesha goes off the block and either Renny or Memphis goes off the block. Memphis has F2 with Jerry, so he figures he's safe.

4) If Jerry wins POV, Jerry keeps noms the same and Dan gets voted out.

5) If Memphis wins POV, he could keep things the same, have F2 with Jerry and Keesha and only have to worry about getting out Renny. NO FRIGGIN CLUE WHERE HIS LOYALTIES LIE!!!

Personally, I hope Memphis sticks with Dan, but will understand if he doesn't.

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I hope so too Misha . But I think Dan only hope is with Dan winning the POV. This reminds of BB9 and Natalie. She was backstab by Team Christ. It was the same week as this week now the Final 5. I think the same thing will happen to dan. The tie vote and the exit of Dan. I hope not and Dan better win the POV.

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I agree with the person who said that ED said worse things than Jerry and was perceived as a stand up guy. Although I can't stand Jerry and the horrible things he has said this season about others, it doesn't compare to the vile ED.

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Bottom line is that if Memphis does win the POV, he may use it to save Dan and both guys would be safe and both girls would be up and then the guys could vote out Rennie.

I love Rennie and so does all the other HG. To keep her in the end is suicide, but skeevy old man Jerry will because he thinks he can beat the women and thats the only reason he is doing this. I really think that if its Rennie/Jerry - Rennie wins, Jerry/Keesha - Keesha wins. Libra will be the deciding factor, plus you never know, April & Ollie may even respect the game play by Keesha knowing what Jerry has said about her, so they still could vote for her. At this point, one of the four are going home this week. They should have gotten rid of the old man and kept Ollie. He couldn't to jack and would be easier to take out.

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i like jerry hoh so far

he really has nothing to lose or gain

a man that has nothing to lose is very dangerous

fear in bb is what kills alot of hg game

eg. michelle fearful of bding libra week2

april fearful of getting jerry to use veto and put up keesha or libra

ollie fearful in week 1 of losing april

angie fearful of kissing woman azz

all hg know they cant bs jerry at this point

it wasnt like last season where they bsing nat to give hoh to sheila


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As much as I can't stand Jerry............as HOH he is doing just what he should IMO..........trying to get out the strongest player............he knows that it's on everyone's mind to take out Renny next.

On the personal side, Jerry wants to get out Dan because he avenges all the "betrayal" and everyone in the jury house now will love him for it.

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Fair enough, but what goes around comes around....and Jerry didnt even have to break his word.

Jerry has broken his word in the house. He was the first one to break his word.

I don't think he's smart to get rid of Dan, not because I like Dan, but because Dan is the most disliked by the jury members. Anyone at this point standing next to him could probably win 1st place. If he was smart he would of put aside his vendetta and try to get in an alliance with Dan. No one would have thought the two would join forces. Sticking with Renny and keesha won't get him to the end. No way Keesha chooses Jerry over Renny if he wins, and I don't think Renny would choose Jerry either. And Memphis, I doubt he will bring Jerry until the end.

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Jerry looks like a stinky old man. I detest him. He's the old guy in the gym that makes you find another gym because he won't leave you alone. HOWEVER, he has played a far better game (comps) than I thought possible. They should never have left him in the game because he has ALWAYS played well or near well while some of them were supposdly losing on purpose. Right.

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Jerry has broken his word in the house. He was the first one to break his word.

It is true, but in all fairness, he had the whole house stomp into his HOH room and demand they change the vote. Now, what would you have done? Many of the house guests have been using bullying tactics since day one. They bullied Jerry into that one.

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I have to say I'm really impressed with this guy. You have to love that the person people always put off evicting ends up messing up their plans somehow. Last year it was Sheila. But this guy has fight and fire although I think he offers up too much information to everyone.

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