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Renny - Week 6


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I think she may want April saved now because Keesha is not sticking with her as much and is following Memphis around. Keesha could have stayed in the HOH saying her room was empty but instead is staying in there with Memphis and Dan and I think Renny wants a couple strong people on her side maybe April, Michelle and Oliie in case Keesha sticks with the boys.

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I have been saying since the nominations that Rennys' real target is Jerry!! And it isn't game play, it is for revenge!

If she presses the issue and tells her alliance she wants them to vote jerry ,it is time for them to jump off rennys ship and vote out April.I still say no matter how it plays out, the way she handled nominations durning her HOH reign has doomed her game! Both sides are not happy with the nominations and how they came about.

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I think she may want April saved now because Keesha is not sticking with her as much and is following Memphis around. Keesha could have stayed in the HOH saying her room was empty but instead is staying in there with Memphis and Dan and I think Renny wants a couple strong people on her side maybe April, Michelle and Oliie in case Keesha sticks with the boys.

If it gets rid of Skreesha, I'm all for it!

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I think she may want April saved now because Keesha is not sticking with her as much and is following Memphis around. Keesha could have stayed in the HOH saying her room was empty but instead is staying in there with Memphis and Dan and I think Renny wants a couple strong people on her side maybe April, Michelle and Oliie in case Keesha sticks with the boys.

If that were the case renny would have been way way smarter putting up dan an memphis for eviction!

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Yes, but she got Ollie's word he won't put her up. Also made Dan and Memphis tell her they won't put her up. She is sure Keesha and Michelle won't put her up. Her confidence will come to bite her in the a**

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ollie has won no comps

i dont get why she put all her trust in hg that won nothing

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Yes Marty but April is planning on bribing all of them with either her money or designer clothes. Could work as Keesha and Renny will be drunk as skunks tonight..

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This woman drives me nuts. Every time she has someone up in HOH she talks and chews at the same time. Can she talk without chips in her mouth? <_<

OK Keesha too .... chomp chomp chomp chomp

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Her nominations are debatable,if she really wanted April out she should have put up April/Ollie. Plus the fact that she circumnavigated the globe getting to April/Jerry, and pretty much made her alliance not trust her anymore. Other than that they were great nominations,April appears to going to JH!

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Chewing or talking with food in your mouth deserves a firing squad. PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS!!!!!!!!!!

Renny better watch her @ss. She has been mcnasty to Dan. He might just payback with her butt going out the door first opportunity he gets.

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