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Keesha - Week 6


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Keesha's HoH by emotion is no different than anyone else's. Jerry's eviction of Brian is the ONLY nomination/eviction that was ruled by game and not emotion. Come on, Libra got evicted over Keesha for strategic purposes? Ha! They kept Keesha because they liked Keesha, not because Libra was a bigger threat to win the game.

In Big Brother, up until the final 4, it matters greatly that the people in the house like you. Hated HGs, pot stirring HGs, trouble maker HGs get evicted (see Libra and Jessie), well liked HGs stay (see Renny, Keesha). Up until people start thinking about who they can beat in the final 2, that's when being well liked becomes a liability. I believe in the next few weeks, depending on who is HoH, Keesha will start turning up the ugly.

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I dont think getting rid of Angie early on was bad at all... why go after a Huge threat early on and have people coming after you?

Plus she is sitting in the best spot right now in the house, would she be if she kept Angie that week? the world may never know.

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Ginger, not only this week.. if she won, she would been good.. if Memphis or dan she would have been good.. Jerry won she would have been good.. Michelle couldnt have won...

so she only had to worry about April or Ollie winning HOH.. then she probably would have stayed anyways.

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How about Evil Dick???he won by the way didn't he!

In the beginning of the game, Richard was very well liked. He was part of the large alliance against Mrs. Robinson. By the time the jury was being selected, Richard was liked more than Jen. Unless he was making an ass of himself to "rattle the other players, he was friendly with Amber, Eric, Jessica and Zach. Also, Richard had the advantage of his daughter, who was an extremely good competitor, and America's Player. As much as I hate it, Richard was well liked. Why do you think Richard won the entire thing? Because the jury liked him more than they liked Danielle.

By that concept then Jerry should have been gone a while back. He was probably most disliked for numerous reasons

From what I've seen, with the exception of Renny's reign, Jerry has been very chummy with the HoH and only makes an ass of himself after nominations. Jerry may have been liked less than Libra come eviction day, but Jerry wasn't a choice for replacement noms.

Keesha has a valid reason to believe the reason she's still in the house is because the HGs like her. It's true. At least they like her more than they liked Libra. Like King posted, unless April or Ollie got HoH, Keesha was safe from nominations. Even if A/O got HoH and nominated Keesha, I think she still would be safe. She has Renny on her side. She has the man-crush from Michelle. She's stroking Dan and Memphis' ego. She's in a good position to win the entire thing.

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only hg that dislike keesha is april

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true lol

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I honestly barely even care about this season anymore.

As a matter of fact I'm so ambivalent I completely missed the show last night and didn't even realize it until after the fact.

The only reason I'm paying any attention is to see Keesha go home. It's the only thing I care about anymore. I just want her to lose. I don't want her to win.

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I just want her to lose. I don't want her to win.



Me too!!

Did she even participate in the last HOH... Hoping everyone else drops out of comps is not a very strong strategy... Especially for Keesha because everyone left is smarter than her... Well maybe not ollie or April, the three of them are prob evenly skilled...

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As much as I hate it, Richard was well liked. Why do you think Richard won the entire thing? Because the jury liked him more than they liked Danielle.

ED won because he played the best game stratgey wise, not because he was well liked. He should have been out what was it the 4th and 6th week,and he managed to save himself(well sorta). He made the most daring, bold, moves in that game,and they worked.Plus AP help Dick stay in the game! He won becuase the other HG's realized he played the best most strategic game ,not because of popularity! They are playing a game, and I realize someone who is liked has an advantage to a point,but unlike this group in there now,they set aside who was popular and nicest , to reward Dick with his excellent game play! Plus when it got to him and Danielle, they knew who played the game ,and who rode the coat-tails of her DAD!

Just my take!

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I really don't get all the Keesha hate. Sure, she says and does things that gets on my nerves but she's far from the worst. She's not playing a bad game. Her voice doesn't get to me that much either. She's 'middle-of-the-road' to me. I dislike Manchelle, Jerry, April and Ollie soooooo much more. And even Jerry isn't that bad since he's been brought down a notch or two.


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