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Libra - Week 5


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Libra if she were thinking right now should corner Ollie and say "Ollie we know for a fact you and April had a secret alliance with Jesse and Michelle. Will you swear on your mother's life that there was no such secret alliance? We know because Jesse told us so and said it was nothing we could do about it."

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My Poor poor babies dramas mama. Woop Keeshas ass woman! I don't care about your personal life I want you to stay and rid that loser blonde bimbo bitch. As hard as she's trying theres no way they will keep her. The wannabe actress who is constantly looking in the mirror and camera is going to win such a shame.

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Libra gat played.........I totally understand the hostility here because of the leaving her children and such...............but, in the GAME of BB................she got played, never haed a chance.

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I've never had a problem with her, I don't let their PERSONAL lives effect me I can careless who they are personally.It's the SHOW I watch and their characters on here is what I pay attention to. I 'd love love LOVE to see Keeshas high and mighty ass walk out that door or Libra knock her or Manchelle out. Either works for me

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I don't see your strategy Len....(Im a little slow tonight lol)

I haven't like Libra for awhile and I am actually pulling for her, hoping she pulls a miracle out of her booty and Keesha is GONE!!

Sure, Ollie, Jessie, April and Michelle had secretly decided Memphis would leave then Libra and Keesha would go next in that order. April has since denied that as has Ollie and Michelle but technically O,J,A & M did have that alliance. Not that all these people aren't a bunch of so and so's selling their souls for big bucks.


BB always boils down to this. If you don't win comps you will sooner or later go. Libra and Keesha both lost HOH and Veto Comp. I could care less who goes. Unfortunately sooner or later they will all make nice again!!!!

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Tonight is where Libra's education and experience in politics came in handy. That girl talks better than any lawyer or politician and can turn the tears on and the smiles better than any fake person I have ever known. Got to give her that much.

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I don't know why everyone is so confident Libra is leaving. I think she will go too but I don't hold anyone to anything in this game

we'll see

Libra's personal life and crapy gameplay are gonna get her booted if she ain't careful...and I hope it happens


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Wow what a night last night the non stop fighting was worth staying up late to watch. I just don't know if I believe Libra and her crying to Ollie. I know she was not the one pushing to keep Memphis and getting the votes I know it was Keesha. I just am not sure now if Keesha should go before Libra or get Libra out. I would like them both out but we know that's not going to happen this week but last nights fight has me rethinking who would be best to get out this week.

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I've never really been a Libra fan but I felt badly for her last night because she was making it so clear to numerous people that Keesha was the mastermind of the most recent decision and they just didn't get it or didn't want to. Not only that, but people were putting words in her mouth and she was being mostly honest about things while Keesha was pulling every trick to get out of things

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