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Monday, August 4th


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It takes alot of self-discipline and motivation to build up your body like that and he likes to admire the finished product.

I don't think it's any different than someone losing weight and buying new clothes and admiring themselves in the mirror. Even a new haircut and make-up.

He may be full of himself but he's no different then some of the other hgs who sing their own praises on a daily basis.

I want Jessie to stay because I think it will really shake things up though his leaving will shake it up in another way but not to my liking.

This is so true, when BB started I told my son about Jesse because he is into natural body building and is 23 and a personal trainer. I told him no one likes Jesse because he's full of himself. My son said that if you build a classic car from the ground up you would talk about your car and what you did to it etc. He said it's the same thing with body builders and their bodies and it takes a lot hard work and time to build yourself up. Even steroid users work hard to build their body. He said he sees people in the gym talk about the body builders because they don't have it in them to do what it takes to get their bodies that way so it's easier to talk BS then do the actual work.

If Jesse stays he won't stay silent for long and I would love to see Keesha and Libra paranoid about J/M coming after them.

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Michelle says that she heard the swim club rules (there are three, all of them are - 1st rule is: Do not talk about swim club - 2nd rule is: Do not talk about swim club - 3rd rule is: Do not discuss what is learned in swim club and do what is asked. - so when she came back out she asked them what they were doing and they said,
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nope...no lagging here...

re Memphis...sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...


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ImIn....I just figured out what your avatar reminds me of , In living Color, Jamie Fox.....I'm gonna rock yo world...can't remember the character without the glasses of course

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I just really can't stand this season and these HG. The casting was horrible and I don't know what they were thinking when they picked these people. Keesha's voice and laugh are the worst and if she was in a movie I would not watch it for free.

These people are stupid in the way they are playing the game and should all be evicted.

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Memphis is trying to say that $10,000 is not alot to win. (Saying that Michelle made too much out of it)

Well, Memphis you will spend 3 months in a house with strangers, play grueling comps, possibly eat slop and a whole bunch of other things for $50,000. Yet, winning $10,000 in a 2 minute game is not alot?

Memphis is working his way up the bitch and stupid ladder awfully fast.

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ImIn....I just figured out what your avatar reminds me of , In living Color, Jamie Fox.....I'm gonna rock yo world...

I never thought about that...but now that you mention it...yes! His/her name was Wanda Jackson...I think...

I'm sure Libra waould be so flattered being compared to her.. :smilielol:

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Michelle has to be one of the next to win HOH and this coming week may be it and Lord knows I hope and pray she does.

Keesha is such a stupid person that when she watches these tapes she will see what an ass she is and I hope Hooters dumps her for making Hooters girls look bad.

Memphis how sad you are turning into a bitch. Your family is watching say oh you dumb ass run away from the skanks now.

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If Miss Swan (from mad tv) met Libra...what would she say?...

She looka likea man!


edit...she was not on in living color...oops.

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chopped liva
It just ain't the BB it used to be.....

I miss the hg's that would try to have fun. Make up silly games, laugh with each other over stuff that WASN'T trashing someone else, say funny stuff in the DR. <sigh>

Even the ED Late Night Show when he did his thing just for the feedsters. These people suck big time.

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Libra says she spends $10,000. per month to maintain house and other expenses.

I heard that this afternoon too! :animated_shocking:

biting my tongue not to say something about what a shitty person she is and...

she is a crappy mother

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