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Saturday, July 26th


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The stronger player is Libra who always comes in second in comps.

Also, pairs are a problem and April and HOllie are the strongest pair right now.

So, was Skreesha so smart, I don't think so. She made many enemies this week and she'll need to fight hard from here on in.

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I think Keesha has a chance to last a while in this game. Jessie played in the veto comp and he lost. Now he should try campaiging, like next Tuesday, and not telling everyone off. Angie said earlier this week she would get real obnoxious and make everyone vote her out. Keesha should go for Jesse, he's much more of a threat.

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Keesha isn't playing the game smart for one major reason and one reason only. She's getting rid of the weakest of the four.

Jerry, Ollie and Dan actually made sense last night. Memphis, Jessie and even Michelle are the players. It should have been one of THEM going home, not Angie. Angie hasn't shown a damn thing. Keesha isn't playing the game strategically, she's playing the game personally. She doesn't like Angie and when the whole thing with Steven happened it pissed her off so getting out Angie is a revenge type thing...it has little to do with the game.

If you're going after an alliance of four, you don't pick the weakest one who hasn't won anything. Jessie has won TWO comps, an HoH and a PoV for chrissakes. Getting HIM out would be smart. Not Angie.

Keesha is a tool and I now want her out more than anyone, including Libra.

If there's one thing I can't stand it's catty bitches like Keesha who don't actually think things through when another woman is involved.

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Now the absolute STUPIDEST players in the house are Jerry, Renny and Dan because they actually think being a part of an alliance of 7 where THEY would be the first out is a good idea.

No, idiots, the SMART idea would be for at least one of them to jump ship and head to the other side of the house. I'd rather be in an alliance of four being the first one out than an alliance of 6 or 7 and being the first one out. That's common sense and math. Dan needs to jump ship.

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Jerry and Jessie are going at it now. Feed 2.

Hey, who knows it may be Jessie out the door. Jerry might be rallying for him to go and override "the boss of this week" as he stated earlier.

It's going to be a rocking night in the BB house.

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The house needs to get rid of Jessie. He's just so obnoxious. I can't even watch the feeds when he is talking. I feel like I lose a brain cell every time he opens his mouth. It's like listening to Matty of BB9. Both morons.

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I think Memphis, Angie, Jesse and Michelle are the smarter side of the house. If Keesha was smart and had a brain cell in her head she would have got those 4 together and joined them and tried to get them to be the final 5 before they have to attack each other.

Libra and April have shown Keesha their true colors when they accused her of being a floater off and on. The comments Libra makes to her and about her. Back dooring Libra right now and going with J,M,A,M would have giving her a better chance at staying in the game. The others are to stupid to really know how to play the game. If she went with them they could have gotten rid of Ollie or Dan next week and so on as long as they keep the power. Keeping her so called word Keesha is showing how stupid she is at this game and they will come after her what a stupid move she is making by sticking with Libra.

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Keesha is a tool and I now want her out more than anyone, including Libra.

If there's one thing I can't stand it's catty bitches like Keesha who don't actually think things through when another woman is involved.

Such white hot hate for someone you don't even know...calm down.

But you are sort of right. Keesha needs to make a deal/ pact with Angie and get the others to vote out Jessie (for obvious reasons). Sure Angie hasn't won anything yet, but she's physically strong and pretty smart. For all they know (and they see what they see, they don't get live feeds) Angie could be like Zack, throwing comps until she really needs to win. And she will come after Keesha, know that.

Jessie is a ticking time bomb. It's only a matter of time before he really rages.

Libra is now telling Skreesha "they're afraid of me because they know I am bound to get HOH."

Isn't that what Shelia said?

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Skreesha and Libra are talking about how badly Jessie just jeopardized himself by ranting then Libra says that Angie just sits back and smokes her cigs then in the next breath they both agree "Angie needs to go." lmao

Nos, Skreesha confronting Libra about all the things that she, HOllie and April were bashing her about last night.

Libra says "I am always number two, but I will get number one" nothing against you.

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I think Memphis, Angie, Jesse and Michelle are the smarter side of the house

imho they are the dumber of two teams by far

unlike loka who made first strike this week

they last week passed on a golden opportunity to bd libra

if they did they probably wouldnt be in this position

and even after loka and crew figure out jamm had an alliance they continued to deny it

they are always one step behind loka and crew

libra and crew are smarter again because they took in all the floaters

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Personally, I don't get K's anger at Angie but I do think that going after the strongets alliance in the house was the best move she could have made...........there's still lots of time for the group to vote out Jessie instead of Angie but getting their numbers down to 3 will help whatever way it goes.

As far as K going to their side (J/M/M/A)...........why would she want to be at the bottom of that group?

I understand "liking" Angie but what has she done in the game beside latch on?

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I think Jesse is just a big baby prone to madfits. OK if Angie goes and either Jesse, Memphis, Michelle wins HOH I guess Libra/April will go up, either one is fine. Don't know if they'll wait on getting rid of Keesha later. April, Libra, Renny, Jerry need to start winning comps. If Keesha did get rid of Libra this week (which I would love) it would give Angie, Jesse, Memphis and Michelle strength in numbers. Keesha's only hopes with those four would be to make it to F5. Keesha needs to get a three week deal from the other side to put Libra up. But I wouldn't trust anyone in BB!!!

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michelle and jerry fightttttttttttttttttttttt

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jerry molested a hg wth

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He touched someone's leg...I've been hearing this all afternoon.

Still don't know who's leg he touched.

BTW- they were all bashing Jerry the other night (cept HOllie) so he's a fool to think that some respect him and some don't.

OMG - Michelle wasn't really saying anything and she's looking to tone it down and then Jerry just went crazeeeeeee.. Man, he better calm down. Now Michelle is screaming and he now lowers his voice.

He's a character that Jerry.

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