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Bb9 Orgy Confimed By James In Chat Sayin Nat Said So See Page 3

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What 'ol Dick wrote is actually more disgusting than the actual supposed-event. In fact, it sounds as though he's the rumor-monger. Shame on you, Dick. Oh, wait. Dick never feels any shame. For him to write so offensively about women really shows his true character.

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Misha did you see on Adams Myspace how they have a call out to all the "babies" so they can make a video? Too funny wannabe girls gone wild crew. This is the mentality of this piece of chit. And to think CBS just helped push him and his brother to new proportions. SAD

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No matter what Dick Donato does he is accused of the most ridiculous stuff, he was not part of the orgy, and his commentary or his blog that he wrote was just that, he view of it which I thought was hilarious, and soooo close to the truth and in true ED style a little raunchy, but hey what are ya gonna do when you are writing on a subject that is raunchy and disgusting?? He was merely stating how he saw it and of course he then becomes the object of all the ED haters to dog on him as tho he was in the orgy, organized it, and then told about it in a raunchy but camp humorus way. So instead of the actual offenders Natalie, her sister, adam and matt Dick Donato becomes the focus of the subject not the actual people involved, it just never ceases to amaze me how things get turned around to ED, just sayin.

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What a surprise, Dick bashing on Nat...his favorite houseguest of all time! If he never lies, well then Jen should have gone after him legally for the things he said to her!

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dick and janelle both said they were told by one of the supposed participants. they didn't start the rumor. amanda at first denied the rumor but said "ask matt and nat". later, amanda said she doesn't know, but she did see hickeys all over nat. and the latest i heard : amanda is being accused of starting the rumor. and it is a rumor...no proof. but i did see adam shopping for "babies" to make a payperview date baller tape. and adam has a clothing company "girls who kiss girls"? just when you think this season couldn't get any weirder!

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I think it is pure hype, and the thing that really makes me think so is the Matt factor, he wanted nothing to do with Natalie, so to think that even under the influence he would participate in a group sex thing, I say I don't think so,lol, such a weird seaon, with really weid people,lol

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lets put a end to this Matty,Natty just wanted to live on infamy with this and for us 2 talk about them forever, so lets end this and shove it up Mat/Nat butt, so who cares!

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i was tough on natty this year...and i was sick of her...but i heard she took down her myspace...and i really feel sorry for her over this. if adam is dating for payperview, i find it hard to believe he wouldn't sell his orgy tape if one existed.

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i just read a nat article here


Her friends/family had a surprise party for her when she returned home. she said she's going back to bikinibarristing until she saves enough $ to go back to hollywood and fulfill her dreams of acting stardom. said she has a possible offer for a horror film. no comment on any rumors. i know what your saying about the 15 minutes being up...but i must admit that i'm a sick person...i'm always interested in what happens to them after the show!

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me too, I have always wanted to know what their reactions have been to th things said about them and of course they have such warped perceptions of what the general public thinks, like they are stars and stuff, when in fact, and especially this season it all was pretty negitive. It is good Alex got out when he did, I think he was a good guy and to be chucked in with those losers and then there would have been a lot of negitive stuff for him to deal with, better he left early. It is hard tho, because you rarely get to hear what they think. I believe that house calls had a reunion show during Maggies season but even then we did not get much of what the nerd herd thought, I would love to read about what this silly ass group of houseguests think after having their bubbles burst.

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Some HGs' 15 mins will probably last longer than others'. It's the rumoured orgy sexcapade that I couldn't care less about lol

I do think a few will have a really hard time readjusting more than others.

Natalie - It was her business to deny the Matt BJs in the house. Most people may have had a problem with her reverting to the Bible all the time after some of her naughty shenanigans. She needs to stay away from Youtube & Clipser for a long time.

Josh - He's probably the one getting the biggest backlash (other than Matt). Numerous articles online have just trashed him non-stop for his verbal abuse against Nat/Sheila mostly.

Matt - He'll be lost but not for long. All he needs is to be surrounded by his friends and he'll come out of this unscathed. lol

Sheila - Not sure about her. She may stay away from the Net and not read anything for a very long time. Then again, she'll hang onto the fact that she came in 2nd with America as favourite juror.

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Natalie did a chat - here:


She states that she's already been contacted regarding a BB Allstars? ROFLMAO! Yea, right......... :animated_rotfl: Oh, and big surprise: she'd do Playboy if they asked. (ummmm......pretty sure that's not happenin) :rolleyes: Unless they airbrush a ton of things? And she denied the rumors about the wrap party. :animated_scratchchin:

Ooops, forgot! She did start a new MySpace - here's the address:


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Wow that was a weird Interview. It was all Natalie fans and full of Natalie love and Sheila hate.

Natty is moving to LA to persue acting and modeling.

Natalie has animosity against Sheila because Sheila did not apologize to her. Wha??

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Honestly i have never heard such crap in all my life. I can't believe that they allow Dick to even write something that graphic.

The world is going to hell in a hand basket or is it Big Brother is going to hell in a hand basket.

I to am so done with that group of people which is being kind putting them into the human race with the rest of us!

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i don't know what dick wrote...but nat sure is still NUTTY! she just sees the world thru nat colored glasses, i guess! amber bb8 really looks like she got a boob job on chelsia's myspace pictures. amber does look pretty and happy, though...good for her.

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James confirmed in a Realplayer chat that Natalie was tellin ever1 at Wrap Party


Well forgive me but I believe that would be called hearsay. Until the people involved admit in public it happened or the supposed video of the incident is made public, it is all just rumor. James is not in a position to "confirm" anything.

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James said Natalie told him and was telling others, James said u have 2 believe her word or ask Matty more about it. In other talk

James pretended not to now who Amanda was

James said Christian who go on Big Brother are the biggest load of crap out their.

James said He himself was the only houseguest who was good enough of winning this year, he called Adam winning a joke

James said Chelsia's father put death threats against him, so he had extra security at the finale & Wrap Party

James also said Chelsia's parents were mad about James' porno past, and the way he treated their daughter, so they called CBS & complained, that's why when James/Chelsia started kissing, the feeds were cut.

James said he & Chelsia had sex only 2 times, and wishes he never loved Chelsia because it ruined his game, but she is a nice girl

James says Team Christ was a big joke, the worst possible houseguests who could win the game, James says dumbest move was Jacob not saying it was Ryan who called Parker a snake

James will start biking in Britain and go through Iraq/Iran and then go 2 China

James says all his tattoos were last second, that each has a story, he never thought about a tattoo just got it.

James hopes BB fans don't see him as a idealistic person, and that BB fans don't see him as only caring about himself

The Realplayer chat lasted 1 hr & 3 minutes

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James would do anything to keep the rumor alive, he hated Natalie. She has tons pf pictures posted on her myspace and I didnt see one hickey. Anyway who are we to judge if they wanna sleep whoever that is their business!!!!!!

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