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You Decide Big Brother 8 Vs Big Brother 9 What Was Better?

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eother copy & paste it below and put ur answer below each question or just # them down and say BB8 or BB9. After either one tally them up and see whats better? BB8 or BB9?

1. Carol/Joe vs Jen/Parker

2. Mike/Nick vs Amanda/Alex

3. Kail vs Allison

4. Dustin vs Matt

5. Jen vs Chelsia

6. Amber vs Josh

7. Jessica vs James

8. Eric vs Natalie

9. Jameka vs Sharon

10. Zach vs Shelia

11.Danielle vs Ryan

12. Evel Dick vs Adam

13. BB8 Guests(MadHatter,Pirate,Singing Barber Shop, Statute,Bunnies) vs BB9 Guests (Jacob,Neil,Guniea Pigs,Nurse,Paramedics)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle) vs BB9(Evel Dick,Eric/Jessica)

15. Best of ChenBot BB8

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This will be a minority vote, but I thought this season's first 4-6 weeks were insanely entertaining.

There was so much drama, fueled in part by the couples twist, it was hard not to enjoy.

Sure, they weren't really likable people, but I got friends in the real world.

Adam as a goofball winning is hysterical.

I hated Daniele on BB8. Whining constantly is not my idea of entertainment.

Flip-flopped on Dick all season. glad he won over Dani.

America's Player was a dumb idea that tipped the scale way too far for the Donatos.

Would have loved to see Eric's true game.

In the end, I liked both seasons, but preferred the car wreck of season 9 a touch better.

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1. Jen/Parker

2. Amanda/Alex

3. Allison

4. Dustin

5. Jen

6. Josh

7. James

8. Eric

9. Sharon (but I really liked Jameka)

10. Shelia

11. Guinea Pig 2

12. Guinea Pig 1

13. BB8 Guests(MadHatter,Pirate,Singing Barber Shop, Statute,Bunnies)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. BB9

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for one, one of the questions asks who is the best showmance eric/jessica or Adam/sheila there was not shomance between those 2 sheila and adam, I definately liked last year tons over this year

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eother copy & paste it below and put ur answer below each question or just # them down and say BB8 or BB9. After either one tally them up and see whats better? BB8 or BB9?

1. Carol/Joe

2. Amanda/Alex

3. Kail

4. Dustin

5. Jen

6. Josh

7. Jessica

8. Eric

9. Jameka

10. Shelia

11. Ryan

12. Adam

13. BB8 Guests(MadHatter,Pirate,Singing Barber Shop, Statute,Bunnies)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle) )

15. BB9

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I had a hard time getting into this season but did eventually get there and had a similar interest in it to last season. Sheila's whining was a match for Daniele, that's fore sure - didn't enjoy that in either season. I don't watch after hours, so although I"ve read about the noxious behaviour, it doesn't affect me as much as it would if I had seen it. In the end, was happier with Adam than the Donatos. I'll say pick this season, but hoping to enjoy BB10 more!

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1. Jen/Parker

2. Mike/Nick

3. Allison

4. Dustin

5. Jen

6. Josh

7. Jessica

8. Natalie

9. Sharon

10. Zach


12. Evel Dick

13. BB8 Guests(MadHatter,Pirate,Singing Barber Shop, Statute,Bunnies)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. Best of ChenBot BB8

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sadly bb 8

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1. Jen/Parker

2. Amanda/Alex

3. Allison

4. Dustin

5. Jen

6. Josh

7. James

8. Eric

9. Sharon

10. Zach

11. Ryan

12. Adam

13. BB9 Guests (Jacob,Neil,Guniea Pigs,Nurse,Paramedics)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. BB9

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I would just like to say that putting Jen and Chelsia in the same sentence is an insult to Jen.

Jen was vain. Jen was often bitchy. Jen could be very rude. However, Jen was not a trashy skank and I know a lot of you couldn't stand her but she did not get off on hurting people like Chelsia. She did not enjoy opening her legs for people so they could smell her stench. She wore skimpy outfits but she did NOT get naked in the house.

Jen is many things but she was not uncultured, mean gutter trash like Chelsia.

That is all I have to say.

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I would just like to say that putting Jen and Chelsia in the same sentence is an insult to Jen.

Jen was vain. Jen was often bitchy. Jen could be very rude. However, Jen was not a trashy skank and I know a lot of you couldn't stand her but she did not get off on hurting people like Chelsia. She did not enjoy opening her legs for people so they could smell her stench. She wore skimpy outfits but she did NOT get naked in the house.

Jen is many things but she was not uncultured, mean gutter trash like Chelsia.

That is all I have to say.

And you said it well!!!!!!

Could never understand why things said at Sheila were so offensive, but many thought the things said to Jen were acceptable and funny? I remember reading how Jen deserved to be harrassed and many thought Dick's tireades were hysterical. You are right, Jen was hated, and I do believe that Sheila is equally hated but for different reasons.

The trash talking to women is wrong no matter who is on the receiving end.

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1. Jen/Parker

2. Mike/Nick

3. Kail


5. Jen

6. Amber

7. James

8. Eric

9. Jameka

10. Zach


12. Evel Dick

13. BB8 Guests(MadHatter,Pirate,Singing Barber Shop, Statute,Bunnies)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. Best of ChenBot BB8’s Julie Chen

16. Biggest Fight: BB8(Evel Dick vs Jen)

17. Biggest Feud: BB8(Evel Dick/Jen)

18. Most Anoying Houseguest: BB8(Amber) (thought my pick here would be Sheila)

19. Best Foreshadowing Moment: BB9 (Natalie prediting Evel Dick’ coming following week)

20. Biggest Eater: BB9 (Ryan/Adam)

21. Biggest Cryer: BB8(Amber)

22. Biggest Liar: BB8(Jen)

23. Talking to Who? : BB9 (Sharon talking to her “Friendssss” the Guniea Pigs(Yogi & Boo Boo)

24. Worst reputation of a Christian BB8(Kail,Amber,Jameka)

25. Im tired of Hearing:BB9(Sharon “Babbbiesss”)

26. Will U Shut UP! BB8(Amber talking about herself

27 Dumbest Move: BB8(Mike in POV too save kail, only making himself be evicted) vs BB9(Jacob “Stirring things up” only to be evicted Day 3) My vote here goes to Natalie tossing HoH for Sheila

28. Worst This …… is Going to happen: BB8(Amber as “Next Top Model”) LMAO

29. Fav. Color haired Houseguest: BB8(Evel Dick)

30. They were on Big Brother? BB9(Neil)

31. Best HOH player: BB8(Evel Dick)

32. Best POV player: BB9(James)

33. They survived again! BB8(Jen)

34. Biggest breakdown: BB9(James)

35. Best Gay Player: BB8(Dustin)

36. Did I just see that!BB9(Natalie squirting milk out of breast)

37. Biggest EGO BB8(Dustin) vs BB9(Josh) (this one is tie!)

38. Best Eviction BB8(By a vote of 4-3 Dustin you are evicted) I thought Dustin evicted on a 0 vote? or was that his 0 face! LOL vs BB9(Chelsia’s eviction rant) (another tie)

39. Funnyest BB Montage BB9 (Guneia Pigs want Sharon out!)

40. Biggest Idiot: BB8(Amber whats this mean? Peanut Gallery? POV? Backdoor? Etc.)

41. Best Design of House(including backyard): BB9

42. Best Luxury room: BB9(Sauna room)

43. Best HOH Competions: BB8

44. Best POV competions: BB8

45. Best Showmance: BB8(Eric/Jessica)

46. Biggest Ass Kisser: BB8(Zach)

47. Worst amount of FOTH: BB8 vs BB9 (didn't watch the live feeds on either)

48. Best ChainGang: BB9(Adam/Shelia)

49. Biggest Big Brother fan who F’N up right away: BB8(Joe)

50. Best Teeth: BB8(Zach)

51. UnderDog:BB8(Zach) )

52. They dint paly the game but they made it that far! BB9(Shelia)

53.Wrestling Match: BB8(Eric/Jen)

54. Best saying of “Bueno”: BB8(Evel Dick when cooking & Cleaning saying “No Bueno”


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1. Carol/Joe

2. Amanda/Alex

3. Kail

4. Dustin

5. Chelsia

6. Josh

7. James

8. Eric vs Natalie -- neither! I refuse to choose one!

9. Jameka

10. Sheila


12. Evel Dick

13. BB8 Guests

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. Best of BB9

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1. Carol/Joe

2. Mike/Nick

3. Kail

4. Matt

5. Jen

6. Josh

7. Jessica

8. Eric

9. Jameka

10. Zach vs Shelia - NEITHER!


12. Evel Dick

13. BB8 Guests(MadHatter,Pirate,Singing Barber Shop, Statute,Bunnies)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. Best of ChenBot BB9

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1. Jen/Parker

2. Mike/Nick

3. Kail

4. Matt

5. Jen

6. Amber

7. Jessica

8. Natalie

9. Sharon

10. Zach

11. Ryan

12. Evel Dick

13. BB9 Guests (Jacob,Neil,Guniea Pigs,Nurse,Paramedics)

14. Best Guest Host BB8(Jannelle)

15. Best of ChenBot BB9

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