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You guys are picking bad examples. Both Danie AND Dick were disliked. So they picked the one they thought played better. Both Boogie and Erica were disliked, so they picked the one with the better game

That's a flawed argument, because by the time the Finale rolls around, both players are disliked by the jury members, with the exception of Cowboy and Drew. Through the course of the show, Danielle was liked and Dick was loathed by Zack. In his confessionals, Zack admitted he never liked Dick and was only nice to him for game purposes only. Come finale, Zack voted for Dick to win.

Erica was not disliked throughout the entire All Star season, she was a non-entity, as far as most of the houseguests were concerned. She was definately closer to George. George most definately loathed Booger. But guess who George voted for to win? Boogie.

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You can't predict WHY someone will vote for the winner. Expect the unexpected. We've see examples of people voting FOR someone they swore they hated and fought with based on the fact they respect the person HAD GAME!

Some vote like idiots for their buddy even if they're no gamer ( like Sharon )

And don't forget once inside the jury house they talk amongst themselves and see what's what which puts another spin on their concept as to who they're voting for.

Too many variables.

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I gotta get this out of my system.

Im honestly tired listening to this jerk talk about women. This whole season has had the guys using the worst words to describe women. They may suffer foot in mouth as they forget every word they say is recorded, i dont know.

But if my wife were in a BB house and she was called names like that. Lets just say the wrap party would be memorable as I replace the foot in their mouth with my fist.

I hope Jen dumps his chunky butt for a guy with a bit more class.

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I dont think Ryan has much of a chance to win.

The evil doers James, Josh, and Chelsia would mostly likely be 3 votes againt. If Sheila is kicked out then that could mean Ryans death nail. She was torn up when he took the 10 grand from her.

Even if Shar is next to him, it would be the same thing. If Sheila is kicked she can hold the final word on who gets the cash.

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I agree Gorilla listening to these guys talk like gangsters and calling the girls bitches and broads is just so stupid.

I am so over these people.

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I gotta get this out of my system.

Im honestly tired listening to this jerk talk about women. This whole season has had the guys using the worst words to describe women. They may suffer foot in mouth as they forget every word they say is recorded, i dont know.

But if my wife were in a BB house and she was called names like that. Lets just say the wrap party would be memorable as I replace the foot in their mouth with my fist.

In the words of Sheila: "Ya think?" :notworthy::animated_rotfl:

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I really stopped likeing him after his grandpa passed on. If it had be me in the house i would have been out the door to pay my repsects.

I agree 100%......saying goodbye to a grandparent is more important to me than being in a reality show!

I don't think Ryan can win against Adam or Sharon. He might have a chance against Sheila. jmho


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I don't have a problem with being called a "broad". *LOL* I dislike bitch, but the C word is the unforgivable one in my book. I live with 5 males and every one of them knows that that word is never to be uttered in my home or my presence upon penalty of tongue removal and/or death.

Also I agree on the Grandpa thing. When my grandmother passed, one of her children was on a trip out of the country and she didn't come home for services. I have much less respect for her than I used to. It's just plain wrong not to be there to support your family.

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I wonder if Ryan actually thinks he might win big against ANY of these people. He keeps saying he's content with 50 thousand.

Ryan is not the sharpest tool in the shed. It was in his best interest to keep Natalie in the game since she was the only one he could have won against -- yet, he voted to evict her. So yes, I think Ryan is delusional and believes he has a shot at winning.

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I've been trying to figure out why I have such strong dislike for Ryan and I came up with a few

1, has no respect for women ( mother should be proud)

2. tries to act like a thug but won't stand up to a man (punk B***)

reminds me of a man who will use intimidation (size) to get his way, notice how fast Adam talks when he lowers voice and flexes his flab lol

too bad we can't vote, he's even trying to control what the girls talk about ...afraid his game will be peeped F2 with Sharon/Adam

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I think the reason I prefer Adam to Ryan (the lesser of two evils, so to speak), is that Adam is one of those what you see is what you get type of guys.

His disgusting thoughts and actions are right out there and he cannot control them...like his emotions....remember his tears with James and even Natalie?

Adam does not like to see anyone upset.

Ryan, on the other hand, reminds me of a bully...like a mean junior high girl.

I can just see him and Jen making fun of people and he just seems very bully-ish and mean spirited..somewhat like Chelsea, except he doesn't have the balls to show it outright.

So, to make a choice between the "bros", it's Adam for me.

I'll be pissed if Ryan wins this game.

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Who knows what makes these people tick.

Seems James, Chelsia and Josh all threw Sharon under the bus.

All of them were mad that they were going out the door against the girl who did nothing but read the bible and talked to the GPs. But she was from their side...........

If Sheila goes to sequester she may remember that Sharon watched her do the dishes and watched her clean the bathroom and watched and watched but didn't contribute too much. (and she has a slug for a pet)

I'm glad the people that are still in the house are there (I guess) but overall this has been a pretty disappointing season for me.

I hope BB10 has a better line-up.

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If Sheila goes to sequester she may remember that Sharon watched her do the dishes and watched her clean the bathroom and watched and watched but didn't contribute too much.


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I've been trying to figure out why I have such strong dislike for Ryan and I came up with a few

1, has no respect for women ( mother should be proud)

2. tries to act like a thug but won't stand up to a man (punk B***)

reminds me of a man who will use intimidation (size) to get his way, notice how fast Adam talks when he lowers voice and flexes his flab lol

too bad we can't vote, he's even trying to control what the girls talk about ...afraid his game will be peeped F2 with Sharon/Adam

Me too, couldn't figure out why I hated him! The smack talk, the burping (and his out of control jealousy of Alex) the filthy language (he's in his 3rd year of college and the only word he knows & uses constantly is "fuckin"????) I think he's a bully too. I can totally see him & Jen making fun of other people in a mean spirited way. He's just hateful! He is delusional thinking he stands a prayer of winning more than the 50 grand. :rolleyes: (just IMO)

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I can not stand his wanna be gangster, potty mouth, sneaky face.

Oh ya and the fact that he thinks people love him and he is going to be a shoe in for All Stars!

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Most of your husbands probably talk about women the same way when you're not around. Just saying...

For the record, my husband is just as tall (no flab) college grad and will defend any woman being spoken to or about in that manner without the negative language .He's a bully and does not deserve the money he should take what he has and take a course in diversity training since he has problems with race (per Jen), gender and just overall common sense. He's shown the world and potential employers what his true self is about, JMHO

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WTG Brooklyngirl

I feel sorry for his family and friends and anyone else that sees Ryan portray his male superior, racist, bully persona.

Ryan and Adam are just not men to me.

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