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MrsFroman ~ I have BBreloader and I love it. I can separate all the feeds and place them on my desktop and control the volume separately for each feed. It does not time out either. Love it!

The guys are on feed one saying they are going to have the meeting and they are going to bust out Natalie. They said they have to bust that bitch out. They said it will make good TV. :o

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That doesn't mean a thing leestyle, we have that at my church too...we call it "Communion-cable disease Sundays"...You can probably figure out on your own what we do for Pot-luck Fridays...toke, toke, pass m'f'er...err...I'm sorry, I mean Pastor.

Don't all churches do this?

I'm sorry Natalie is a the epitome of class and virtue, which is why I put her on a pedestal...I think...because I'm not sure what "epitome" and "pedestal" mean...I think one is some sort of surgical procedure that they do to a women's taint (I believe that's the anatomically-correct term, as in "I'm telling you that hole taint big enough! that baby will never get it's giant noggin through there unless we make the waheena a little bigger...now give me the scalpel dammit!") when they're having a baby, and the other is part of a flower...and Natalie is as fresh as a delicate flower.



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thank you marty!!! :hug:

i didn't realize the reloader did all those things... especially the separate volume controls! i just got it. wooohooo stylin' and profilin' with my customized BB feeds. :animated_bouncy:

crabman, what's a pedestal?

btw, watching nat burp in adam's face a few times after eating that bagel earlier was the epitome of etiquette and class.

i wish i could be like nat. *sigh*

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speaking of class and virtues, i love how natalie so nonchalantly discusses the unfortunate ramifications of her abortion on her boobs. don't worry about the actual act, just the toll it took on your moneymakers.

wow.... seriously shaking my head over here. why would she EVER bring that up in conversation? LEAVE NAT. NOW. :furious:

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Ok Ryan is saying now that Nat is still Lactating and that she showed him a leak spot.

Now I am no doctor but that doesnt seem right to me unless she had the abortions right before she came into the BB house or she is pregnat right now and carrying the baby towards the back so that she isnt showing much.

Either way something is seriously wrong with that chick

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Please do not hold this post against me, as it is not consistent with my character. BUT (Everyone has a big butt, Simone.) -

I had a friend who lactated for 5-6 yrs following her last pregnancy. She attributed it to the sexual contact between her and her husband. *shrug* I dunno.

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Well, if you have had a baby and continue to pump the breast you can lactate forever...that is what wet nurses do.

So, Gnat must have had a baby. I've never heard of being able to lactate in early pregnancy unless she had late term abortions and I have no clue if she would be able to lactate even then.

I'm going to look into it.

"You don't usually lactate until the very end of pregnancy sometimes not even until after you deliever. I don't know what to tell you but I have never heard of that unless she was breast feeding a previous child and never dried up???? = that from a website I just found.

"It is my understanding that you start to produce colostrum about 5 months into your pregnancy and the milk actually doesn't come in until about 1 1/2 to 2 days after delivery. That's how it was with my first one atleast" - the same website.

To be fair, other posters said they started to lactate (very little) some in 4 weeks and most 6 weeks or more.

Either way, she's a freak on or off the show.

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