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Ok I think I have figured out Nat. She does not like to be the butt of someones laughter.

She can dish it out but can not take it.

She got pissed off in She's bday letter about using the word "old timers", since the reading of the letter and everyone laughing at it she has since DENYED using those words (and it takes 2 to BJ)

NOT only did she use those words she also that it was ALL TIMERS as well. And this happened during a CBS show because they put the subtitles on the SCREEN to make sure everyone knrw what she was saying.

Now I cant believe I am doing this, I do have a problem with the abortion judgements, and it not from a political stand point. Its because (to my knowledge) we dont know the facts. What if she was raped or molested by a family member, to me those actions change my views on abortion but thats just me.

I HATE the fact that the boys want to call her out after the POV because I think it would be better to see her face when she gets blindsided!

Y'all are some posting fools, this is a pain trying to catch up with a hangover

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And what about Nat not knowing what most of the Ten Commandments mean?

Acting Dumb or Just Really DUMb?


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I believe Nat isn't that bright and she is not acting dumb. I find it hard to believe at times that a 29 yr old woman can be so clueless.

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well, one thing I must say is that Chelskanka in the videos was really bad, and she does not have the figure to be doing a lap dance, it was a really poor show, and I had forgotten all about the shenannigans early in the BB house, God and Josh looked really kinda chunky, he lost weight before he left, Natalies is just nasty, and I guess I missed the old timers thing,I did not see that for some reason, so what is she po'd about?? because she said it wrong and they laughed at her?? I know she cannot take any one having any fun at her expense, she is a really bad sport when it comes to that .

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She is pissed about everyone laughing at her. And after she got pissed she went into denial of ever having said that.

Does she think all those cameras are just to make them THINK they are on tv 24/7

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I am not so sure that she is that??? stoopid, is she?? I am getting to the point I cannot really stand to watch her, last night the way she was glomming that ice cream around, do they each have a quart that they can eat out of??, cause I would not want to eat ice cream after some that has been dbl and tripple dipped by her, and I love me some Ben & Jerrys, but she is a nasty eater,yuk. I am interested to see what this House meeting will entail, and if the guys will really go there or if they are just talking to pass the time,lol

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Fatcat I just watched BBAD and Natalie was eating out of the carton and then put a big glob in her mouth and just sucked off the top part and put the rest back in the ice-cream carton. So she was putting her spit in there. Gross.

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Yes!!!! That is what I am talking about, I could not eat out of that quart of Ice cream, that was gross, so I thought gee, I hope they all get their own quarts. It is funny, I never see those size ben & Jerrys around here, I would like them,lol

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On a scale of 1-10 of craziness, I'd give Natalie a 10 and Sheila a 9 1/2. Based on annoyingness (not a word), I'd say Nat gets a 9 1/2 and Sheila gets a 10.

LMAO...I disagree only on one point...based on annoyingness they are both a 10.


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I just think if the eliminations had gone the other way, you would've seen a different Nat all together. If say, it was Matt, Chelsia, James, Josh still in the house and Sharon and Adam gone, you would've seen the party girl Natalie, not the Christian Natalie.

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she was bonding with them doing lap dance , nasty stuff in beginning

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What faith?

To me it does not seem that she knows what that word even means.

How can someone say they are of a Christianity nature and NOT KNOW the Ten Commandments?

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I hope you're right, king. She's talking to Adam right now and Sheila is bitching to Ryan about Natalie working Adam. She's acting like what Nat is doing is wrong. (She's done her share of wrong, but campaigning isn't it) I hope like HELL Nat pulls this out.

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Natalie sure is working Adam by pointing out that if she goes to F2 that she definitely doesn't have James, Chelsia and Josh's vote to win and only maybe Matt's. She's also talking that only she, Adam and Ryan were able to get the team to this point and sheila had nothing to do with it. She's on the block. Natalie says that those 2 might be in cahoots then. She also works in the opening up their business together with the money that they win.

I think that Natalie has a shot of being safe this week.

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OK now it was Ryan that was bitching to Sheila. I was listening to the feeds. You gotta give credit where credit is due.... ya know.

Ryan is such a bitch. :lol:

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i am LOVING the feeds right now!!! that conversation between nat & adam over the last 10 minutes was sooooo awesome! squirm much, natty?? :D nervous giggle much, natty? she KNOWS something is up... come on ryan & adam, give us a show!!! :animated_bouncy:

hey nat, enjoy the week! :giggle:

*gets my cockiness in check... don't want to karma myself out of her leaving!* :P

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Natalie just went up to HOH and is working Ryan now and saying that Adam is stressing her. She is trying to talk game and Ryan said he was going outside. He pretty much dismissed her.

Conversation over.

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Marty- Since my feeds are unreliable at best and truthfully totally sucky, I never get a full conversation unless I'm on the quad cam and then I have to filter noise from the other feeds. ARG!!! Thanks for the correction.

Crabman - hehehehe I truly don't think that girl is as dumb as she seems....so I'm hoping she talks herself out of this mess.

I can't believe that JAMES is the one Sheila is giving credit to for her getting HoH and her letter from her son!!!!!n OMG! Trying to sway the jury vote, Sheila?

If I have gotten that James thing wrong due to the fact that my feed SUCKS, please correct me. But HELLO!

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