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I don't think Natalie has the votes even if the jury votes on strategy and not who they liked better. I don't necessarily think that the jury thinks she played a good game. I mean most of the things she did were some how linked to Mattie rather it be revenge or that it would make him pround of her. I think the jury may have considered her a physical threat but that doesn mean you played well.

As for who they should get rid of (sharon vs Natalie) for strategic purposes I think that they see Sharon as someone who they can get rid of at any time and may see this as a last chance to get rid of James so I think Nat is the better choice as to who to get rid of.

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sharon been sliding by each week

i say off with her head this week :bangin::lol:

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I was reading the Live feed updates, and apparently Natalie just caught on to the fact she is on camera 24/7. Her quote was "....that means they are watching eeeeeverything." :bangin:

Everybody raise their hand that believes Nat had no real concept that she is being watched ALL the time? :animated_wave:

Along with that question, do you think she will now realize that we SAW her doing the dirty to ol' Matty? :animated_shocking:

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I think Nat is toast---I just can't help but wish that Sharon would be sent to sequester--4 in a row--Matt would just love that. I haven't really latched on to a strong opinion of anyone this season, but with the ones that are left---I'll be pulling for Adam. I think Sharon being in the final 2 would be a waste because she can't win. The jury would be 4-3 for anyone she goes up against. It would be awesome if one of the James, CHels Josh Shar alliance had to pick someone from the other side----I personally did not like tha way any of them played the game.

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OMG OMG OMG you should hear Natalie right now

She is saying why she wanted to go on Big Brother. She wants to be inspirational and she wants to show people that there are good people and people with morals. :shocking:

She is craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy.

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I hope someone has this on video. I can not believe what she said. She said there were bad people last year on Big Brother and she did not like the way they were mean and talked about each other. She said she wanted to represent the GOOD people.

The inspirational part and the representing people with morals was just toooooooooooo much!

Here is a little from the feeds. Natalie is just a piece of work


And Natalie says she needs some protien. She begs Matt to let her.


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Along with that question, do you think she will now realize that we SAW her doing the dirty to ol' Matty?

Ok, so I am guessing this

She is saying why she wanted to go on Big Brother. She wants to be inspirational and she wants to show people that there are good people and people with morals.
answers my question
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Not trying to be an ass but why is the word "gleaking" funny?

The Comedy Rule of Consonant Placement (from Comedynet-Wiki.org/html)

It's a well-known fact that, like the Comedy Rule of 3's (CR3), the Comedy Rule of Consonant Placement, CRCP for short (not to be confused with the Comedy Rule of Adjective Pronounciation, a rule similar to CRCP, but while some people "get" CRCP, most don't want to take some joker's CRAP), which is the correct juxtaposition of consonants and vowels in a riff, which aurally, can produce an effect because of the way the sound vibrates the air. It works at a frequency that triggers the synapses along a neural pathway, and the brain takes this electro-chemical activity and associates it with a stored visual memory so it can interpret or translate the stimuli (this means that, not only hearing the word, but also seeing it, can produce a result) This neural pathway, for reasons still unknown to comedy scientists, is in close proximity to the brain's pleasure center, so in some, the brain translates this as humour, while in others, the synpatic pathways aren't fully developed and it only results in confusion. What's interesting is that, if the frequency was only half a cycle higher, it would trigger activity in another part of the pleasure center, and as has been shown in lab rats, would likely result in simualtaneous uncontrollable laughter and multiple orgasms. We're lucky though, because it ends up killing the lab rats, causing their facial muscles to spasm and contract in such a way that it appears as if they are smiling.

That was the physiological reason the rule works, but lets look at it from a different angle. Not unlike Ed McMahon's "Hi-yooo!", the word "gleaking", has a consonant surrounded on both sides by vowels, and becomes humorous when the word is used as a verb. Another funny word is "skee" or "skee-ing." This is also CRCP-compliant, as the consonant has one or more consonants in front of it, and as long as the consonants are the first letters of the word, and it's followed by the long form of two vowels placed side-by-side, it's still considered comedi-grammatically correct. Utilizing one or more rules (CCR, Compounded Comedy Rules) and the effect increases by a magnitude, as can be seen in this formula:


With "PCG" being Pure Comedy Gold, this was first postulated by Jackie Gleason, in the mid 20th Century. The example most commonly recognized today is "Homina, homina, homina!" which took a CRCP word whose useage was both adjective-like and verb-like, in that it's descriptive, and an action, and used it three times...no more, and no less. Using a word previously discussed, "skee", if you apply Gleason's Postulate you should come up with "skee skee skee-ing". Now take that portion of bcav93's post, and replace the word "gleaking" with "skee" as derived using the postulate, and you should find that you've achieved Pure Comedy Gold. It should be noted that when Prof. Lil' John first came up with this word using Gleason's Postulate, he ran out of space on his white board, and began using other surfaces on which to write, by the time he was finished he had written the formula from the window to the wall, his concentration so intense that he was literally dripping sweat from his head and even his appendages.

Naturally, when I saw such a stupid question, I first assumed you were being an ass, because it was like asking, "Can you explain love to me?" How could anyone explain something that is a response unique to each individual, to someone else? Since that would be unfair of me, I thought I'd give it a try, so...technically-speaking...this is what made it so funny, but in simple terms, I found the word "gleaking" funny, because it made me laugh.



Never say in a couple of words what can be said in 300

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marty, thanks for posting that vid! i was just reading that on the website and like you, i was all :omg::jawdrop::cookoo:


Everybody raise their hand that believes Nat had no real concept that she is being watched ALL the time?


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CrabMan - Who are you?! ROFLMAO. Ok..so you got me. That was almost as good as Kurt Vonnegut's dialog in Cat's Cradle - you know.l..the one where they are doing a ceremony and it's a "repeat after me" thing?

Very nicely done, Crabman!

Nat should be very worried about how much time Sharon is spending with Sheila. Instead of fighting with Sheila, Nat should be kissing her ass.

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I know Ryan and Adam keep flip flopping and saying they are not sure but just now they said they HAVE to get Natalie out first. Ryan said the only one that he has a chance to win with is Natalie but he doesn't care because he wants her out.

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Marty - How quickly things change in the BB house! I'm sure they'll change their minds a million times before the Veto Ceremony tomorrow too. I just hope Nat gets her head out and does something totally unexpected and brilliant. Hey! I can dream. :blush:

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And Ryan and Adam keep talking about how they want to confront Natalie and quote bible verses about lying and false prophets, etc. THAT will be excellent! However, I wish they wouldn't confront her, because it gives her a chance to respond and gives them a chance to feel sorry for her. She needs to go. PERIOD. If they do it, do it the day OF eviction.

She is condescending, lying, manipulative, prideful, a hypocrite and two-faced. It's the hypocrisy the bothers me the most - I cannot stand for people to condemn others for doing something they themselves are doing. Three weeks ago she turned into Maggot Pt. II and up until a week ago Sheila, Adam and Ryan were here Nerd Herd. Now they finally realize what she's been doing and doing something about it, I'm good with Adam, Ryan and even partially with Sheila. But Nat is totally oblivious to how hypocritcal she really is. Adam started quoting a bible verse to her and she didn't even realize he was referring to her. Adam and Ryan were laughing and she was laughing along with it because she was clueless to how hypocritcal she is.

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I really don't think Nat has back stabbed any more than the others. She is the only one in their allicance that would listen to what the other alliance would say and would actually relay the info back to them. I don't recall the others coming back and repeating what the Flaming Pink Herd was saying. Of course now she is not telling anyone, neither are any one of them. Sheila and Sharon, Sheila and Adam, Sheila and Ryan, Ryan and Adam, and Ryan and Sharon all have pavts to the final 2. Wonder how that's gonna work. But Nat is the back stabber in there---WHATEVER

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CeCiMom had posted elsewhere that taking Ryan out this week is the best strategic move. I think she's right, but Sheila is using that "I owe him" thing and won't do it.

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I don't understand people's thought processes on here. Why would they want to get rid of Sharon? If we say that the groups will follow along the same alliances they had in the house that divided the house... If they keep Sharon... she gets 3 out of 7 votes. Whoever is with Sharon gets 4 out of 7. They win. If they send Sharon to the jury house, then it changes and their "enemies" will decide their fate. Hello?? So if you want to win, you take Sharon to the end with you. I don't think that people will care about Jen or the 10k in the final round. Ryan's "people" WOULD vote for Ryan over Sharon. Sharon IS Ryan's only hope. The only person going to the jury house that I think would not vote along "sides" would be Sheila.

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