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Wicked, there's one thing you're missing. No matter who goes to the final 2 with her except MAYBE Ryan (big maybe) they'd win. So how will they "lose" if she goes to the final 2 with whoever goes there?

Why should this game be different than Survivor. After all, Survivor has been around longer and the strategy in Survivor is almost always to take the most annoying, disliked person to the finals with you so you have the best chance to win.

Not sure how this could be any different.

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If Natalie gets evicted this week, then she over played her game, by getting caught with her double deals and lies. But if she makes it to the final 2, she will get the jury votes to win as she played a better.

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I still can't see Ryan and Adam sticking to the plan. They are all talk and no action. They will keep Natalie and have her go after shelia, then they will take out Natalie in the Final 3.

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I remember watching live feeds in the last week or maybe 10 days and I think it was Sheila telling Adam "No matter what you hear that I've said, I am with you."

I'm about 99.22% positive that everyone else in the group would have said that same thing at one time or another....so....are they all forgetting that?

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Josh is going to vote for Natalie? Chelsia is going to vote for Natalie? James is going to vote for Natalie? Sharon is going to vote for Natalie?

I'll put money against that one, 100 bucks if she goes final 2. Only chance any of them even remotely vote for her is if she's against Ryan.

Chelsia would rather cut her own throat. James would rather punch himself in the dangle. Josh would rather eat his own kidney. Sharon follows Josh like a puppy dog.

Natalie has no chance to win this thing unless she's against Ryan.

People like James actually LIKE Adam and Shiela and would like to know them outside the house. Why would he EVER reward someone he hates in Natalie with money when people he genuinely likes and cares about are in the game?

The only time people vote for game in games like this and Survivor is when the final 2 are both hated.

If the final two are one that people liked and someone hated, they will ALWAYS vote for the one they liked. I'd love to hear one single instance in Survivor or BB history where that wasn't true.

People don't vote for game unless the two people are pretty even in the way people feel about them.

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Well maybe the guys are being stupid who knows they might change the course of the game but.......

Natalie is the only one standing in the way of Sheila making the F3. Who knows what will happen next week but that is what is best for Sheila right now.

(and if trashing is part of getting to the end then this is the time to start)

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Well who knows what is going on in the jury house. They may be fighting like cats and dogs. Maybe Chelsia and James hate each other now. Maybe Josh and Matt are best buddies. We don't know what is really happening there. All it takes is one of Sharon's secrets to come out and they all might change their mind. Maybe one of them will convince them that Ryan is the best thing ever.

We can not predict with any certainly that we know how the jury is going to vote. It could be a total flip flop.

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Didn't Jen, Amber and Dustin (the three who took the most crap from Dick) vote for Dick in the end...and previous seasons the votes went the same way-thinking that certain people will never vote for someone then vote for them in the end.

No one knows for sure who will vote for who at the end of the game.

Remember, a vote for Ryan, is vote for Jen.. GO NATALIE!

Exactly, great point!

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in grand scheme of the game it makes more sense to keep nat then sharon jmho

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i know... obviously nat won't have the votes in the end against ANY of them but to see her evicted and not get to see the mini *insert raspy, annoying, whiney squeal* makes me salivate. she is so freaking cocky, i know she won't see it coming! delusional freak. lol

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leesestyle - I saw that too and wondered where they've been. Sharon was with the James Gang the whole dang time..what makes them think keeping her is a good idea?

Even though there are really no loyalties now except maybe Adam and Ryan, Sharon has never been part of their game and she wouldn't be good to keep. JMHO

Also, I think it would be infinitely interesting if they were to confront Natalie on her lies and she were to fess up! OMG that would kick ass! Then bring Sharon into it...reveal her side alliances with Sheila and Ryan. That would make some killer TV.

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true mrs froman... i guess i was just pumped up for the natalie eviction. i know strategically it makes more sense to get rid of sharon but i just can't stand nat!!! i went from being a supporter to recently wanting anyone BUT her. i know lying is part of BB but when you throw the bible into the mix, and preach out of one side of your mouth while lying out the other, all the while patting yourself on the back for being so full integrity and honesty and morals just truly makes me sick. especially when she went on & on about chelsia having sex in the BB house and that "she was praying for her" because that's so wrong.... unless she's mentally ill and has forgotten her own sexual indiscretions, as mentioned in that prior post, i'm just grossed out beyond belief and was doing the snoopy dance that they all decided to get rid of her!!

lying, backstabbing, flipping, floating, flirting, sexing... all part of the BB game. but what nat did, IMO, is a new low in BB history.

Natalie and Ryan final 2 is my worst nightmare.

agreed!! i'll be happy if adam, sheila or even sharon win the money... NOT nat, for sureeeee. and not ryan, only because i really can't stand jen either. lol

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Also, I think it would be infinitely interesting if they were to confront Natalie on her lies and she were to fess up! OMG that would kick ass! Then bring Sharon into it...reveal her side alliances with Sheila and Ryan. That would make some killer TV.

it would!! and after all, "confession is good for the soul." i'm just afraid nat doesn't have enough character or maturity to pull that off.

if she DID, i might reassess my uber dislike for the girl. lol :P

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They disliked Danielle more than Dick and pretty much said as much.

I said UNLESS the final 2 were hated about equally.

If it was Dick versus someone they liked, even though Dick played better, they'd have voted for the one they liked.

If it's two a'holes at the end, you still gotta pick an a'hole you didn't like. If it's an a'hole and a friend, you vote your friend unless you're inhuman.

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Jen voted for Dani and so did Jameka. But this isn't season 8.

James, on the way out said that he liked Adam, Sheila and Sharon. I don't remember what he said about Ryan. But he hates Natalie. There is no way I could see him voting her in the end. Chelsia and Josh cant stand her either and I don't see Sharon giving her a vote either. That's 4 votes and there is only 3 left. (Congrats on the 50K Natalie?)

Natalie said that they would have the votes in the jury house, but that was ONLY if there was one of them (Sheila, Adam, Ryan or Natalie) against one of the others (Sharon, Chelsia, Josh and James).

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both nat and ryan need each other for any chance of victory slim as it maybe

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