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FatCat, I see you point about the comp although technically she did throw it to Sheila. I"m not so sure Sheila could have stayed there all night, I think Nat could have. Nat dropped for no other reason then to let Sheila win the comp - that is throwing it regardless of her reasons. If Sheila really wanted the room, pics, and letter so bad, Nat should have made this deal. I let you win the comp, you give me your HOH power. You don't nominate me under any circumstances and I decide who you nomintate and when. Granted Sheila could have agreed and then gone back since it would not be binding but that would of been how I would have played it if I was Nat. I definitely think Sheila would have taken the deal and possibly even kept her word and let Nat run the show.

I agree and pointed out that there was one strategy for Nat letting Sheila win it with no solid deal which was that she could play next and that her team would keep their commitment. Only problem there would be if Sharon won HOH.

I just think breaking up TC now is beyond dumb. Sharon is the one left in the house with a guaranteed 3 votes on the jury. Nat only has 1 guaranteed vote and while we now know that Matt is leaning towards Nat, Ryan and Adam don't know that. Can anyone make a reasonable argument as to why James, Chelsia and Josh would not vote for Sharon to win over Ryan or Adam? I could see James voting for Adam partially because of Adam's selfish move of not putting him up in the original noms last week but that's it. That still leaves Sharon with 2 guaranteed votes and that is more than anyone else has.

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I hope she can convince the boys to keep her. What a dumb move to give Sheila HOH this late in the game.

If she is voted off, I will not bother watching the rest of the season; she is the only one that keeps it interesting, although she is a little annoying.

I really hope that Adam and Ryan will come to their senses!! I cannot believe they would align with Sharon. They can always try to vote Nat out next week. They need to stick to the plan of getting all of "James' Gang" gone. I agree with the comment earlier...any of them will win the big prize against Nat. She has played the game the best, and deserves to make it to the end.

Sheila has lied more than Nat, the only difference is she hasn't been caught. It really kills me how all the house guests get so bent from someone being deceptive, they are all liars that is how the game is played.

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Nat only dropped for Natalie not because she cares about Sheila.

I really think Sheila could have won that comp and had the edge over Natalie.

Hey doxie2doxie Welcome to Morty's and I have 3 dachshunds. dog02e.gifdog02e.gifdog02e.gif

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to the point of breaking away from what the house wants, Who really knows what the house wants? Everyone knows that if they go against what Sheila wants she will whine, cry and throw a tantrum, so they are all to the point of just agreeing with her to keep the peace. But when push comes to shove, I don't know if the guys will both vote out Crazy Eyes. I could see a tie, making Sheila do her own dirty work. That way Skank would not know which guy voted against her. Here is my personal guarantee: Ryan will make it to the final 2, and then lose. Typical Buckeye.

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I really think Sheila could have won that comp and had the edge over Natalie.

Why, when Sheila couldn't even hold out on the disco ball long enough to beat Natalie?

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Here is my personal guarantee: Ryan will make it to the final 2, and then lose. Typical Buckeye.

oooh snap! :animated_rotfl:

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Interesting tidbit from the live feed updates earlier:

7:30PM BBT: Sheila is out of the DR and tells Ryan and Adam that they both need to vote Natalie out and Adam wants to know why it can

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you have some good points there ChaChing, I just see it kinda like Marty, Natalie did it for herself, not for any good to Sheila, and I certainly do not think any of these people have lied one more than the other and just did not get caught, they have all told there fair share of lies, and all have manipulated pretty evenly as well. The night James went off on Sheila they were all sitting at the daisy tbl talkin smack, Sheila got blasted for it, and I would say that most of Natalies lies have finally caught up to her. Who knows who the jury will vote for, it is always different than what we surmize, except for last season. Me?? I will never quit watching BB from season to season or when someone gets voted out, Most of the ones I have loved and wanted to win have not, and I was sooo disgusted with Maggie , my all time most hated houseguest, in her season, but as you can see, still here,lolol

Yes, adam can be swayed, but even if it ends up a tie, Sheila is kickin Natalie to the curb.

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I hope you are right Bcav and Ryan and Adam are just playing up to Sheila right now. And I love that comment about Ryan. Go Gators!!!

TIGERBAIT TIGERBAIT...sorry couldnt help myself.

The house is not mad at Nat for LYING, everyone in the house has told at least one lie.

They are mad at Nat for putting LIES in their mouths to other HGs

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My hope is that Crazy Eyed-fake cans gets voted off, so I don't care how it happens. I am pulling for Sharon or Adam at this point. Adam's stupid high kicks are making me lean towards Sharon. Don't lose sight of this: It isn't important to win HOH or PoV until the end. Sharon and Sheila have played everyone, call it riding coat-tales if you want but they have put themselves in a position to be less threating and therefor, under the radar. The former Seahawks cheerleader (yeah, right) has only herself to blame if she gets voted off (pleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee!). Her lack of any real personality and increasing annoyance along with unwarranted arrogance has pushed the HG's past the breaking point. Would you rather go to the finals and lose just to keep that moron away from any possibility of winning? She would be unbearable to watch and listen to if, GOD forbid, she actually won.

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At this point I do not think the guys would take her up on it, horn toads or not,lol, now earlier in the game, hell yeah!!!!

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Considering how big Adam's eyes got when Chelsia and Nat did the strip tease, I think he'd go for it.

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At this point I do not think the guys would take her up on it, horn toads or not,lol, now earlier in the game, hell yeah!!!!

Sure they would, as a parting gift. :lol:

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yep, most definately Adam, but Ryan Did say that something went on between him and allison, sooo I don't know, wonder if his girl Jen heard that,lolol

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NO WAY Nat will save herself. Just wait until Matt sees her in sequester house. Oh my, he will ask for a security guard. Even though I think Matt is a low, down, such n such. Natalie is such a hypocrite, she does exactly what she complains the 'evil doers' do! I think James was right....that girl has been doing crack. Looks at how she picks at her face, and the holes and divets in her skin. YIKES!

Natalie needs to go NOW

My humble opinion,

An old mom of two,

SmokinJamz :animated_wave:

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wicked had both guns out yesterday, and OT was funny.

I need to go to the live feed review d so I can see what Natalie is up to now,lol

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LSU has the same colors as East Carolina University....I likey!

Yes they do Purple and GOLD BABY!!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!

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yep, most definately Adam, but Ryan Did say that something went on between him and allison, sooo I don't know, wonder if his girl Jen heard that,lolol

And the way Ryan kept going on and on about how hot Sheila looked in her pic makes me think he's about ready to throw something someone's way, if you know what I mean, lol.

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