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No one REALLY knows how people will vote. Some vote with spite, some with their hearts and SOME people vote on who THEY think PLAYED the best game..........we never know.

That's true, but can you really see anyone giving Nat props for playing a good game? Ryan and Adam maybe, Sheila maybe (because she likes to be on the bandwagon so that she can always be right), but she will never get that respect from Chelsia, James, or Josh. Matt will vote for her only because he knows he will benefit in some way.

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Nat will campaign. There is no way she could keep her trap shut that long! Go Nat.


Like I said in the Nat post, I like her but she's just done so much as far as lying and stuff, that perhaps she's done irrepairable damage to her game. I hope she can pull it off.

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Josh and Chelskanka.....NEVER.....James, I would like to think he is very OPEN MINDED and even though seems very out there and crazy......has a BRAIN and knows how to use it and maybe, just maybe would vote for who played the best game.

CTK......is this the first season you have watched?

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CTK......is this the first season you have watched?

I was wondering that too, but didn't want to say anything b/c I just don't see where Nat has 4 votes yet. BUT, perhaps this person is on to something. Anything is possible...BB....expect the unexpected and all that.

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The girl's a character and she probably does have a good heart, but I don't think she wants to go down as being the house ho. That's Chelsia's title. :animated_rotfl:

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I think you hit the nail on the head!

Forgive me for being new and adding fuel to something but whats the deal with the PMs I have seen this before and it has got me wondering?

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How can anyone even begin to talk about "good Christians" and have Natalie in that same conversation? Because she reads the bible? Those fake cans are very Christian. She curses as much as anyone in that house. She judges people, she admits to having abortions (2), she lies as much as she breathes.....at least she has her cheer leading to go home to....oh wait, that was a lie too. I hope they send her packin'!

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yes, but everyone has a different perception of who played the best game, look at this board, James said to Julie he would befriend Sheila and I think Sharon or Adam, he is going to get in everyones ear and Natalie won't have the votes, maybe not even Matts, Matt said she deserves to win, well he has been out of the house for a few weeks notw, how would he know what has gone on??? I really like the way you summed it up CTK.

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Natalie has made a deal with Ryan a deal with Adam a deal with Sheila a deal with Sharon/Sheila. Then she trashes each and every one of them. They have swapped stories. The gig is up!! She goes from one room with a girl alliance plan and off the the guys with a Bro Ho alliance. She has all their heads spinning.

Now who can trust that a deal she makes with them is real? They are better off disposing of her. I also think they cringe every time she walks in the room and just want her out of the house. JMO

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CTK sometimes here at Morty's during BB the boards get kinda crazy and I guess it has been said that some people have received nasty Pm's because they did not like what was posted maybe about the houseguest they liked or someone dissed their post, I don't know but one thing I do know is that you are not allowed to do that, and you can get suspended for harrassing people, and you cannot call people out for their opinion, or bait them or flame, which sorta is the same as calling someone out. I try to stay out of any of that, it can get very petty and childish. But if someone does pm you with a nasty message you can report them, and the best thing to do is place people you do not care for their opinions on your ignore list, it works great,lol

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Sorry I didnt explain enough what I was trying to get across.

What I was saying was to the point that posters are bringing up that it would be smarter game play to keep Nat because of people hating her.

Right now in the jury Nat only has 1 vote being Matt. J/J/C would not.

But right now the ENTIRE house wants her gone EVERYONE seems to hate her, so if one of the HGs choose to take the chance and try to make a run with her to the F2, I would think that the next 3 house guest that get voted out would in turn vote for her out of spite instead of the Hg that went against the wishes of the entire house.

This the 1 st season that I have followed this closely mainly because I had to have knee surgery and was having trouble sleeping at night and started watching BBAD.

I have watched almost every season of Survior and I did watch off and on the BB Allstars and the one right before that.

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I agree, Chaching.

CTK - *raising hand* busted foot here.

Dammit! The live feed audio is cutting on me and Sheila, Adam and Ry are talking serious game...even bringing up the Nat/Adam and Ry/Sharon alliances I think. SHOOT!!!!!

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I agree with you chachingbling on all points. Especially with letting Sheila win so that she could get a letter and pictures from home. She's had that same opportunity every week. Why didn't she push for it then? She should have earned it instead of having it given to her. And then she turns around and will most likely put Nat on the block. If Nat goes home this week, she better have a long memory and remember that Sheila is responsible for putting her there. But Nat will also have to take some blame for being dumb enough in the first place to give it to her. Ryan I can see making a deal b/c he's good with just about everyone. Nat should have known she was vulnerable and should have done everything in her power to win THIS week. Worry about next week later.

Sorry I didnt explain enough what I was trying to get across.

What I was saying was to the point that posters are bringing up that it would be smarter game play to keep Nat because of people hating her.

Right now in the jury Nat only has 1 vote being Matt. J/J/C would not.

But right now the ENTIRE house wants her gone EVERYONE seems to hate her, so if one of the HGs choose to take the chance and try to make a run with her to the F2, I would think that the next 3 house guest that get voted out would in turn vote for her out of spite instead of the Hg that went against the wishes of the entire house.

This the 1 st season that I have followed this closely mainly because I had to have knee surgery and was having trouble sleeping at night and started watching BBAD.

I have watched almost every season of Survior and I did watch off and on the BB Allstars and the one right before that

I see what you're saying now. Basically "I'm voting for Natalie b/c X was dumb enough to keep Natalie over me even though she's lied to everyone in the house". So a spite vote, but in Natalie's favor. Yeah, that's possible. :)

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I agree with most everything you said But, Natalie did not throw her the HOH, I was watching reading and I know I am not crazy, and later when they were both in the kitchen talking about how much they had left in them they Both Said they would have gone all night, Shelia was emphatic, and Natalie was also saying as she did when she was up in the box, that she wanted to play next weeks HOH and win that one, so she was not nice enough to throw Sheila the HOH comp, that is just not true, Sheila won this HOH fair and square, other than the fact that the minute Sharon saw that Natalie was weakening she encouraged her to drop , and that started when Natalie was talking about next weeks HOH and how important it was.

Where is this stuff coming from?? she si not thow the comp so Sheila could get letters and pics from home!!!!

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I swear I share a brain with CTK because he says so well what I am thinking. He brought up something really important. Who is going to break away from what the house wants? Who is going to take that leap of faith with Natalie? It would be a betrayal for sure.

and.......... Natalie can not keep her mouth shut. She would try to make a deal with Adam and then go tell Ryan that Adam is making a deal with her.

They need to just get her the ferk out of the house!

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Thanks FC I kind of thought that was the case but I didnt want to assume.

I'm a mod for an LSU sports forum and trust me I have seen somethings that would make a sailor blush

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Haven't they learn't from past seasons... the most hated usually wins because they "played the game" If Nat makes it to the final 2, as much as most of them hate her... she could get more votes than we give her credit for, no?

Especially if she's up against Sharon or Sheila, neither of them have won much throughout the game. She's done the dealing and wheeling and plotting.

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I know Marty, that was a really good point, CTK, you are able to unscramble our thoughts and post em for us, cooolll!!! I am really amazed that everyone thinks Natalie gave that HOH comp to Sheila, amazing,lol

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That is why this board is sooo great, is because you cannot just come on here and start bashing what people think, you can bash away at the house guests but not each other, and I much prefer this board to some I also have been to that are quite ruthless,lol

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That is why this board is sooo great, is because you cannot just come on here and start bashing what people think, you can bash away at the house guests but not each other, and I much prefer this board to some I also have been to that are quite ruthless,lol

Where's WickedOne when we need her, lol

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Thanks FC I kind of thought that was the case but I didnt want to assume.

I'm a mod for an LSU sports forum and trust me I have seen somethings that would make a sailor blush

LSU has the same colors as East Carolina University....I likey!

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