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from live feeds.............

Ry and and Adam in BY

Doing laundry...Adam talking about knowing he smoked the POV comp. Ry not upset he got his puzzles wrong. Telling Adam he's off the block now...not stressed. Ry...Sheila doesn't want Nat here....Adam says Sharon has to go next.Both think that Sheila would have pulled Sharon off the block if she'd won POV. Ry saying that Nat thought she had the PoV comp won. That she's (Nat) playing all sides...in 3 alliances. Ry says Sheila isn't going around backstabbing the guys. Both trying to figure out who would have gone home if both had been up on the block..........Ry saying Sharon knows she's always safe each week....she (Sharon) knows she's the pawn.....Ry inside to put clothes away.

......................Adam says Sharon has to go next

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Well, I say if you take this so seriously that you have to send nasty PMs to people, you need to wake up and get a life.

Back to the convo at hand; I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I like Natalie. I liked her alot for a while, but her constant lying and flip flopping and at times just her voice just grates the nerves, you know? I guess I'm hoping that she is not like this on the outside and that maybe it's like others have said, that perhaps she is playing dumb(then again, with some of the things she's said in the house, you can't fake that).

At times I feel sorry for her because she puts you in mind of the girl in your high school or college (I'm sure you all have known someone like this) that does whatever to get a guy's attention, i.e the bjs. Guys take advantage b/c the girl is putting out, but would never date her and would not even admit to their friends that they slept with her. Natalie's own friends outside of the house have said that she is the type of girl that falls head over heels for someone fast, only to get hurt later (round about words, not exact quote), so I definitely see her as this type of girl. Natalie needs to have more confidence in herself and believe that she's worth something. Maybe that was the point of her getting into this game, but she's sullying it by lying and being hypocritcal.

Okay, I sound like a therapist or something. Time to hop down from my soap box.

Oh, just thought of something else. To reiterate what I posted before, if the guys were smart, they'd keep Natalie in the house and get rid of Sharon and Sheila. I don't think either of them would stand a chance of winning against the two Ss, but they sure as hell would against Nat. And I thought it was just dumb of her to give up the HoH this week or any week. One time maybe to make a deal. But twice? Sheila can't be trusted as far as you can throw her.

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ry and sheila in the kt talking about making sure they get nat out

he is telling her that he knows she has told adam final 2 that's why adam was pissed when she dropped (hoh comp)

sheila says he denied that. ry said well i know that's true because she has been telling me and adam final 3 and i know she'd stick with him over me so she's got to go

This from the live feeds just a few minutes ago. Maybe Adam will do something to save her?

Colorguru- Looks like we're on the same wavelength, huh?

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There is 5 days till the eviction. I am thinking that the boys will see that She-bot is going to get rid of them soon. They will see that this week she is using them to get rid of Nat with their votes. She wants to keep her hands clean and be able to say that "I did not vote you out Nat, the boys did". Adam is the key here. He will not want to be the one with blood on his hands either. If anything they will vote a tie and make She-bot the bad guy.

If Nat is smart she needs to start working Adam. She-bot will not change her mind. Adam and Ryan control this vote. They can flip this house easily and get rid of Sharon.

Time will tell. Too much can happen in the next 5 days.

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So as I posted yesterday in part in the Natalie thread:


I have a question or a theory that maybe you guys have already discussed, but could you do me the courtesy of not calling me a dumbass please?

Is Nat just playing the dumb card? I ask because:

1 -you have to admit she plays the game well

2 -Her vocabulary is seriously inconsistent. For example she didn't know "pawn" and called it "pond" and didn't know the Achilles Tendon even though she apparently is into physical fitness. On the other side, this morning she said they had an "ant infestation" and she pronounced and used the word correctly

3 -Even though Art College focuses on the creative, you can't be THAT dumb and get in, can ya?

4 -She's good with numbers and counts and remembers so many things, but then says there are 27 letters in the alphabet. One can't POSSIBLY be that dumb at her age, can they? I mean we all saw Schoolhouse Rock as kids and can sing the songs, right?

So what do you guys think?

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The only way I can see it is if Adam and Ryan come to the conclusion that they cannot win against Sharon or She-bot. That would take a an enormous leap in logic and I for one do not see Ryan making the connection, even if Adam broached the subject.

I am 99.9% sure that Nat is gone, but then again I thought that Danielle would win out against ED last season.

I totally agree. You would think they would be able to figure that out. Natalie doesn't have the votes in the jury to win. Sheila and Sharon do.

Even though Nat's playing a similar game as everyone else, their game hasn't been outed. Ryan has a deal with just about everyone. But Sharon hasn't gone to the pack and told them about her and Ryan's deal. On the other hand, they all have outed Natalie and told eachother what she has said and offered.

They seem to think Nat is a big physical threat, and should she win in the end? Yes. But so far, out of the four in the jury house, only Matt would vote for her in the end.

The remaining HGs need to realize that Nat doesn't really have many jury votes, therefore they might be able to win against her in the end.

And that's another thing. Everyone is talking about Natalie, but Ryan has deals with everyone. Josh made deals with everyone before he was evicted. But as you said, you don't hear Sharon talking about the deal she made with Ryan. The real reason is because Nat's a threat. But threat or not, she doesn't have the votes. Matt is the only one that will vote for her.

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Even if Natalie is the one to be F2 with and won't get the votes there is NOT ONE person in the house that can trust her. They can't trust that she will take them and not just lying.

Her lies have ruined the game for her because she can not be trusted.

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I see your point, but:

Is trust even an issue now? I mean really? When you're down to only a few HGs, what does trust have to do with anything?

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I think if Nat works Adam......POSSIBLY Adam could talk Ryan into voting with him. BUT! AND that is a BIG BUT he might talk him into voting out Sharon.

BB's motto is............................expect the unexpected.........more shocking things HAVE happened!

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True, but whoever ended up with her in F2 would win by default. Natalie has a snowball's chance in hell of winning. The only way I see her winning is if everyone on the jury said, "damn, this biotch fooled us all. Let's give her the money." But this is BB and people love to deny people money for spite. Just ask Danielle.

You guys are being foolish. You were all probably the ones claiming Danielle was going to win 7-0. Sharon and Sheila won't be respected by any jury.

Not me. I was pulling for Dick :P:P:P

I'm not even sure it would be a respect issue saying wow, you played a really good game Sharon/Sheila. Like I said above, either of them would win b/c no one wants Natalie to win.

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Her lies have ruined the game for her because she can not be trusted.

She has been outed with her lies by the remaining players. What's funny is that the people that she lied to accepted her deals and are now back-peddling like rats from a burning building.

Nat needs to somehow out the other players, but I do not think that she can do it without coming off as desperate. The game at this point may have well passed her by and she is no longer capable of mentally playing in it.

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I think if Nat works Adam......POSSIBLY Adam could talk Ryan into voting with him. BUT! AND that is a BIG BUT he might talk him into voting out Sharon.

BB's motto is............................expect the unexpected.........more shocking things HAVE happened!

That is so true. But Nat has said she won't campaign. She needs to wake up and realize her days are numbered. She can't be that clueless. Can she?

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Nat will campaign. There is no way she could keep her trap shut that long! Go Nat.

On live feeds, Nat just said that her hamstrings are sore. She said her quads are good and her calves are fine. So this is totally inconsistent with her asking Sharon what the tendon in the back of her ankle was. (Achilles) She was playing dumber than she is IMO

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I think trust is out the window when it gets down to 6. It becomes more about how you treat people and how people are "played" and that is where Nat has failed she tried to "play" everyone at once.

And while on the surface it would be smart game play to take Nat to the end, Its Not!

Because anyone that is voted out before her from this point would give her the vote out of spite. That would be 3 votes that you wouldnt get. And with Matt thinking that he will get something if Nat wins thats 4.

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